Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katy Perry takes the Ice Bucket Challenge to the next level

katy perry

Guys, I’m sick of the ice bucket challenge. I realize it’s for a good cause and that ALS deserves more attention/money for research and treatment, but can’t we all just DONATE MONEY instead of drawing attention to ourselves by pouring buckets of water over our heads? I dunno, I’m just feeling a little exhausted of it all – it’s like posting pictures of yourself without makeup on Facebook “for cancer”. Definitely helping a lot of people, I’m sure.

In any case, Katy Perry is the most recent celebrity to take part in this trendy charity thingymabob and she actually took it to the extreme, using ACTUAL ICE in her bucket, unlike some people – no names mentioned, but apparently there have been stories about some participants using warm water which, you know, completely defeats the supposed purpose. Below is Queen Katy taking on the challenge because the site I was the founding editor of challenged her to do it. There’s also a little vid of her hanging out in a pool with her gays, because why not?

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