Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paul Simon And Wife Arrested For Disorderly Conduct


Well this is strange. Legendary singer/songwriter Paul Simon, was arrested, along with his wife, Edie Brickell, for getting into a serious fight. They were released on Sunday and appeared in court Monday, all smiles. From CNN:

Singer-songwriter Paul Simon said Monday that he and wife Edie Brickell “had an argument” before they were arrested Saturday.

Brickell, in a statement sent to CNN by her lawyer, said she started it.

“I got my feelings hurt and I picked a fight with my husband,” Brickell said.  “The police called it disorderly.  Thank God it’s orderly now”

Simon and Brickell were arrested on disorderly conduct charges by police investigating a family dispute at their New Canaan, Connecticut, home Saturday night, according to police. “Investigating officers gathered information and found probable cause to arrest” Simon, 72, and Brickell, 47, a police statement said.

The couple was released from custody Sunday morning.

They held hands when appearing before a judge in the Norwalk Superior Court Monday.

“Edie and I are fine,” Simon said. “We’re going to see our son’s baseball game this afternoon.”

Paul Simon is one of the last people I would ever think of as being “disorderly”. He seems so goddamn gentle.

Whatever is going on between the two of them, I really hope it’s okay. Her phrasing of the events sounds a little odd to me.

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