Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Elton John Wrote A Song Inspired By Lindsay Lohan

elton john carnegie hall

Elton John wrote a song about Lindsay Lohan, and thankfully it wasn’t yet another reworked version of Candle In The Wind (Lohan wishes!). The song is “The Diving Board” and was inspired by Lohan’s ~~turbulent~~ life.

From Entertainmentwise:

It could be a summation of my career because it’s about young people becoming successful and diving off into the unknown. What’s going to happen? Are they going to survive it? Are they going to become victims of their own success? Are other people going to prey on them and destroy them?

You could actually say it’s about me, but I was thinking about Lindsay Lohan when I was writing it.

I hate to think of Lindsay because she has a talent, she was a great actress, and then it became all about the madness, the parties and everyone forgets about what put them there in the first place – they get lost in the idea that they are famous for who they are, not what they are.

Oh yes, let’s all cry a river for Lindsay Lohan. He’s making it sound like someone did something to her. Everything she did, she did it to herself. Please tell me Bernie Taupin wasn’t involved in this mess.

I wonder if he’ll do a song about Chris Brown, since they’re such BFFs.


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