Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Simon Cowell “Feels Good” About Having A Kid

simon cowell harry styles

Simon Cowell once said, if asked if he would ever have kids, “God, no, I couldn’t have children…You’ve got to be up at a certain time. Got to listen when all you want to do is sit in a corner thinking.” He’s since changed his mind now that his lady friend is having their kid. I guess that’s a good thing, because it would really suck if he had a kid he didn’t want. He hasn’t been saying anything about it, probably because of the whole “I got my best friend’s wife pregnant whoops” thing but for the first time he’s talking about it. From The BBC via People:

I’m proud to be a dad. It’s something I hadn’t thought of before, but now I know I feel good about it.

Well that’s very nice, Simon.

No, really, it is.
