Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Caption This: This Week’s Photo


Hello, beeters! It’s that time again – a new photo, a new chance to caption for a sweet Evil Beet t-shirt. Remember guys, a life without risk, isn’t really a life at all. Therefore, take a look at the photo above and give us your funniest, most unique captions below, then check back next week to find out if you’ve won.

As for last week’s Will Smith photo, here’s the winners below.

Winner: john with “The on field re enactment of “after earth” is not going as well as Will hoped.”

Runner-up: Der Hound with “Upon seeing all the large Cocks behind him, Will Smith immediately went into his West Philly mating ritual hopping to secure a mate.”

So come on guys, get captioning on this week’s photo

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