Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lady Gaga Makes An (Almost) Normal Bridesmaid

lady gaga bridesmaid

Lady Gaga is in the news lately for what she’s been wearing, but unlike her usual “I am basically wearing a palm tree” or “I am wearing a giant Pikachu costume as designed by Versace” she’s been photographed in normal attire, like a regular bikini and now, a non-flashy, normal, pink bridesmaid gown. Well, almost non-flashy. The J.Lo deep v-cut is a little attention grabbing. But I’ve seen wedding photos of bridesmaids in more revealing attire.

Ms. Gaga’s longtime friend got married in Mexico over the weekend. Hope her friend didn’t mind the paparazzi helicopter photos, but she had to know what she was getting into.

Gaga looked pretty and lovely in something sweet and girly, and were it not for the giant bright blonde Amy Winehouse-esque beehive, she would have achieved full normal. I think it’s far more interesting to see Gaga in subdued outfits and makeup now that we’ve seen her for years in over-the-top fashion.

And it’s interesting to see her amidst normal people, and not at the center of attention. For once, Lady Gaga was at an event and she wasn’t the star. I bet Gaga was so happy to give that to her friend (not being sarcastic). I wonder if her friend was worried that her wedding would be all about Gaga, but I think they’ve got a good, trustworthy group going on, and everyone gave the bride the proper attention and support. Damn, I’m getting all emotional now. F-cking weddings.

lady gaga bridesmaid at friend's wedding

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