Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Eva Longoria’s Ready For Love Again – Any Takers?

eva longoria

Eva Longoria is pretty bad at love, I guess (she can’t even keep a TV show about it on air – zing!), but it doesn’t have to be this way! There’s someone out there for everyone! Love comes when you least expect it! All the other things people say to single women here!

Anyway, while she’s recently been linked to some dude who was on Ready For Love named Ernesto Arguello, she insists that’s not true, but she is open to a relationship with a nice guy should he come along. Basically, stop making bullshit reports about her dating life, everybody.

From Extra:

“I’m always ready for love. Apparently, I’m ready for love with everybody because I’m linked to everybody. People always want to make assumptions on your life, and so when I started to produce a show about love, then all of a sudden love became the topic for me.”

Fair enough, girl. In all seriousness, Eva seems like an alright lady and a “total catch“, as they say, so I’m sure love will come her way soon.

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