Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Takes Back All That Stuff She Said About Her Mom

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

Oh, that time that Lindsay said that Dina was on cocaine? And “like, touching her neck and shit”? And that “she’s like the f-cking devil right now”? Oh yeah, and that thing about how the fight was about money that Lindsay gave to Dina?

Yeah, none of that was true. Why would you even think that? Because there was a recording of her saying all those things? Psh, don’t be so naive.

Lindsay called TMZ and told them that she “told my dad a really hurtful and untruthful lie about my mom. She was not on cocaine.” And also “daughters have fights with their moms. It happens a lot. It’s normal.” See, no big deal! I know that personally I call my dad and claim that my mom is on cocaine and touching her neck all the time. It’s normal! And then me and my mom, we start breaking shit, and she scratches me, and someone calls 911 and tells them that she’s holding me against my will. Happens a lot.

Oh, but Lindsay is also still talking about that Dr. Phil interview that Dina did, calling it “vile” and “disgusting.” Father of the year Michael Lohan invited himself into the conversation by saying “Why is it that every time someone nails Dina doing something wrong, either on camera or on tape, they are always lying,” which is a fair point. It’s gross that he’s still talking to the media about his daughter, but it’s still a fair point.

This is completely unrelated, but Lindsay also said this last night about her pick for president:

“I just think employment is really important right now. So, as of now, Mitt Romney. As of now. It’s a long story.”

Probably because Obama totally snubbed her via Twitter. It’s a long story.

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  • What an idiot. She lies about finally telling the truth. She asked TMZ not to make fun of her and then she goes out and shills a drink called Mr. Pink.