Today's Evil Beet Gossip

It’s Taylor Swift’s New Song, “I Knew You Were Trouble”

Ok, I’ll ease up on all the Taylor Swift stuff after this, I promise. But I wasn’t about to just let a new song of hers go by without sharing it with you guys. That would just be silly.

This song, as you already know, is called “I Knew You Were Trouble,” and it’s probably one of the top five most annoying songs I’ve ever heard. I listened to the whole thing because I’m dedicated, but about halfway through the first verse I started sighing and squirming and rolling my eyes. This song made me physically uncomfortable, that’s how annoying it is.

And this one’s definitely about John Mayer, right? We don’t need to debate that? It has all the same themes as “Dear John,” but with more irritating music. Because that’s exactly what this world needs: a more irritating Taylor Swift.

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