Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Tom Cruise Really Depressed Nicole Kidman

photo of nicole kidman crying pictures sad face pic

“… I got married really fast and really young. But I don’t regret that because it got me (my children) Bella and Connor and I did have a fantastic marriage for a long period. Then when it didn’t work out I had to really dig deep and find my way through depression. I have no regrets about all of it. It was all part of growing up.”

So I suppose it’s not quite accurate to say that Tom Cruise literally depressed Nicole Kidman, because she kind of alludes to the fact that her depression was as a result of her split with Tom, who she wed when she was a young twenty-three, and with whom she spent eleven years. But I have no doubts that Scientology and craziness definitely attributed to her depression, because seriously. When you’re married to the Savior of Scientology and he, duh, loves Scientology, how does one—even one as lovely as Nicole Kidman, pre-Botox face—compare with that? How does one compare with the cryogenically-frozen L. Ron Hubbard DNA that was apparently just too high class for the likes of Nicole?

God. I’d be depressed, too.

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