Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mia Wasikowska Looks Amazing for British Vogue

photo of mia wasikowska vogue uk pictures
Why don’t we talk about Mia Wasikowska much around here? Good question. The answer to that is, simply, “I have no idea.” She was frankly wonderful in Alice in Wonderland, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about the rest of her performance projects (Jane Eyre, Albert Nobbs, Madame Bovary), so I guess we should probably bone up on our Mia-love, because this chick’s apparently going places, and at the ripe young age of twenty-two, too.

Also? In the gallery photo labeled ‘Mia 4’, she looks so much like Kate Hudson that it’s almost alarming. Alarming.

Here’s an excerpt from Mia’s interview, which is interesting in itself, but it’s the photos you really want, guys. It’s definitely the photos.

Here’s Mia on missing her home while she’s working:

“Back in Canberra our house is very chaotic. My younger brother is there while he’s studying, and my dad and my sister, her boyfriend and her baby, so there’s always someone somewhere. I really miss that hive of activity when I’m living in a hotel room. And I have the outdoors here, which I love. The garden back home is like a fantastical reality.”

On feeling like a movie star:

“I never get noticed in any significant way. I never feel like a movie star. I feel like I have a constant series of surreal moments, where I’m thinking, ‘Oh wow. This is so strange for me that this is my life.’ Which is great.”

On her own personal style:

“I prefer an older style. As in vintage, not the style of the elderly. I don’t mean support tights!”

Right? She’s cute. She’s likable, and she’s got some interesting things to talk about, I suppose. BUT THE PHOTOS. My God, they’re just fabulous.

Photos courtesy of Vogue UK

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • “I’ve heard nothing but good things about the rest of her performance projects (Jane Eyre, Albert Nobbs, Madame Bovary).”

    I don’t see how that’s possible, because Madame Bovary hasn’t even been filmed yet.

  • The reason we don’t talk about her more is because she’s scandal/gossip free. Go her! (Though sad for us lol)

  • I don’t like her at all, I didn’t like her Alice, I didn’t like her Jane, and I won’t be seeing any more of her films. Not that she’s bad, but I simply don’t like her. She’s like Marmite.

  • She is very pretty, but why did they make her look so plain? She almost looks manly in these pictures and that is insane. Mia looking manly? Wtf? Someone sucks at their job…. In my opinion.

  • Haters gonna hate, but in the end Mia continues piling up great roles. Meanwhile, what’s K-Stew up to?