Today's Evil Beet Gossip

James Holmes, the Scumbag Who Killed All Those People at the Movie Theater, Said He Was the Joker

photo of james holmes mugshot pictures
You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, you have got to be f-cking kidding me. I’m seriously seeing red right now. There are tears, and I am not kidding. I am so angry and so sad for these people, and all because some f-cking crazed NUTJOB forgot to take his meds for a few days.

From the Washington Post, a blurb on what the state of Holmes’ apartment was:

Police converged on Holmes’s apartment, in a modest section of the Denver suburb about five miles from the theater, about 2 a.m., after Holmes indicated there were explosives there. Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters that the apartment, No. 10., was rigged with “pretty sophisticated” explosives and was not safe to enter. “We could be here for days,” the Denver Post quoted Oates as saying.

A neighbor of Holmes’s said she and other residents were woken by police and told to get dressed and evacuate immediately. The police did not explain the reason or mention the mass shooting, but asked whether residents of the small apartment building had heard any noises coming from apartment No. 10.

When taken into custody, Holmes also said that he was the Joker (Batman reference):

“We have some information, most of it is public. It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was ‘The Joker,’ obviously the enemy of Batman.”

No, I don’t give a shit that this asshole had mental problems (one would assume; how anyone could rationally do something like this and justify it as OK is way beyond me), and I don’t care that he apparently may just have problems of his own. His rights and respect went right out the window when he decided to open fire on a bunch of innocent people and act like it was a damn joke.

39 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yup, sad. Crazy. Unfathomable. But things like this happen every day. Just recently an Iranian suicide bomber blew a bus with Israeli tourists back in my home country Bulgaria, one of the victims was a 44 year woman who was pregnant after years of fertility treatment. I cried too. It’s always so damn awful when people die, especially by the hand of other people. This reminds me that at the end of the day there are so many more important things in life than reading celebrity gossip – I have long thought it culturally and morally degrading anyways – and the mishap with reporting Sage Stallone’s death didn’t quite put me off of it, but this does. I’m officially out of here.


      • Asswipe, save your idiotice conspiracy theories for other message boards. The only ones killing Jewish tourists are Iranian or Hezbollah terrorists. Oh, by the way, put your tinfoil hat back on, it’s lying there at your feet.

  • Of course, that doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t find distraction from the world’s violence and suffering in gossip blogs; it’s just I prefer to instead emphasise on my other interests in terms of leisure.

    This in case someone finds my above statement somewhat pretentious….

  • This guy is why I support the death penalty. Some people are just broken and can’t be fixed. If they can’t be fixed, what’s the point in rehabilitating them? If they can’t be rehabilitated, they’re a persistent threat to all non-lethal people. If they’re a persistent threat, you’ve got to remove them. If they can’t be rehabilitated and you’ve got to remove them, you’ve got to put them down as humanely as possible.

    • Death penalty is way too easy…..solitary confinement until they croak him? That sucks. If found guilty, shave his head/tattoo his crimes on his forehead, throw him in general population and in a cell with a dude named Bubba who has himself a new girlfriend. I don’t believe in the death penalty but I do believe in justice, and I do believe that there are fuckers who deserve to die in a horrific manner…… Let jailhouse justice prevail!!

  • If he has schizophrenia which might be the cause of his delusions, they often have a disconnect between the emotions they convey and the emotions they are feeling. It’s one of the symptoms of schizophrenia and that ciuld be a reason why he is smiling in his mugshot. It’s not that he thinks it is hilarious what he just did, it just looks like he does. That’s why people with schizophrenia often laugh during inappropriate times. I am obviously not diagnosing him with schizophrenia it just sounds like he could have it and in that case also does not know how to convey emotions properly. It is also a shame that America’s mental health system does not give people the proper treatment they need because anti psychotic medication is expensive and most people with little or no insurance cannot afford it and some insurances don’t cover it. Not saying what he did was excusable. This is my first time posting but I just had to say something.

    • Or it could be that he just didn’t bother to take his medication, like many mentally ill people do. Nothing has been reported about him not being able to afford his medications (he was a med student, so I imagine he could afford it) or being unable to get mental health services.

      Will just have to wait for the facts to be reported.

      I’d like to know how a medical student can afford all those guns and explosives.

    • Some news sites have used that photo and it is not a mugshot. It was his ID photo for his University. Still looksl ike a crazy tho.

  • I just lost a loved one in an accident. I can’t imagine the trauma of having someone DELIBERATELY snatched away. I feel awful for all those families. I hope this fucker gets tortured to death in prison.

  • This is so shocking and horrible, and I definitely support the death penalty in cases like this. I don’t like when murderers get their face splashed all over the news and other sites though. Don’t give this piece of garbage more attention than necessary.

  • I know that this sounds extremely self-centered (which it is), but I’m always terrified with stories like these that the person will claim to belong to a group to which I also belong. A minority group–white supremacists are white supremacists. But all that someone has to do to temporarily sabotage any group’s public image is even be *believed* to be a part of a group that struggles in the good publicity department. I mean, if he had told the police: “I did it because gay marriage isn’t legal everywhere,” it would have compounded the dreadful tragedy by…complicating things for millions of other people.

    But that’s not what he said. And you know what? He’s not even an actual nerd, so I’m safe as a nerd. The Joker’s hair is GREEN. Not red. And while confusing basic appearance information is the least of this guy’s wrongdoings, we can see that he’s crazy on multiple levels.

  • I’m sorry, but I have to protest to this headline. Look, what he did was clearly, obviously completely wrong and very messed up. No one’s challenging that…but I do take issue with calling him a ‘scumbag.’ I think it’s probably pretty easy to make that call, to write him off as a ‘scumbag,’ but the man was pretty clearly quite sick. The fact that he was mentally unwell doesn’t excuse his actions, of course, but I don’t think it’s right to simply plaster him with the title of ‘scumbag’ and move on. He should be put in prison, but he should also receive help, no? Scumbag seems unfair when people have psychotic breaks every day.

    • I call BULLSHIT on your entire post….. People have psychotic breaks everyday, most however, don’t open fire in a crowd. How do you know he was “clearly quite sick”? Protest away ya stupid twat, I’m thinking your protests will fall on deaf ears!!

    • sheeyah. wrong, danielle. THIS is a scumbag for sure. i come from a long line of loonies, and off their meds, they wouldn’t do…thisssss : /

  • I live in Colorado and was shaken when I heard all of this. I cannot imagine how the people in that theater must have felt or how their loved ones feel now.

    I cannot hop on the crucifixion bandwagon though. I couldn’t with Columbine (despite having loved ones that attended and meeting several of the survivors later in life) and I won’t now. He obviously has something deeply wrong with him. I hope he gets the help he needs and I truly feel for his family. I cannot imagine the pain they must be in. I absolute understand the immediate desire to call him a scumbag and nail him to the wall.. I just also have to reserve a little bit of pity for whatever he is going through.

    Someone above said that the mentally ill “just don’t bother” to take their medication. It is not that they are just flagrantly blowing it off… in many cases the medication makes them feel better… so they think that they are healthy and stop taking their meds. By the time it gets caught, they have often made quite a mess of their lives. People with paranoid disorders have issues taking medications for obvious reasons and frequently mixed pills or large doses of anti-psychotics can have really negative side effects, which can also lead to a patient not taking their medication.

    So many people have been hurt today, I cannot help but cry thinking about it. I never thought I would wake up to another morning like this.

    • me: you are correct. Did not mean to imply in my comment they “blew off” taking medication. A woman I knew in college took her own life after she stopped taking her medications becasue she didn’t like the “fuzziness” it caused her. There can be myriad reasons for not taking medication. A lot of times with bad results.

  • Jesus Christ, people going ‘insane’ all over the bloody place. Killing children, God help us! America get a grip and, sort your gun laws out now how many more poor innocent people need to get killed, idiots, selling bullets in big supermarkets to anyone, that’s retarded! This guy was clearly insane and angry beyond belief, wonder how his childhood was, there you will usually find your answer, the Batman thing is bullxxxx, he would have most likely would have done it anyway. A quick death is too easy for him and probably what he’d like now. He should be put in the smallest cell possible, dark, no windows, no food etc, let him suffer for his sick sick crime in the worst way. So many looney sickos out there, this is tragic beyond belief. My heart and prayers goes out to those families of the bereaved.

    • Oh, baby, the positively LAST thing that will be done is beefing up gun laws!!!!! Right now, the NRA is in battle formation and every right-wing nut is leaping onto their soap-box and screaming “Right to bear arms!” like it’s out of the Bible. So, just scratch that idea. Ain’t gonna happen. The mentally ill SCUMBAG murderer is a lot like the Unibomber. And whoever said he probably stopped his meds is probably right, if he was taking any in the first place. No death penalty for him. He’ll spend the rest of his life in a federal lock-up, picking daisies off the wall, the end.

  • Where’s the Ryan Gosling Sarah? Sure mock and belittle the death of one life and the All of the sudden you have enough compassion now to experience sympathy? Tears even? You must have got all your sleep. You evil bitch.

  • His parents said they tried to make him get help but no one would listen.. and he is too old and can refuse their demands that he be examined and locked up until he is given meds or put away … given treatments.. for everyone’s safety..

  • what I see from most of the posts here is lack of compassion im sure you wll want to send me a message telling me im a nut job or whatever it is most of mankind do. I have compassion for james holmes and the victims. When will the world see this will keep happening until the world WAKES UP. How do you know all the victims were kind people maybe they hurt people to. This world is ignorant and children are lashing out and it will keep happening until you WAKE UP. Remember what really is out there humanity. unless you know someone is truly evil then dont judge. hows saying hes a nut job how do you know his life experiences. maybe he came to help the world and just got hurt and hurt. Still humanity go about there ignorant ways how much money can i get vanity and so on. these things are not real. Im not saying what james holmes did was the best action but maybe his action had rightousness in his ideas. you can tell me what you think of me but you dont know me and what you say is not true. Try remembering compassion humanity unless someone shows to be true evil without any reason nehin actions then try compassion. WAKE UP……………………………..

    • What about YOU and YOUR meds, dear? Your post sounds like your brains were put in a blender.


  • OH in case you forgot what WAKE UP means it means remembering your spirit who you actually are and your origins…..