Today's Evil Beet Gossip

MISSING: Two Eyebrows! REWARD: Six Cases of Diet Pepsi!

photo of britney spears no eyebrows bikini pictures
This is a photo that Britney Spears posted to her Facebook account over the last day or so, showing one awesome bikini body, two adorable young children, a non-trashed hotel (?) room, and the glaringly-obvious absence of two eyebrows, and anyone who’s ever seen Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’ knows what a bad, bad look the whole no-eyebrows thing can be on the wrong face.

Aside from all of that business, though, girlfriend looks great, right? From the neck down, she looks almost like the old Britney that everyone’s always inquiring about. From the neck up? Well. She looks like a drugged-out Bob Geldof, now, doesn’t she?

Can we maybe go ahead and do something about that, Britney’s handlers? Come on now.