Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess the Celebrity Tattoo: The Twinsies! Edition

photo of bird tattoo pictures
So if you thought that this tattoo looked familiar, and remembered that you’d just seen it on Justin Bieber’s skinny-ass torso yesterday, you were right. Because it’s like the tattoos were done simultaneously. Don’t believe me? Here’s Justin Bieber’s:

photo of justin bieber pictures
All I want, though, is for someone to explain why people are getting tattoos of hollow birds on their bodies? Is this a thing? And if it is, I must have missed it, right? Because last I checked, I have no hollow bird tattoos on my body anywhere. What the hell does it all mean, guys? Commenter Hallie was kind enough to shed some light on the bird tattoo thing yesterday on the Justin Bieber thread:

Like all Justin’s tattoos, that seagull thing has religious undertones. It’s supposed to represent ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ by Richard Bach – some book about a gull that represents God. WTF. I didn’t know he could read.

But I didn’t realize that this ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ thing was a cult tattoo thing.

Jump in to find out who this particular bird belongs to.

photo of carey mulligan pictures
Yup. That’s Carey Mulligan. I guess we’re supposed to assume that she and Justin Bieber are on the same wavelength or whatever? Because that’s not anything to really be all that proud of, girl.

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