Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Kris Jenner’s Stupid Dress

A photo of Kris Jenner

Do you guys have something that you really, truly hate? Something you hate with every single fiber of your being? And I’m not talking about something that you hate for a legitimate reason, like something that’s actually, univerally horrible or something that directly affects you in a negative way. I’m talking about something that you have no logical reason for hating and that you might feel a little silly for hating, but man, do you hate it with such a passion.

For me, one of those things is Kris Jenner‘s dress. It’s not doing anything to me. It’s a piece of clothing on someone else’s body. I don’t even have to look at it if I don’t want to. But it bugs the hell out of me, and I feel like talking about it.

First of all, Kris Jenner looks great. She really does. I’m not trying to take that away from her. But that dress … it’s one of those dresses that are meant to slim you down, but not with good structuring or a special fit, no. It slims you down by those painfully obvious black panels on the side. It’s an “optical illusion.” And it drives me f-cking crazy.

You might have seen this dress before, because Kate Winslet is a fan of them as well. She wore one to a film premiere last year:

A photo of Kate Winslet

That one’s ok. I still hate it, but it’s all right. But she wore another one to a premiere a few months before that. And that’s the dress that started it all:

A photo of Kate Winslet

This one has the black panels to slim you down AND the white bodice to, I don’t know, make you more busty, I guess. It just looks so incredibly tacky to me. When did we forget about the value of a solid undergarment? There are shapers and spanx and push-up bras and all sorts of contraptions to change the way your body looks if you really want to use them, and you can wear any old clothes over them. You don’t have to resort to this, ladies. You don’t.

And I know, I know, I’m just a bitter old harpy who has nothing better to do than to bitch about everything. I’ve heard it before. But you guys, really, let’s be honest here: do any of you love this dress?

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