Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Jon Hamm Isn’t A Fan of The Kardashians

A photo of Jon Hamm

“Whether it’s Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated. Being a f*cking idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly.”

And that’s Jon Hamm telling the God’s honest truth.

I know we don’t really talk about Jon Hamm all that often around here, but you know who we do talk about pretty regularly? Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. The thing is though that this is a gossip blog, and we pay our bills by telling you guys all the ins and outs of celebrities. If Jon Hamm released hilariously awful music videos or if he was the kind of guy who did ridiculous things all for fame and fortune, then we’d probably talk about him a lot more. As it is, he’s just a really good actor who is also very handsome. There’s not a whole lot to gossip about there, is there?

But you know, on my own time I do watch the Kardashian shows and Jersey Shore and whatnot, and if I wasn’t too busy struggling to pass chemistry or whatever in high school, I probably would have watched The Simple Life as well. I don’t really have an excuse for that one, so I guess I celebrate stupidity too.

Ugh. Thanks, Jon Hamm, for making me feel so shitty about all those times that I watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians and ate cake and cried. They made me feel better about my own life, Jon. They made me realize that even though I had some tough things to get through, at least I wasn’t as dumb as Kim Kardashian. Was that so bad, to feel those beautiful 20 minutes of peace? Was it, Jon?

What do you guys think? Is it cool to watch these shows as long as you can appreciate them for what they are, or should I just start watching Mad Men or something?

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  • I don’t think anyone should watch those “reality” shows. Why support stupidity? I’ve honestly never watched one. I only know about these ridiculous people from these blogs. They don’t need people supporting their stupid behavior by buying into their crap. Sure, sometimes its fun to read about their lives but if we stopped watching these shows think of the possibilities. Maybe there would be a lot more entertaining and uplifting things to watch. Wouldn’t that be the day?