Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Tiffani-Amber Thiessen is Hot Again, Always

photo of tiffani amber thiessen pictures photos hot 2012 post baby pic
Wow! And what’s she been up to lately, huh? I don’t know. Attending USA channel events. Like the one from the above photo. Which I don’t even care to investigate (even though I’m sure it’s got to do with White Collar, since that’s the only project she’s been working on lately). But it doesn’t matter right now. Because Tiffani Amber Thiessen is way f-cking hot again and that’s what I want to talk about for a minute. Remember this?:

photo of tiffani amber thiessen in 2011 pictures
Hot, yes. But not nearly as hot as what’s going on at the top of this page. No way. And then, of course, there was this, which a lot of people thought she’d never recover from:

photo of tiffani amber thiessen pictures pregnancy photos pics
But I was all like, “Duh, it’s Kelly Kapowski. There’s a rule written down somewhere that says no matter what happens, she remains eternally hot.” Plus, come on. She’s a celebrity in Hollywood. Did you expect her to keep the pregnancy bloat-face for the rest of her life? It’s just not realistic!

Anyway, Tiffani’s been up to a whole lot lately, actually. She … well, she turned thirty-eight last month. She had a birthday! Isn’t that great? She’s also still doing that White Collar thing, which, if you didn’t know, is a series on who also stars Matt Bomer, who just confirmed to the world that he’s gay. I suppose that could be of one of those meta-relational things that keeps her name in the news. We talked about the Matt Bomer thing for a whole two days here, didn’t we? There must have been something that spurred me to talk about Tiffani Amber Thiessen today other than the fact that she’s just, you know, hot.

Last, she recently did an interview where she said that she never watched Saved by the Bell: The New Class. What is THAT. I mean really, what is it? I have the first season on DVD and I thought it sucked, but it was the point of the matter! Tiffani said:

“I didn’t … I don’t watch a lot of TV, sadly enough, especially now, being a mom, I don’t watch a lot of TV.”

Well, um, OK. It’s good to know that you’re still plugging away, Tiff, and also good to know that you’re still smoking hot!

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