Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Janice Dickinson Never Holds Back

A photo of Janice Dickinson

“Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian? Sluts, whores and sluts. That’s what they are. That fake sham marriage was disgusting because they did it for money! She’s a fraud, she’s a hoax.”

Janice Dickinson explains her views on the likes of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.

Janice went on to call Kim’s famous ass a “heap of lard” and recounted a tale of a time when she ran into Kim and Kris Jenner and ended the conversation with calling them both fake and walking away.

I know that a lot of times you guys don’t really care for Janice Dickinson, for whatever reason, but I think this might be a really rare time when you’re actually on her side. Am I right?

3 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I was with her until she called them whores and sluts. Those are horrible names used to shame women for their sex life. I think Kardashian is a talentless moron, and so is Hilton, but calling them sluts and whores isn’t positive.

    • Sorry, there’s NOTHING positive about Paris Hilton or the Kardashians. They deserve all the abuse one can heap on them, as they are shameless money-whores.