Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: The Duggars Seriously Just Broke My Heart

photo of jim bob and michelle duggar pictures photos
“We have had many tears today. This is life, and I understand that we are going though something that many others have. You think about the what-ifs, but God gives us strength to go on. We won’t be able to see this child’s life and the phases that we’ve seen for our other children, but we know we will see this child in heaven one day. We are thankful for each child, and we are blessed to have the children we have here and the ones we will meet someday in heaven.”

Oh man. I don’t give a crap how you feel about this family, their spirituality, or how many kids they have – you can’t imagine what it’d be like to deliver a stillborn child at twenty weeks’ gestation, and neither can I. Their pain, though obviously prompting them to continue moving forward, must be immeasurable. I really feel for these two people, and anyone who could say “oh hell, they had it coming,” like I saw on other message boards, must never have experienced the joy of childbirth or the pain of miscarriage or stillbirth. So sad.

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  • I *did* go through a stillbirth at 5 months so I will speak my mind here …

    The Duggars and their famewhore ways make me sick. The loss of a child is a time of sadness of grief, not of public appearances and interviews. I understand they are in the public eye, but why not make a simple announcement of the loss and then grieve privately?

    Oh right, no money/attention in that.

  • Sarah, the finality of your statement is exaggerating. Many more women had gone through the pain of miscarriage and still think this family is a bunch of crazy bible thumpers who just don’t know when to stop.

    It’s biology, plain and simple. You just can’t have an endless amount of children, and your body lets you know when this time has come.

    Besides, your pathetic tone cannot make me feel sorry for them. They have 19 kids already. Grandkids too. I am not religious, but hey, they should count the blessings they have. And I’d rather feel sympathetic to a woman who is NOT on TV and doesn’t have any children, but wants some badly, and just had a miscarriage.

  • well sorry, but i can’t feel sorry for them. they have a fucking ton of children already and they nearly lost number 19. they knew the risks bloody well and they are just a sad example of fanatic christians.
    they are d i s g u s t i n g, this child in her worn out uterus had the chances of a snowball in hell. idiots.

  • WOW the lack of sympathy for parents who just buried a child is stunning and says more about the person posting than the Duggars.

  • Please don’t take this the wrong way…. But if you weren’t at the moment pregnant you would probably feel a little differently…. Maybe… I don’t know you personally…. And I’m speaking from the point of view of someone who has lost a baby tragically in the middle of a pregnancy…. it is devastating… And the fear of losing another never leaves you…. And yes I am currently pregnant…. And it took me five years to be able to let go of some of that grief to allow myself to try for another kid… That being said… Regardless of their religious beliefs/convictions, I do find it a little exasperating that this woman keeps popping out kids…. There is no way she is able to give each of those children the love and attention they need/want on a daily basis… Hence you always see the older children walking around with the babies on their hips…. Maybe that’s what the cameras want you to see….. Who really knows…. If I was personally given a wake up call in the form of a very premature baby and preeclampsia…. And the possibility that if I were to get pregnant it could very well end tragically for me…. Resulting in my existing children being motherless… Then I would be grateful for the “gifts God has given me”… And be the best mother I could…. It almost seems as if she has an addiction to being pregnant…. That’s her thing…. She’s the woman who keeps popping out kids…. Maybe the best thing for her family would be to step quietly out of the spotlight…. Go back to living their virtuous God-loving life…. But that’s probably not gonna happen…. I think they like having the cameras around…..

    • You make some really, really good points, and I’m glad to see that you’re not insensitive to the subject, and yes, I might be a little biased because I’m currently pregnant, but I’m pretty sure I’d be crushed if this happened to me no matter how many kids I’d birthed prior. I’m kind of uncertain as to how I feel about their plethora of kids, but speaking as if it were an isolated incident, I feel horribly for them.

  • I too feel horrible…. It’s a horrible thing…. And when these people first came on the scene she was on like kid #13… My husband and I both said “who cares if they have that many kids…. They’re not on welfare… No assistance what-so-ever…. Doing it their way because that’s what they believe in…their kids seem like genuinely good kids…. Good for them..”…. And it just seems like they have lost that along the way…. like they’ve stretched themselves too thin … There comes a point when you have to take your own health into your own hands….

  • Maybe, just maybe, her body was trying to tell her something…..after about 20+ children. I’m surprised her bones aren’t the consistency of chalk and her teeth haven’t fallen out. I feel the sorriest for all those kids who are going to lose their mother someday if this woman doesn’t quit. It’s no joke; this time was a biological warning, the next time, she might not get off as easy.