Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Are You Proud of Yourself, Twilight?

You ruin lives, Twilight. Did you know that? With your sparkling men and your lip-biting ladies, you destroy precious lives. I hope you can sleep at night.

Oh, you didn’t do anything wrong? You’re just a harmless book series that was made into a harmless movie series that has no real, serious impact on people’s lives? You know so little of your power, Twilight. So, so little.

Why, just this past Saturday, you changed a girl’s life forever. You could have killed her, do you realize that? And don’t give me that “people are in charge of their own choices and they have to live with those consequences” claptrap, because I don’t want to hear it. Little Olivia from Illinois, a girl of just 18 years of age, was arrested after police found her car in a ditch. The girl “was driving with no right front tire and was extremely intoxicated,” and do you want to know why? Do you want to know why this girl was upset enough to get completely trashed and drive her car with three tires into a ditch?

Because she was mad at her boyfriend because he didn’t take her to see Breaking Dawn like he promised.

So the next time you want to parade around thinking that you don’t have the ability to change lives, I want you to take a moment to consider this tale, Twilight. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be a little more careful next time.

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hate Twilight as much as the next person, but I don’t think it’s exactly responsible for the accident. HOWEVER-the danger with useless tripe like Twilight is that the world is chock full of stupid, vapid people who buy into it. Urgh.

  • You can’t be seriously blaming Twilight for this girl’s stupidity. She f*cking 18 years old. Sometimes I can’t believe I live in the same world as some of these morons.

  • do you girls know the meaning of the phrase tongue in cheek?

    also, why couldn’t she have gone by herself? i did. i fell asleep and woke up when bella looked like she was from belsen. good ending though.

  • a little dose of reality. that movie is causing people to have SEIZURES, like my boyfriend’s cousin. it actually is dangerous with all those flashing lights.