Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Nancy Grace Talks Dancing With the Stars

photo of nancy grace dancing with the stars pictures photos pics

“I’ve inadvertently lost 10 lbs. on the I’m-too-tired-to-eat diet. By the time I get the children [3-year-old twins Lucy and John David] ready for school, then practice and then come home, I’m like exhausted. … If you would have told me five to seven hours of dance practice was fun, I would have never believed you, but it is. There are a lot of women out there who are like me – they work all day and take care of their children. And if they are like me, you don’t always have the best self image or are in work mode all the time. I would like to send the message to them that they can follow their dream and believe, which is hard sometimes.”

Nancy Grace, on the trials of going from a cushy news analyst position to a position that forces her to bend in all sorts of awkward positions.

I don’t know about you guys, but I just adore Nancy Grace. I remember the first time I really caught wind of who she was, during the early beginnings of the Casey Anthony case: my mother-in-law, who’s obsessed with HLN, called me on the phone to say, “Girl, you need to check this woman out. This is a woman to watch. She’s intelligent, witty, driven, and above all, she’s a Southerner.” And my MIL was right. After watching a full five minutes of Grace in action on her show, I immediately fell in love and the affair’s been going strong since then.

Do you guys just love Nancy Grace or, I don’t know, not love Nancy Grace?

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