Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Victoria Beckham Is So Brave

A photo of Victoria Beckham

And no, I’m not just referring to the fact that she’s married to a man who likes to consider himself a Christlike figure. ZING!

No, I’m talking about those shoes. Look at those shoes for a minute, ok? And I know that Victoria lives in stilettos, but bring your eyes up to that tender little baby in her arms. Are you as amazed as I am? Or is it just that I am so laughably horrible* at maneuvering around in heels that I find this really simple task incredibly astounding*?

*For real, my first niece was born when I was 11, which is also when those awful platform shoes were big, remember? I had a pair of ugly ass, pea green foam sandals with a four inch platform, and I was awkward even dancing around my bedroom to Spice Girls. But when I tried to walk my baby niece around and almost tripped and broke her? That is scarring, kids.

*Zero sarcasm. I sincerely want to know.

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