Today's Evil Beet Gossip

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  • Her pregnancy announcement broke the most-tweets-per-second recorded for a single event. (An astonishing 8.8k/sec!) This is an astonishing display of both our interconnectedness as a culture and rampant idiocy in today’s society.

    Of course, if her fetus really did have a twitter account it’d probably say stuff like: Please don’t go before a genocidal maniac and sing for money (like good ol’ mohmar (that’d be wacky-Gaddafi and pals))! Or please don’t name me something freakin’ stupid!

    On a side note I was going to make a crack about “who’s my daddy?” but I like Jay-Z and, I guess, Beyonce.

    On a real side note I had NO idea there were books on “Rap Technique”. I LOLFR and had to put “How to Rap: The Art & Science of the Hip-Hop MC” on my reading list!