Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Justin Timberlake Talks Porn

photo of justin timberlake pictures photos at cafe in california pics

“It’s [sex scenes] part of your job and we’re both professionals and we definitely pushed it to the end of the shoot. We took two weeks and shot all the scenes in bulk. I think that was wise. But there was nothing really sexy about it. We were in this bed, going, ‘Man I hope people think this is funny.’ For me, personally, watching sex scenes is awkward, so we thought it was a good opportunity for comedy. (They’re awkward) because you watch two people f**k. … I’m joking, I love watching sex – I’m a guy, so I like porn and sex scenes.”

See, boyfriend really had me going there for a second. I was like, “Wow, that’s a really brave, really innovative thing to say, Justin Timberlake,” and Jessica Biel? Well, she’s probably sitting at home, fretfully yanking out fistfuls of her hair saying “I thought he said porn made him uncomfortable!?!”

I mean, I completely have no doubts that’s how this is going today.