Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Girl’s Going to Have to Watch Bachelor Pad

A photo of Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi

I know, I’m judging myself too, but check it out:  I’ve only ever watched about two and a half episodes of The Bachelor, and it was the season with Jake and Vienna.  I watched it mostly because my friend forced it on me, but a little bit of it was because I think Jake is one hot ass motherfucker and I’m always down for some solid dramz.  And let me tell you, friends, this new season of Bachelor Pad is going to be nothing but solid dramz.

Jake and Vienna, who were engaged at the end of their season of The Bachelor, had a nasty breakup last summer.  In front of everyone.  And now, both Jake and Vienna, as well as Vienna’s new boyfriend, are all going to live together.  In the same house.  And it’s going to be televised.  Can you even stand it?!