Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess How Many Inches Kirstie Alley Lost Off Her Waist!

A photo of Kirstie Alley

38. Kirstie Alley is saying that she lost 38 inches off her waistline. I like you, Kirstie, but no you fucking didn’t.  If you lost 38 inches, then you would lose an entire person, and a pretty decently sized person at that.  Not to be mean, but check Yahoo! Answers or a tape measure and you can see that Kirstie’s claim is impossible and ridiculous.

Ladies, it’s ok, seriously.  Just be healthy and happy and charming and nobody will care about exactly how many inches around your waist is.  Can we all just agree on that please?

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She didn’t say she lost 38 inches off her waist. She said she lost 38 inches total. Learn to f*cking read the news.

  • She did not lose 38 off her waist, but 38 total.

    It is a meaningless measurement used by diet / fat loss hucksters. I once tried “European body wraps” (dont waste your money) and they would measure your arm in several places, around your abdomen in several places, legs in several places etc…about 12 measurements overall. Then they do their BS…pull the measuring tape a bit and add the inches up…so one actual inch lost would be represented by about 12 bulloney inches.

    She also said she is now half her dress size…which she now claims to be a 4. There is NO WAY she started off at an 8.

    It would be better if she just said she lost some fat by dancing and leave it at that. We can see she lost and good for her for getting healthier!!

  • It is interesting how now she has lost weight and feels confident and attractive in her own body she is going down the tacky cougar route, with hair extensions and all.

  • What i don’t understand is why everybody talks as if they knew anything. It’s one thing to say “I DON’T THINK she’s lost that much weight” or “I BELIEVE she’s not telling the truth” but to go as far as to say “there’s no way she did this” or “it’s impossible she did that” is just wrong, and quite ignorant too.
    Now, I THINK she looks amazing, I do believe she was pretty fat before, and she’s lost a lot of weight, and honestly, i think she looks pretty damn good for her age.