Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Demi Lovato Talks Eating Disorders

photo of demi lovato in california post rehab pictures photos

“If you are going through that dark period, go to your family and closest friends. Don’t put yourself in danger. It’s very crucial that you get your feelings out – but don’t ever inflict harm on your own body because your body is so sacred. I wish I could tell every young girl with an eating disorder, or who has harmed herself in any way, that she’s worthy of life and that her life has meaning. You can overcome and get through anything. … there have [recently] been times when I definitely have been tempted to get rid of my dinner. But I will deal with it for the rest of my life because it’s a life-long disease. I don’t think there’s going to be a day when I don’t think about food or my body, but I’m living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it. I don’t let anyone’s insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me. I know that if I am happy, that’s all that matters to me. And it’s okay to be selfish like that sometimes, when it comes to your well-being. Do what makes you happy, and don’t care what others think.”

Demi Lovato admitting her eating disorder – coupled with self-harm – to Seventeen magazine.

I have to give Demi a lot of props for this whole thing, as she was idolized by teen girls as much as Miley Cyrus has been in the past (OK, probably not that much, but you get the comparison). However? Where Miley kind of seems up in the clouds, untouchable, and unaccountable for her own flaws, problems, and mistakes that she’s made, Demi comes clean and addresses this shit head-on. If this isn’t a breath of fresh air, then fuck. I have just about no idea what is. I’m just glad that Demi was able to get the help she needed before it was really too late, and she veered so far off the path that it was impossible to get back on.

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She looks like Rebecca Black’s fat aunt. Is it Friday, yet?
    God, why do I know any of that?

    • yes, lets call people brave enough to battle an eating disorder fat. bravo on your ignorance, shes not fat, she healthy, and i commend her for that because it isnt easy.