Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Bar Refaeli Makes Me Rethink My ‘Hottest Women’ List

photo of bar refaeli hot for allure magazine pictures

Hey, look, it’s Bar Refaeli, doing what she does best: looking smoking hot. Bar was photographed for the upcoming issue of Allure, and all I’ve got to say is that she makes this straight girl think some pretty blush-inducing thoughts.

That being said, I can appreciate Bar’s epic hotness when she’s more of a honeyed brunette, rather than her recent Elle blonde. When she’s so light in hair color, it kind of washes her face out and makes her look like Diane Kruger, which there’s nothing wrong with … but it’s probably better to be Bar these days, at any rate.

How do you prefer your Bar?

Better yet, Bar or Diane?

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • They are both beautiful but Diane Kruger is like a real old time Hollywood beauty, like Grace Kelly, whereas Bar is a more contemporary type beauty.

    Her (Bar’) natural breasts are so much nicer than Silicon balloons…

  • *Groan* I get so tired of having to explain this but I feel God sent me here for this purpose. Bar Refaeli is, in fact, not attractive at all. We are all just confused because her first name is “Bar”, and that is appealing.