Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Oscars Fashion Part I: Frills and Fails

picture of colin firth and wife at academy awards photos

Ah, the Oscars. A pretty valid reason to sit on the sofa, stuff your face with bad food and good booze, and feel sorry for yourself for sucking so hard at life that you didn’t end up to be the actress or comedian that you wanted to be, all the while thanking your lucky stars that you don’t have to sit through uncomfortable, staged awards shows for hours at a clip, pretending to like those seated at your table when all you really want to do is reach over and really fuck up some expensive hair extensions and Botox.

Best dressed? Worst dressed? Who showed that totally didn’t belong? Leave it all in the comments, guys.

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  • This movie script,is for Mr Mcconaughey,you should,call your new movie,Surfs Up,and you should base the story,of your,new movie,on this:

    One afternoon,you and your,girls,were out surfing,when you(Mcconaughey),saw,a yatch about 5 minutes away,in swimming,distance,from where,you guys(you mcconaughey,and your girls),were.The name,of your,female companions,were,Larisa Lily,Stacia Bateman,and Rachel Cathridge.So then,you(Mcconaughey),swam,to the yatch,because,it
    looked like there,was no one,on it.And when you got on board,the yatch,you saw,3 treasure chests,opened,filled with golden rings,gold,diamonds and silver bars.Then you(Matthew Mcconaughey),took,the treasure,to the shore with your,friends,
    and then you all lived,happily,ever after.

    Dear sir Mcconaughtey,that was ma movie script,for ya,ma name is Ike Nash,and I reside,in toronto,in the nation,of canada,and,you,can reach me,at 4167522165,for more movie scripts,and millions of new movie scripts.