Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Set Your DVR, Lohan’s Gonna Be on ‘Letterman’ Thursday

Awww, snap. This is what I’m talking about right here. This is the kinda thing that makes me bleed for this shit (gossip, that is.)

CBS announced yesterday that Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to present the Late Show with David Letterman’s signature Top Ten list this Thursday. Lindz will be reading the list via satellite in Los Angeles, and my guess is that it’s going to be pretty funny. Lindsay’s no Paris Hilton (who coincidentally is Dave’s guest on the show that night,) meaning that this bitch has a sense of humor about herself. I expect that Lindsay will make some of the best jokes at her expense that we’ve heard yet.

Dave’s been making sport of Lindsay quite a bit recently, but she’s actually an old friend of the show. You may recall reading that her first ever television appearance was a spot on his show during one of his annual Trick-or-Treaters sketches. Yup, David Letterman is at least partially responsible for creating the Lindsay Lohan we all know today. We live in a crazy-ass world.

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