Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Selena Gomez Isn’t Just Justin Bieber’s Girlfriend, She’s a Humanitarian Too

photo of selena gomez twit pic child from chile pictures

Aww Selena Gomez. You so crazy and cute, girlfriend. I love your multi-faceted ways that waffle between banging an underage popstar to tickling and chuckling with an underprivileged youth from Chile during recent UNICEF tours. And though your looks-needle seems permanently stuck on twelve years old (and hey – you’ll be thanking your mama for those good genes in ten or fifteen years), you’re positively adorable anyway. You’re a super example of what it is to be a young woman in Hollywood, and as long as you don’t start taking bong rips and tit pics and vodka sips (what? The fucker HAD to rhyme), your star’ll go far.

Oh wait.  No.  No, it won’t.

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