Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What Company Flat-Out Dissed Justin Bieber?

Justin Bieber is one of the biggest stars in the world and putting his name and face on pretty much anything will guarantee sales and a whole  lot of them. Passing up a chance to partner with Bieber means one of two things: 1) Your company is retarded, or 2) You must really hate Justin Bieber.

Click through to find out which brand recently have Bieber the middle finger…


Justin’s peeps reached out to the video game company recently asking for permission to use a Mario Brothers theme in his new movie. A video game theme in a movie about a teenage boy? What a thrillingly unique concept. My mind’s fucking blown.

The response from Nintendo was a big fat “we’re gonna have to pass”, which may seem like a silly move on their part, but will probably help them keep their die hard fans who want nothing to do with the likes of Biebdawgs.

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  • people are bitches to do that 2 justin bieber i love love love love love love love love love him sososososososoosososososososososoosososoossosoosososoososoososososososossoososososoososososososososososososososososoosososososososososoosososoossosoosososoososoososososososossoososososoososososososososososososososososoosososososososososoosososoossosoosososoososoososososososossoososososoososososososososososososososososoosososososososososoosososoossosoosososoososoososososososossoososososoosososososososososo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    • You love love love love him well go ahead you can doesn’t mean nintendo should. what? the whole world doesn’t have ur mind.

  • “1. Your company is retarded.”
    You don’t have to use that word. You don’t mean retarded, you mean something else. Unless you’re really that stupid.
    I am completely and personally offended.