Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Justin Bieber Is Totally A Visionary

A photo of Justin Bieber

“I think the girls like my hair, so I’m going to let it stick around for a while. I really don’t think anyone’s ever done this kind of thing with their hair: I just wake up, blow-dry it, and just shake it. And continue to shake it throughout the day.”

– Justin Bieber on his genius.  Forward this to every 16-year-old male you know, because all douchebaggery aside, you know the teenage ladies love Justin’s luscious locks.  Good deeds, y’all, that’s what our time on this world is all about.

How many more gifts like this does the Biebz have to bestow on the world before you all just accept the fact that he is a gift himself?  I swear, if on Christmas Day we hear that Justin flew up to heaven and fronted a choir of angels for an audience of Mother Theresa, Gandhi, and Jesus, I’d be like “yeah, well, pass me the custard, because this is how the world was meant to be.”

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I neither like nor dislike Bieber’s music — I would never choose to listen to it, but I would not leave the room if it were played, which I cannot say for heavy metal or country music (or rap, but I’m talking about music, here).

    That said, he DOES have really good hair. Presumably, it is his best physical attribute.

  • As I have said before, Justin Bieber’s hair makes me angry. It looks like a hat. He has no forehead. It’s odd, but not in an interesting way like A Flock of Seagulls or the Thompson Twins hair was.
    Yes, I am older. But I know hair.

  • Speaking as a teenage girl, I hate his hair and would sincerely like to shave a phallus into the back of it.

  • “I really don’t think anybody’s ever done this kind of thing with their hair.”

    He must have missed all of images of the Beatles in their early days, I suppose.