Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Why is Levi Johnston ‘Famous’ Again?

photo of levi johnston wearing green alaska t-shirt pictures

“That makes no sense because someone always runs for President … [Sarah] wouldn’t go through with a campaign even if she was nominated.”

Levi Johnston in response to Sarah Palin’s latest rumored-Presidential-run comment along the lines that she’d – yup – run if there was no one else to do it.

Johnston also spoke directly to TMZ and claimed that his ex-girlfriend’s baby mama wasn’t qualified to be President of the United States, even if she was nominated, or worse, elected.

Honestly. Some people will go to great lengths to stay relevant even for another minute. And by ‘some people,’ I mean both Levi Johnston and Sarah Palin.

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • hey you f@*ktard….

    i used to read your website b/c i thought you were whitty…..emphasis on the words, used to & whitty….

    if you actually read a little more news than you would stumble on pieces such as these….and p.s. i’m no palin fan. and guess what?? your palin shit is getting OLD you douche nozzle. God, you’re about as smart as palin’s pinky toe. and that’s saying NOTHING…fucking dork.

  • Levi Johnston is such a waste. NO life, no job, searching for someone to take care of him. How sad such an idiot exist. Get at least your high school diploma and then some kind of job, if nothing more than being a janitor. The Palin family must be embarrassed with your low life.