Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Um, Paris? Is That a Nazi Salute?

This is my impression of me looking at these photos, “Oh, look! Paris Hilton is still partying in the South of France! Oh, look! She’s wearing a cute hat! Oh, lo–OH MY GOD. Is she giving a Nazi salute?” That was me, like, eleven seconds ago.

According to Paris, she’s just dancing and scratching her face, but you’d think after the accusations of racism, drug use and like, everything else this woman has been accused of in her life, she’d be a little more careful while getting down and satisfying her itchy spots.

What do you think of these photos? Is it the paparazzi trying to turn nothing into something or is Paris just totally limitless in her bad behavior?

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Molls, you’re fucking pathetic. Talk about striring the shit pot. Beet, why don’t you fire her?

    • You’ve got it all wrong. She’s saying your penis must be this tall to go in here (she pointing to her mouth for all you Englishmen).

  • That’s really fucking harsh Mike!

    She’s clearly giving the Nazi salute, as is her male friend in the second photo! Plus EB isn’t the only site reporting this story, so what exactly is pathetic about what Molls wrote?!

    • I don’t see the salute by the guy in the second picture. If this is the nazi salute, than it’s a very weird way to do it…

      Doesn’t the arm should be more in front and the thumb more closer to the hand? I don’t know. I personally don’t see it that way…

    • In the Nazi salute, the right arm is perfectly straight, at a 45 degree angle WRT to the ground, with the thumb together with the fingers or crossing the palm. The left arm is to be straight at the side or at a 90 degree angle at the elbow if you are carrying something. Knees are to be together and your back ram-rod straight.

      Paris’ arm is not straight. Her thumb is not with her fingers or across the palm. Her left hand is ON HER FACE. That is not a Nazi salute. In the second picture, her friend’s arm is almost straight up, his other arm is bent and up in the air, and he’s clearly not standing straight.

      So Molls is clearly just stirring up shit, or at least repeating bullshit that someone else wrote first.

      • So Nazi Mike, if you know so much about Nazi shit, why was Hitler’s salute more like a “hey y’all” from Elton John than that crazy Nazi shit you’re Nazing about, you fuckin’ Nazi.

  • Also, it’s too bad she’s too ignorant to realise that communism and fascism, while both bad ways to run a society, aren’t the same thing!

    • They are both the same thing you stupid cunt, it’s all about keeping the Jew problem in check. This web site’s management being the exception to that, of course.

      • communism-a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

        fascism-a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

        they are obviously not the same thing; and they’re both about controlling jews? Communist Russia was not about controlling the jews.

  • That is horrible if that is what she is doing. Unrelated side note, she looks kind of haggard and old. Not LiLo old, but still.

  • i highly doubt that she’s doing a nazi salute. everyone’s just so quick to pass off judgment these days. (but then again, i also highly doubt miss hilton knows what a nazi is, so…).

  • I am astounded that this issue keeps coming up with celebs… Is Nazism still a thing or something? I don’t get it.

  • This is so stupid. She’s obviously doing what she thinks is a captain’s salute, or doing some swimming dance or whatever. And even still- why can’t we do a nazi salute among friends as a joke? As long as the joke isn’t related to racism or whatever, it’s a funny salute and I don’t see why it should be so taboo. In history, the catholic church (and all churches) have killed, tortured, invaded… done disgusting, horrible, cruel, horrific things in the name of their religions… and people today aren’t banned from making the sign of the cross, or putting little fish on their cars or praying. Obviously if you are the princes of England and dress up as a nazi officer, that’s just stupid and insensitive. But a hand gesture making headlines? Until I see Paris Hilton rounding up jews and gassing them, I’m not going to accuse her of nazi behaviour or whatnot. Go after Sandra Bullock’s ex.