Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Heidi Montag Pushed Into Surgeries, Wants to Adopt a Kid Now

Now that the antichrist Spencer’s almost completely out of her life, Heidi’s becoming vocal about what she’s done, what she was pushed into and what she wants.

The female half of the ham hoagie (I mean, isn’t that what a Speidi is? Am I wrong here?) supposedly claims to ‘friends’ that the almost-male half coerced her into getting the forty-billion dollars’ worth of plastic surgery, and says that she’s really regretful when she thinks about it. The ‘friends’ of Heidi (I’m still reeling from that informative slap to the head) also claim that she’s contemplating a “make-under,” now that He With the Creepy Flesh-Colored Beard and Magic Crystals is no longer in the picture.

And what else is Heidi’s latest obsession? A desire to adopt a child. Yes, you read that right — Adopt. a child. What the fuck, man. I wouldn’t trust Heidi Montag to babysit my parents’ ninety year-old dog who only sleeps and occasionally assails the surrounding area with a dusty geriatric fart or two.

Really, though. If anyone — anywhere — gives this woman a child to care for, at this point in her misguided, unstable life, I’m jumping ship on life.

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  • man I hope that pic’s distorted. I don’t think she spent a zillion dollars and starved herself just for her legs to look that…healthy.

  • You’re close with the ham hoagie.
    From Wikipedia- “Spiedie consists of cubes of chicken or pork, but it may also be made from lamb, veal, venison or beef. The meat cubes are marinated overnight or longer (sometimes for as long as two weeks under a controlled environment) in a special marinade, then grilled carefully on spits (if steel skewers are used, they are called “spiedie rods”) over a charcoal pit.
    The freshly prepared cubes are served on soft Italian bread or a submarine roll and sometimes drizzled with fresh marinade.”
    They are a Southern Tier NY delicacy.