Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It Or Leave It: Vic Beck’s Long ‘Do

photo of victoria beckham long hair and yellow dress

I think this is the longest I’ve seen Victoria Beckham’s hair since she was officially Posh Spice and rocked those ugly-assed platform sneakers that were soooo popular in the late nineties. I count myself smug that I never got into those horrific shoes, and still laugh at those who did. (Uh, sorry, Mom.)

Victoria, who’s had pretty short hair for the past few years, takes a hold of her look and gets some long extensions put in to change it up. But you know what? Though I like her either way — with both short and long hair — the extensions don’t look that great. You can easily see where her natural hair starts and where the weave begins. It’s much … stringier, I guess, toward the bottom.

Well, whatever. I’m shrugging; you just can’t see it. She’s cute either way, and I like her even if she does have poor, head-scratching taste in faux hair.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don't think it looks that great + if you can rock short hair (which I think only few people can do properly) then do it. It looks amazing on her face shape and the faux hair is very plain.

  • I like the long hair, but I really don't think there is enough of it. Near the bottom it gets very sparing and it needs to look more full and less stringy.

  • girlfriend need to eat a good healthy meal, which would problable take that constant ive-licked-a-lemon face
    after that I will be able to concentrate on her weave

  • Remember the days when people had to “grow out” their short hair if they wanted it long? Remember the days when such a thing was actually possible, because people were nourished enough to grow their own hair? Those were the days.

  • This is the longest, seriously?! Wow, you work writing about celebrities, I thought you actually knew about them a little more! What did her hair look like years before the Pob? She looks great here, she looks good with any hair length.