Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Have a Bit More Respect For Cameron Diaz … Today

photo of cameron diaz at shrek premiere wearing a black dress

Cameron speaks exclusively to InStyle magazine for their July issue and discusses everything from work, to love, to being a parent. Diaz, who is currently not a parent, claims that she doesn’t want to have children. While her revelation isn’t exactly world-shattering, since plenty of people consciously make the effort to not have children, she speaks rather lucidly — and in a well-educated manner — about her rationale behind avoiding biological children. Diaz states:

“Having children changes your life drastically, and I really love my life. Children aren’t the only things that bring you gratification and happiness, and it’s easier to give life than to give love, so I don’t know. That kind of change would have to be either very well thought out, or a total mistake – a real oops!”

But claims that she’d totally do the aunt thing:

“I can be a pretty good aunt, but whether I’m a good aunt or a crappy aunt is really not remotely the same question as me being a good parent or a crappy parent. It doesn’t quite have the same impact.”

I mean, I know I come across as surprised that the girl’s got some intelligent, well-formed thoughts bouncing around her huge melon head, I still don’t know what I expected her to sound like in “real life.” A series of grunts, followed by a few belches, some incoherent babble and farts? Maybe. But then maybe I’ve just seen Shrek one too many times.

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  • Ha! she'll adopt in her old age.. she's opposed to being a mom because of her freedom.. but that flimsy excuse won't hold water when she gets fifty, and is truely alone.

  • and if having children is your solution to not being alone, you've got bigger problems.

  • Agreed. She has formulated more carefully stated positions, than, for example, any of the editors of this esteemed gossip blog have collectively since its inception. And that's not saying much.

  • Thank you Cameron. I'm sick of people acting like I'm evil for not wanting to have children. I have a plethora of hereditary disorders, so not only would I pass my miserable genes on to my child, but my disorders make it extremely difficult for me to handle being around children. I have super bad anxiety and have no patience for noise and mess and sleep deprivation.

  • I mean, I know that I meet as surprised as the girl has some intelligence, well-formed thoughts bouncing around his head melon huge, I still do not know what I was expecting it resembles to "real life". A series of grunts, followed by rote, some incoherent chatter and pets? Maybe. But then maybe I just saw Shrek once too often.
    memory stick

  • i recall a few old mag interviews, speaking on similar topics and in a well thought and expressed manner as here… this was 8 or so years ago.