Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wanna See Joaquin Phoenix’s Peter?

If you do, his new documentary is surely for you.

Remember that whole thing where Phoenix decided to be a, uh, rapper? That whole “Bye! Good” thing? Turns out that it was a farce … but instead of finding that kind of disturbing, the contents of the documentary claiming that the rapper to be real is supposedly far, far worse. The LA Times has the lowdown on the off-kilter star’s self-imposed downward spiral and they’re wondering (among many others) if the entire thing still remains to be a joke:

It’s far from the Joaquin Phoenix you’re used to seeing onscreen: snorting cocaine, ordering call girls, having oral sex with a publicist, treating his assistants abusively and rapping badly. And not, apparently, playing a role — or was he?

Agents at William Morris Endeavor, the sellers of the Casey Affleck-directed film, have started showing the movie to potential distributors, and while some were apparently interested in bidding for “I’m Still Here’s” distribution rights, the shoppers left the screening perhaps even more mystified by Phoenix’s behavior than when they walked in.

Several buyers said the film overflowed with Hollywood debauchery, including more male frontal nudity than you’d find in some gay porn films and a stomach-turning sequence in which someone feuding with Phoenix defecates on the actor while he’s asleep.

The documentary — or is it a mockumentary? — also includes Phoenix’s infamous appearance on “The Late Show With David Letterman,” in which the bearded and bloated actor barely spoke, leaving Letterman bewildered if not infuriated and people wondering about Phoenix’s mental health.

Two buyers who saw the movie were unsure if Phoenix had turned out an elaborate piece of performance art, where the joke was really on the audience. While they were debating the film’s commercial prospects, the buyers did agree on one thing: They’d never seen anything like it.

So … is Phoenix totally brillz or is he just kind of losing his, excuse the pun, shit, piece by piece?

Check out Joaquin’s all-time best performance below.

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