Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Can You Guess What Jessica Simpson’s Favorite Body Part Is?

It took her an hour to break the question down because she wasn’t sure whether reporters were asking what her favorite body part was or what her favorite someone-else’s body part was.  She broke down halfway through her epiphany and started mumbling incoherently about tuna and chicken or something and their relevancy to banking in ancient Greece.

No, I’m kidding … I’ve only got mad love for Jessica Simpson and I think she’s just boss.

Favorite body part.  I’ll give you three hints:  it’s not her fabulous boobs or her tiny feet and she uses it to sniff out John Mayer’s bullshit.

It’s girlfriend’s nose.

FOX News recently sat down with the down-home starlet and asked the burning question that tortures you all before bed: “What’s your favorite feature?”  Simpson retorted that her all-time, forever-favorite feature is her schnoz:

“I do have a bump [on my nose], but I like my profile — I don’t think anyone else has my exact same nose, I think it’s unique and a little flawed.”

There’s so much to like about this girl — not even taking her personality into account — and I think it’s pretty suave that she picked something as generic as her nose.  There’s nothing better than a healthy dose of self-love, that’s for real.

Are you listening, Ashlee?

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  • Does this girl have any real body parts??? Her nose and boobs are very nice, she must have paid someone handsomely for it. No one has original body parts in Hollywood!!!!