Today's Evil Beet Gossip

LeAnn Rimes Got Put on Blast by Eddie Cibrian’s Ex-Wife

I guess LeAnn Rimes wasn’t satisfied ruining Eddie Cibrian’s marriage, because now she’s complicating custody issues between her man and her ex, too. Damn. Never really pegged LeAnn Rimes to be the kinda girl who’s OK making a kid miserable on his birthday, but it’s foolish to act surprised about anything these days.

The drama started when LeAnn told Eddie that she didn’t want his ex-wife, Brandi Gianville, to celebrate their son Jake’s birthday together because it would make her uncomfortable. Bitchy, right? Brandi spoke to E! Online about the whole thing and the lady didn’t hold back a bit:

“Eddie and I had planned to do something together and small for Jake’s upcoming birthday on April 15th. [Eddie] has changed his mind. He is now saying I can’t see Jake on his birthday because it falls on his custodial day and it would make LeAnn uncomfortable.

I have been so cooperative with Eddie and LeAnn for the sake of my children. I even went and signed and notarized a document saying they could take my kids out of the country to Mexico on vacation. I wouldn’t want to deprive them of such a great opportunity.

I have already spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning alone, missing my children, and crying because I have no family near by… Jake is my son, not Leann’s. He should be with both his parents on his birthday.

Eddie seems to care more about LeAnn than what is best for our kids. He doesn’t even come to Mason’s baseball games on my days because LeAnn doesn’t want him around me.”

You know me by now, right guys? Normally I’d put this Brandi character on blast for taking this to the press, but this statement doesn’t read to me like she’s seeking petty revenge or publicity. It reads more to me like she’s a newly-single and not by choice mother who wants to protect her kids but the bratty woman that stole her husband away from her isn’t making it easy.

Let’s hope that this information being public shames LeAnn in to loosening up. She’s a cheater, she married a cheater, she’s got to live with that. If anything, his ex-wife is the only woman she should be comfortable letting Eddie around. “Been there, done that”, you know? MmmmHmmm,

283 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think Eddie Cibrian is the one who needs to feel ashamed by this. It’s his kid. He’s the one who’s letting a woman get in the way of doing what’s best for his children.
    Her selfishness can be understood (but not respected). Nothing about what he’s doing here is understandable.

    • What is best for this child’s b’day and how is LeAnn getting in the way? Whose selfishness are we talking about here?

      • Most children like having both of their parents at their birthday party. Especially when they’re young and the breakup is fresh.

        LeAnn has requested that the kid’s mother not be there. It is selfish to put your personal feelings (uncomfortable being around the woman who’s marriage you helped break up) before the feelings of a child.
        But since these aren’t her kids and she’s not a mother, I can understand that she views the world in a “what’s best for me” kind of way.
        I cannot understand Eddie allowing LeAnn’s feeling to interfere with his son’s birthday party. If LeAnn is that uncomfortable being at a party with the ex, LeAnn should stay home and let the kid see his mom on his birthday.
        If Eddie’s really not going to his kid’s games because it makes his girlfriend uncomfortable, that’s another giant dick move on his part, and a selfish position for LeAnn to take.

      • Leann is getting in the way because she is using her money to manipulate EC relationship with his kids. We have seen LR do this all week, by feeding the details of her trip to Mexico to several different tabloids. We know that LR is selfish, as evidenced by how she had a full make out session in Mexico right in front his kids. We know that EC is selfish because he only wants to be a “devoted father” when it can benefit his career and image, hence why he showed up in Mexico with his kids, the week that his Hallmark movie aired.

  • Blogger: Do you really think that LeAnn ruined Eddie’s marriage? Wasn’t he involved with someone else before LeAnn? Do you think his ex might have something to do with the breakup? How is LeAnn doing damage to this child? Maybe LeAnn remembers a woman who accused her of stalking, breaking up her marriage, etc. Would you want her in your house under these conditions? Do you remember that Eddie had to get help just to have regular visitation rights? Who do you really think helped to break up this marriage?

    • It surely wasn’t the child, why should he be punished? And let’s be honest, regardless of whether Eddie was screwing around with other women before Rimes, Rimes knew he was married and had kids and was selfish enough not to care.

    • CBME

      serious? LR was sleeping with EC, who was not her husband, so yes LR contributed to the breakdown of EC marriage.

      why do you keep bringing up these other affairs that EC had? First of all EC was caught having an affair with LEANN. Second, those other women are not taunting BG EVERY WEEK. Third, just because EC had affairs in the past that does not make it okay for Leann to jump in the bed with EC.

      Why do you keep trying to blame BG for EC and LR affair. BG did not tell EC to jump into bed with LR and BG did not tell LR to jump into bed with her husband.

      LR does damage to the kids in a variety of ways. The number one way is when LR stands by EC side gloating as he breaks promise after promise to his kids. LR also did a lot of damage to EC kids when she sat there and had a full make out session with EC rigth infront of his kids in Mexico. LR also damaged EC kids when she allowed EC to plaster his kids faces all over the internet after EC said that he said that it disturbed him seeing his kids faces all over the tabs.

      Why do you seem to think that BG owes LR something?

      Boo Hoo, EC had to get help getting visitation rights. Well EC trip to Mexcio made it very clear why BG was worried about her kids being alone with EC and LR. EC uses his kids for promote his movie, makes out in front of LR when neither one of their divorces are final. And then EC and LR go off to get drunk after EC had used his kids.

      LR broke up the marriage. Married is married and just because EC might have been seeing other women, it does not give LR the right to sleep with EC.

  • Why does the kid’s parents need to be together to celebrate his birthday? My boyfriend never gets his kids on their birthdays. We just celebrate on a different day when we *do* have them.

    I’m sorry, but it looks like she’s intentionally making bad press for LeAnn. There is NO reason to go public about not being able to spend your child’s birthday with your ex-husband. If she wants the child for Christmas or for the child’s birthday, make it about that. Don’t make it about not getting to spend time with your ex. In fact, that would make me uncomfortable, too! If my boyfriend’s ex went public about not getting to spend time with my boyfriend, well, hell, I’d be even LESS likely to want him to be around her.

    • Curious, You sound very sensible – while people are blaming LeAnn, they should remember that the ex broke up Eddie and the girl he was engaged to when she met him. This ex can do what the rest of us have done – have your own celebration on your own time and stop all this nonsense. You know as well as I do that having two celebrations is not going to hurt this kid. It would break up the little “see what you have lost” party though for the ex. Does she really want to be compared to LeAnn? Don’t care what you say, LeAnn is not ugly and she is a very classy girl – young and talented also. Think the ex has too much confidence and should give this some thought. Is she going to continue this for the rest of her kids lives?

      • LeAnn is classy. She doesn’t depend on anyone to take care of her and has accomplished much in her 27 years. Does classy to you mean spreading everything that goes on in your life to everybody in the world? Don’t blame someone for the breakup of a marriage that was obviously going down hill before she came along.

      • Classy women do not sleep with another woman’s husband.

        What exactly has LR accomplished in her 27 years? All she has to show for it is an affair with a man who has no qualms about breaking promises to his kids.

        LR doesn’t need anyone to take care of her? So that is why LR has a publicist, a styistt, an assistant, and etc…? LR is not independent. Why do you keep trying to depicit women who have chosen to be stay at mothers as the enemy. LR needs all the support she can get, seeing as how her fanbase is low. Do you really think it’s a good idea for it to get around that LR “fans” hate on stay at mothers?

        LR spreads EVERYTHING that goes on in her world, so what is your point?

        LR gets blamed for EC marriage because she was sleeping with him and encouraging him to break his vows. So you think that a woman has a right to sleep with another woman’s husband if they think that his “marriage is going downhill”? What proof do you have that the marriage was bad? you don’t have any proof at all, you are downplaying the marriage because you think that it will justify LR and EC actions.

        So when SMJ cheated on LR, why were singing a different tune. I remember you trashing SMJ. So why would you trash SMJ, when as you said, EC and LR farce was going downhill.

      • Where is the proof that Brandi had an affair with Eddie while he was engaged to another woman? You don’t have any and you are simply spreading these lies to justify EC and LR behavior.

        So when EC cheated on LR with SMJ, was that LR karma, too? So why were you hating on SMJ if by your own logic what goes around comes around?

        Why do you seem to think that BG has to follow the same rules that you claim you followed? This is Eddie once again not keeping his word because LR money is more important to him. LR has no business in this matter.

        Classy women don’t sleep with another woman’s husband, engage in pda right in front of the married man’s kids, and encourage a man to break promises to his kids.

        What exactly did BG lose? EC is not a prize. In your opening sentence you say that EC and BG had an affair, and then you yoru next breathe you act like EC is a”knight in shining armor”. What makes you think that things are different with EC and LR? If LR “won” EC, then there would ne no need for LR to be “uncomfortable”.

        Why do you hate BG so much, which is odd because you have said on numerous occasions that your husband cheated on you? Were you lying?

        Brandi isn’t doing anything wrong, especially since Leann has been blabbing to any tabloid that is willing to take her money that she had a great time with EC kids in Mexico. LR is wrong. LR doesn’t want BG around because it’s constant reminder that EC kids belong to BG.

      • I said the ex brokeup Eddie and another girl that Eddie was engaged to – I have not tried, like you do, Gwen, to create or make up something that wasn’t said. You have been in on this same discussion on another site – don’t pretend you haven’t heard it before.

      • Where is the proof that BG broke-up EC and another girl? When you SAY things like this without ANY proof, you are creating and making things up.

        You (posting as michela and merc) pulled the same thing last year when BG said that LR was stalking her and her kids. I said that the only thing that would make people not like BG is if she started having an affair with another woman’s husband and then you went from site to site posting that EC and LR affair was karma because BG cheated with EC when he was engaged.

        If this was true, wouldn’t the media/press have expossed this a long time ago? So everytime EC and LR get backlash, you are just going to go around to every site and say that BG and EC had an affair.

        We know that there is truth in what BG says because you wouldn’t be working so hard to discredit BG if there wasn’t.

    • That isn’t even the issue. The issue is that Brandi and Eddie made a plan and then Leann didn’t want Eddie to follow through with that plan. I suspect it has something to do with Leann and deal she made with People magazine. I will not be surprised if Leann wanted Brandi out of the picture because Leann was planning an “EC, LR, his kids, and EC parents are one big happy family” photo-op.

      Leann made bad press for herself when LR decided to sleep with a married man, expose the affair, taunt his wife, and then blab to every tab about how she, EC, and is kids are one big happy family because they vacationed in Mexico. Why do some of you act like Brandi owes Leann something. Brandi wasn’s sleeping with Leann’s husband.

      So let me get this straight, it’s okay for Eddie and Leann to go public about the details of their farce, but it’s not okay for Brandi to speak up? That is the problem with these HW affairs. Notice that EVERYONE expects these women to sit back and take whatever her husband and his mistress are dishing out. Notice that LR has been feeding info the certain tabs all week long, yet none of these “Why is BG talking to the media” posters, have nothing to say about that.

  • Why does Leann have to be there anyways? If Leann is so worried about being uncomfortable, she should just tell him to go on with out her. Given his “vagabond dick”, she’s probably worried about him stepping out on her.

    • ‘Being there’ is too gentle… Why does LeAnn have to exist, anyway? Horseface McGillicutty over there hasn’t done anything but awful Lifetime movies in ages. Her last relevant moment was at 13. Please, go away. I BEG OF YOU!

      • LeAnn has 35M dollars which suggests to me that she has done something besides a movie (a good movie with the highest ratings of any Lifetime movie) to earn that wouldn’t you say? Does it sound like to you that she hasn’t done anything since she was 13.

      • CBME

        And that is all that matters in life? MONEY? No wonder LR has to find comfort in a man who can’t even keep a promise to his own kids.

        LR movie earned high ratings because of the scandal that surrounded it. I’m sure that if the other celebs who starred in the other Lifetime movies tried to get hype for their movie by exposing their affair with a co-star, then their movies would have ranked high to. But then again, those celebs have TALENT and do not need to usse their personal lives to promote themselves or crawl on the backs of others just to get attention.

        What has LR done since she was 13? Before the affair with another woman’s husband, no one was paying attention to LR.

  • “She’s a cheater, she married a cheater, she’s got to live with that.”

    Wait… are they married?

  • That’s what happens when you get divorced, by your choice or not.
    She can either pitch a hissy-fit and get herself all aggro — or she can realize this is the score and have peace and order in her life ON THE DAYS SHE HAS CUSTODY.

    Brandi can’t control Eddie. She can’t control LeAnn.
    Brandi made a bad choice of husband and father, and now it’s biting her in the butt. Maybe she’ll be smarter about who she picks for a spouse next time around.
    If he a cute bad-boy player when you meet him, don’t expect him to be a saint anytime in the future. And that includes with the kids you had with someone who you KNEW was selfish and self-centered when you let him impregnate you.

  • Everything should be taken as a grain of salt when the words are coming from a scorned and cheated on woman.

    However, if LeAnn really is dictating a “me or the kids” philosophy, she needs to grow up. That’s not how adults act. When I first broke up with my ex 4 years ago, we did birthday parties, family dinners, and school functions together as a family EVEN though he had a new girlfriend (turns out the bastard had cheated on me for the last 2 years of our 7 year relationship with this woman!!). We did it because our daughter couldn’t understand that we weren’t together anymore and just what that meant. After 4 years and the revelation about his 2 year affair we still have birthday parties, family dinners, and school functions as a “family” and sometimes his girlfriend is there and sometimes she isn’t. We do it for our daughter and to prove we are “civilized” adults (at least most of the time).

    • Not really.

      For years our society has told these women to suck it up. Well how exactly can they suck it up when the married man and his mistress are always playing out the affair every week. I find it interesting that Leann has been blabbing to various tabs(via “insiders” of course” about Brandi’s kids, and not one media/press outlet has called her on it. Leann opens this can of worms. Was it really necessary for s certain mag who is well known for redeeming cheaters to drag up Eddie’s and Leann’s lies and sell it as some romance just because they went to Mexico to promote his “family friendly” movie?

      It is a no win situation for these women. If these women don’t talk then they are doormats(ie-Jennifer Aniston, Elitot Spitzner wife) and then if these women do talk, then they are labeled as you-know-what(ie-Brandi, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Edwards). I’m tired of the media/press always calling out these women, but say nothing when EC and LR hire tabs to talk about how they made out at a charity event when neither one of their divorces are final.

  • Why are you only blasting Leann? Yes, it’s selfish of her to request that the mother shouldn’t come to the celebration because she’d feel uncomfortable, but Eddie is just as much at fault.

    Why do you only blame the woman when the marriage is broken up? It’s 50% Leann’s fault and 50% Eddie’s fault!

    • Leann gets the blame because Leann uses her money to influence Eddie’s decisions. Oh Leann didn’t want Brandi to be at the party, what do you think Leann gave Eddie to get him to side with her? When Leann wanted Eddie to file for the divorce she took him to Mexico, under the pretense that EC paid for the trip. When LR wanted to meet EC kids, LR took EC to Aspen. When LR wanted to be photographed with EC kids, LR took EC to Mexico. See the pattern. Leann knows EC loves money and will do anything for it, including selling out his kids.

  • Anne: BG is not responsible for EC actions. EC and LR made the bad choice and now LR thinks that she has a say so in what happens with EC kids. What are you words of advice for LR because apparantly LR also expects EC to be faithful to her, hence why LR feels so “uncomofrotable” with BG around. Who wants to bet that the only reason LR doesn’t want BG around is because LR is going to have People mag do an exclusive about “EC, LR, and his kids being one big happy family”?

  • Maybe she should havge bailed on the birthday party- seeing he’s not her kid and all. She’s just the wedge that caused his parents to split. What a bitch.

  • The poster “g” is rather clueless and seems to have a personal vendetta here. Who might she be?

    • Poster “g” is usually posting under “Gwen” and we have been wondering if she has a personal vendetta.

      • CBME=get a clue.

        Since you post 24 hours and everyday of the week on over 25 different sites, what personal vendetta do you have?

        Who is we? Leann doesn’t have very many fans, which is why you compensate for this by posting under 10-30 different names for every site you visit.

      • That is a lie – you take anybody who posts and accuse anybody you want to of doing it. I am not up 24/4 – as a matter of fact, I am a late sleeper and usually don’t get on here until 10 or 10:30 yet you accuse me of posting everything that you don’t agree with. My dislike is some rum-dum telling lies, cancelling other people’s post, etc., and no, I do not do that I don’t care what untruths you tell. I have been ignoring you to a degree because I think you are several cards short of a deck – or when they were handing out brains you thought they said trains and you go off the track.

      • CBME

        1) What is a lie? Are you now arguing that the time codes and dates on the posts don’t show what they show?

        2) YOU get accused because YOU are doing those things that I mentioned.

        3) That is a lie. I have seen posts on JJ when you started posting at 6AM and 8AM. But then again, the date and time on those posts must be wrong?

        You are a late sleeper? How can you be a late sleeper when you have a “successful career”(as you stated on x17)?

        4) You don’t tell lies and cancel others posts? What was I thinking, in your mind your posts don’t ever say what they say, right?

        You hijack the names of other posters, resort to name calling when you do not get your way, report other posters to the point when you get yourself banned because it is so excessive, send other posters viruses, and then stalk/harass other posters to the point when they avoid other sites because they do not want you to send them a virus.

        5) When did you ignore? When you hijacked my name on E TEN TIMES and JJ THREE TIMES? When you called me all of those names? When you to other sites and make 10-30 posts about me? When you make all of those hi cbme and hi michela posts or make 10-30 different fans show up EVERYTIME I say that LR doesn’t have any fans? When you downplay my posts and then tuen around and use the thoughts and ideas from my posts? Either you do not know what IGNORE means or once again you are arguing that your posts don’t say what they say.

        If you are IGNORING me, then why did you even

        6) We know that you and LR are several cards short of a deck. BTW, you said the same thing when you posted as KAYLYN. So once again thanks for outting yourself. You are so bent on teaching me a lesson that you end up slapping yourself in the face. So all you just told me was that MERC and KAYLYN=CBME.

        7) So you have trains for brains? Well that explains why you sit here and argue that your posts don’t say what they say even though we can see them or argue that you are ignoring me even though everyone knows that you have done nothing of the sort.

        8) Wow. another insult? Didn’t you say that you were a English major?

    • Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Here you are once again hiding under different names because you can not get oother posters to support or even agree with you.

      We know that you are clueless, hence why you keep posting under different names.

      We know that you have a personal vendetta here, hence why you tried to justify EC and LR actions by blaming BG.

      So now anyone who challenges is you Brandi? So then who might you be? Since you are working so hard to turn this thing on BG, perhaps that makes you Leann?

      • You asked me above where was the proof that Eddie was engaged to someone when he left her for the ex. We have been through all this before and you know what I am talking about. Where is the proof that any of the trash you post a hundred times on all sites is the truth? You are the person who hides behind different names, erases other posters post and posts under other people’s names (including posting under mine). Don’t point your finger at anybody as say they are making up stories. You know all about how to do that and do it frequently, because you like the attention. You know it and I know it.

      • cbme

        1) I asked you where was the proof and you replied by saying that your post doesn’t say what it really says. Where is the proof that BG cheated?

        2) What do you mean we? When you posted the same thing last year as MERC? So I was correct, MERC=CBME. Thanks for outting yourself.

        3) The proof is in the photos and EC own words. But then again, in your world even though the evidence is right in your face it either doesn’t exist or doesn’t show what it really shows.

        4) We know that you hide under 10-30 different names, in this thread alone you have posted under 4 different names (anon, kathy, get a clue, and cbme). We know that you erase the posts of others and then report other posters when you can not take what you dish out.

        5) You are making up stories. Just like you will sit here and tell us that your posts don’t say what they really say even though we can clearly see them.

        6) We know that LR likes the attention, hence why LR runs to People magazine, In Touch, US Weekly, and Daily Mail when the public won’t support her farce with EC.

        7) Know what? That you are having an affair with a married man who won’t support you, so you hate on BG and stay at home mothers?

  • I did not read at once where it was said that EC told BG that LR doesn’t want him to be around BG. BG makes it an apparent habit to blame everything on LR and it just isn’t right. Who in their right mind is going to believe all of this stuff that she says? Most children do like more then one party. What is the big deal? He will be fine with it. He won’t be the first one to have it be that way. All it seems like BG does is bash LR. She has cut her down pretty much in the past year. Hey, nobody told EC to have an affair and fall in Love with another woman, it happens. What if it was her that it happened to? Then would it be fine? To fall inLove with somebody does not make them a whore, homewrecker, cheat and all the names she has been called. She is a beautiful, talented, smart, self supporting person. She owes nobody anything. The Love that EC & LR have will hopefully go on for the rest of their lives. They desserve to be happy together. All involved should be happy and I hope someday they all will be. Now things are still fresh and there are wounds to be healed and it will take time but that’s what they need, time. BG has said and done some hurtful things to EC & LR and I don’t recall either of them saying or doing anything back to her in return. Good Luck to them all. Just be good to those two boys.

    • Kathy(aka cbme)

      Of course you didn’t read ” where it was said that EC told BG that LR doesn’t want him to be around BG” because in your mind, things never ever say what they really say.

      BG makes it a habit to blame LR? Well the major flaw in your logic are LR WEEKLY photo-ops and pr leaks to various tabloids. All of last week, LR kept running to the tabs and telling them that she, EC, and his kids were a “happy family”.

      So let me get this straight? EC and LR had an affair, lied about it when they were caught red handed, EC made promises to his kids that he has not kept and you want to question BG honesty?

      What’s the big deal? LR and EC are selfish, that’s the big deal. EC sits backs and allows LR money to dictate his relationship with his kids.

      Oh please, why do you keep acting like BG owes LR something. LR has been taunting BG and has been waging a huge smear campaign against BG, and you want to boo hoo because BG won’t sit back and take what LR is dishing out?

  • this asshole needs to:

    a. get a grip
    b. his balls out of her purse
    c. man the fuck up for the sake of his kids.

    i mean damn, the head CAN’T be all that.


    • Eddie is using HIS OWN ALLOTED TIME, not the ex’s to provide the party for his child. Sounds like he is being a pretty good dad to me. He supports the whole family (with dollars, etc., in case Gwen has a hard time understanding support again) and he takes them on trips, etc). Sounds like you could use a little manning up. Roll your eyes any direction you please – you don’t know what goes on any more than the rest of us.

      • That isn’t true. Since it was his son’s birthday, EC and BG planned to share the day. EC later changed the plans because LR gave him an incentive(ie-MONEY). If EC was being a pretty good dad, then he would have kept the promises he made to his kids and would not have exposed them to the tabloids after he said that seeing their faces in the tabs disturbs him. So what if EC supports his whole family, that is what he is supposed to do. He is their father. As we have all witnessed, EC takes his kids on trips when it can benefit him. How interesting that this trip with his kids fell on the week that EC Hallmark movie was set to air.

        We know what goes on because EC and LR are always airing their dirty laundry. Take for instance, when EC says that he doesn’t think that it’s conducive playing anything out in the public at all. He then goes on to make out with another man’s wife over and over again. From this we learn that EC is LIAR.

        Why are you even offended because people are not supporting EC and LR?

      • You are making up stories again, Gwen. ONLY the ex said she and Eddie planned to share the day – Eddie didn’t say that. I guess you think it is alright to believe what the ex says but nobody else. I DON’T care if you or anybody else supports LeAnn and Eddie and I doubt they do. Everybody is going to get bad publicity (especially in the entertainment field) and when they have an ex that can’t give up – how long is this going to go on making childish complaints? You don’t call what the ex did abot the child’s party airing dirty laundry?

      • cbme

        1) We know that you make up stories.

        2) We know that BG is telling the truth. LR didn’t deny the story and opted to do charity work instead. What makes the story even more believeable is the fact that LR denied the story from the NE. That doesn’t seem odd to you. LR denies that she is paying off BG, but says nothing when BG says that LR had her banned or interfered in EC and BG plans for son. If you are going to deny something, which would you chose? BG vs NE?

        So you expect us to believe EC and LR word, when they have shown us over and over that they are liars?

        3) Since when is EC the virtue of honsesty? Didn’t EC say that it’s not conducive to play anything out in the public eye, and then he makes out with a married man’s wife? Didn’t EC say that he was disturd seeing his kids faces in the tabs and then he allows the blogs and tabs to plaster their faces all over the place? So you see EC word can’t be trusted.

        4) Well let’s see who should we believe? TWO cheaters who kept denying they were having an affair even though they were caught red handed or the married man’s wife who was at home taking care of her kids while EC was meeting LR at hotels?

        5) You do care if wes support EC and LR. That is why you are working so hard to depict BG as the villian and why you resort to name calling/hijacking other people’s names when they do not support EC and LR. If you don’t care if people don’t support EC and LR, why do you post 24/7?

        6) EC and LR get bad publicity because they are doing the wrong thing. It’s LR and EC that won’t give up. LR opened the can of worms when she kept feeding the details of her trip to People magazine and any tab that was willing to take her money. Now that BG is giving LR a taste of her own medicine you don’t like it? Instead of patting LR on the back, perhaps you should be honest with her. When LR wants to stage a pda photo-op with EC, perhaps you should tell her that EC is breaking a promise to his kids and that is not a good idea. It will save you the trouble of always having to go behind EC and LR and picking up their mess.

        7) So what you are saying is that you want BG to sit back and take whatever EC and LR dish out?

        8) I think that BG goes to the press because she has no other choice. The court system has obviously failed because there is no way that EC should have ever been unsupervised with those kids. LR taunts BG to no avail. So why not beat LR at her own game.

        9) Why are you even offended? You had no problem when LR kept telling these mags about her trip with EC kids.

  • Kathy(aka cbme)

    How has BG cut LR down? BG doesn’t owe LR a thing. LR was sleeping with BG husband. Not to mention, LR has been taunting BG non-stop, from moving into her neighborhood to showing up wearing short shorts because BG was spotted in them.

    EC didn’t fall in love. He had an affair. Lust is not love. You must read a lot of romance novels. There is no justifuable reason for jumping in a bed with someone else’s spouse. NONE.

    EC and LR didn’t fall in love. They had an affair. Affairs are not about love. When you sleep with someone else’s spouse it does make those people all of those names that you listed.

    BG wasn’t the one who had the affair, EC did.

    Why do you keep pulling the “LR supports herself”, do you think that redeems her? If LR was smart, she would have told EC to home to his wife and would not have went to hotels with him.

    • How do you know that LeAnn and Eddie didn’t fall in love? All of these accusations about Eddie is with LeAnn for her money is something thought up a make it fester in every post you put out. If this story was true and LeAnn wants to do it, what business is it of yours? You don’t own this couple. If you think that love is not connected with lust then you are one messed up woman. We have previously discussed this also, Gwen. I think the fact that LeAnn supports herself burns your butt. It appears that going home to his wife was not Eddie’s intention, was it? How can you keep trying to butt into somebody’s life who obviously has left you? Do you think there might be a msg there?

      • cbme

        1) We know that EC and LR did not fall in love because it is in reflected in their actions toward their families. If EC was capable of love, then he would have shown that by keeping the promises he made to his sons. Since EC can not and doesn’t even feel obligated to keep the promises to his kids we know that he is not capable of love.

        2) We know that LR doesn’t love EC because she encouarges him to break those promises that he made to kids as if she is in some competion with them.

        3) EC is with LR for her money. And he makes that very clear EVERYTIME he doesn’t keep a promise to his kids.

        Let’s not forget the incentives that LR has given EC. When LR wanted EC to file for a divorce, that trip to Mexico happened. When LR wanted to meet EC kids, that trip to Aspen happened. When LR wanted to make out with her at a charity event, LR rewarded EC with a shopping trip. When LR wanted to appear in photos with EC kids, LR takes EC to Mexico. When LR wanted EC to ban his wife from her son’s birthday party, LR offered to pay for EC divorce.

        4) We do know this couple. We know EC and LR because they make it a habit to leak the details of their farce EVERYWEEK.

        5) By the same logic, what business is this of yours? Are you implying that you have a right to comment on this matter because it’s your job?

        6) No dear, what burns your butt is the fact that EC can’t support LR the way he supported his wife and you have to make LR role in the “relationship” sound important by hating on women who have chosen to stay at home. So now you have just branded LR as a woman who hates stay at home mothers.

        What good is supporting oneself, when all LR has to show for it is an affair with a married man who can’t even keep a promise to his kids?

        7) The fact that LR had to expose the affair, says that EC had every intention of going home to his wife.

        8) Are you serious? You post on this topic every hour of the day and then EVERY day of the week, and you want to lecture someone on butting in?

        9) LR butted in on EC and BG marriage, so what is your point?

        10) The msg we can take away from this is that you are having an affair with a married man who isn’t financially supporting you.

      • How can you tell by someone’s actions in a mag whether or not they love someone? How can you tell that Eddie is after LeAnn’s money? How do you know who paid for the trips they have taken? Who gave you the answers to all of this? If you don’t understand the bit about women staying home by now there is no need to explain it to you again. Did you really say that it would have been best if Eddie had gone home after the affair? Nuts. No, if Eddie had wanted to stay with the ex, he would have. LeAnn didn’t butt in on anything. You think Eddie should have stayed with the ex even though he plainly wasn’t interested? Why? Don’t care if you think I am having an affair or not – it is plain that you don’t know enough about life to have an affair.

      • cbme

        1) Wow are you serious? You really think a man who is willing to publicly break a promise that he made to his kids in front of thousands of people is capable of love? Either you don’t know any better or you grasp at whatever you can take. So if the only sacrifice that EC is willing to make for LR is pda, then you accept that because in your mind something is better than nothing.

        2) How can we tell that EC is after LR money? Did EC go on RR and make promises to his kids? Has EC kept any of those promises? Now if EC doesn’t feel obligated to keep a promise to his kids, then do you really think that EC loves LR?

        How do we know that EC is after LR money? Because LR keeps airing her dirty laundry and tipping off the paps. Because LR tips off the paps and feed info to the tabs, we see a pattern. EC would only show up in public with LR only on Sat, sun, and Mon. Why? Because his show aired on Monday. When people started poiting this out, then LR made a habit of showing up with EC on days other than Sat, Sun, and Mon. Then there are the rewards. EC files for a divorce=trip to Mexico. EC allows LR to meet his kids=trip to Aspen. EC makes out with LR in public=EC gets a shopping spree in Malibu. EC allows LR to be photograhed with his kids=EC gets anothet trip to Mexico. EC bans his wife from her son’s party=LR pays for his divorce.

      • cbme

        3) Who gave me the answers? It’s common sense. Since you don’t have it, then you wouldn’t be able to understand why EC empty promises to his kids reflect what he really thinks and feels about LR.

        4) Oh please. There is nothing to understand about your position about stay at home mothers. You don’t care about the plight of women, as evidenced by the fact that you condone adultery. You only have a problem with stay at home mothers because BG and the married man’s wife are stay at home mothers. So if you can’t be a stay at home mother, then you think that the married man’s wife and BG are not entitled to do that either. The fact of the matter is the more you hate on stay at home mothers, the harder you make it for LR. Who will support LR knowing that her “fan” hate on stay at home mothers because EC can’t take care of LR the way that he took care of BG.

        5) So you really do have reading comprehension problems. You said that EC didnt’ want to go home. I pointed out that that couldn’t be true because LR had to expose the affair. If EC was going to leave his wife, LR wouldn’t have had to play the “I can’t make him leave his wife, so I’m going to make his wife leave him” game.

        6) EC did stay with his wife. Remember EC kept denying the affair, so LR tipped off the paps so that they could see her and EC at the game together.

        7) What makes you think that EC wasn’t interested in BG? Oh is that how you and LR justify your actions with another woman’s husband? You convince yourself that he wasn’t interested. So then why did EC cheat on LR with SMJ? Because he wasn’t plainly interested in LR? And do you see the dilemma you are in? You are telling us that EC is scum, yet you want him to be with LR?

        8) If you don’t care if I think you are having an affair, then why do you report me on JJ because I called you an adultress? You do care.

        9) So why are you upset because I call you an adultress? Does it has something to do with the fact that calling you an adultress is just a reminder that the married man won’t marry you or treat you to the same gifts and priviledges as his wife?

        10) What? So when women reject the advances of a married man, acording to you it’s because they don’t enough about life? I know enough about life to respect the vows I took and to respect the relationships/marriages of other women. I know enough about life to not blame the victims of affairs. I know enough about life to have empathy for women who are being taunted by their husband’s mistresses.

  • Kathy(aka cbme)

    What about EC and LR actions say that they are in love?

    Because he kisses LR? He did that with his wife. Because he holds LR hands? EC did that with his wife too. Because EC hugs LR? He did that with his wife too. What makes you think that EC and LR are sincere about each other when they were doing the eact same things with their spouses while they were cheating on them? Because that is what People magazine says.

    You are right, selfish, immature, and amoral cheaters do belong together. If EC and LR were happy with one another, they wouldn’t spend 95% of their time trying to convince us that they are happy and in love.

    What hurtful things has BG said and done to LR? Calling EC a liar and cheater? He is a liar and cheater. Why in the world you seen to think that BG must make accomodations for EC and LR is beyond me. Please tell me that you are not having an affair with a married man?

    You don’t recall EC and LR having or doing any hurtful things to BG? Hello, they had an AFFAIR.

    LR and EC will never have any luck because they just won’t do the right thing. LR runs to the tabs everyweek and you want to scream that BG is the bad guy. The wounds won’t heal because EC and LR keep making the matters worse with every photo-op and every fluff piece from People mag.

  • What do celebs do when they get into trouble and can’t get out of it? They hire a certain tabloid to write a glowing fluff piece or they do CHARITY.

    Would anyone be surprised that after LR receives backlash for banning BG from her son’s birthyday party and those Mexico photos, it is annouced that LR will be raising awareness for Psoriasis? Wow, how come LR wasn’t concerned about raising awareness for Psoriasis when she was standing on that beach making out with EC in front of his kids?
    So this is how we know that BG is telling the truth. LR doesn’t deny it, she just tries to get the public to look the other way while she does what she perceives as good.

    Everyone is fully aware that LR is using charity to promote her agenda. We saw this when EC and LR went to a Charity event and had a make out session so that the attention would be on them and not on the cause they were supporting.

    We saw the same thing last year. When BG said that LR was stalking her and her kids, LR tried to deflect from her bad behavior by donating a playground to kids. When the public wasn’t buying her efforts, LR then had EC to DAMAG CONTROL by going on Rachel Ray and give the “two sides to every story, it’s not conducive playing anything in the public at all, I am going to shield my kids from the nature of tabloids” speech.

    So I suspect that we will either be bombarded by photos of EC and LR engaging in pda in public because LR thinks that “doing good” for others makes it okay for her and EC to tip off the paps or EC gives another “my kids are my top priority” speech.

  • Why in the world anyone would defend Eddie and Leann is beyond me. Either this person is being paid or they can relate to EC and LR because they too are having an affair with someone else’s spouse.

    • You talk like you know a lot about extramarital affairs? Are you guilty of this act, g? How would you know so much about it otherwise? Why wouldn’t the rights of LeAnn and Eddie be defended? Fess up, Gwen, have you been having more fun than you tell us?

      • anon(aka cbme)

        Wow, are you posting under yet another different name?

        1) So once again you are arguing that the only reason anyone would criticize EC and LR is because they too are gulity of cheating? So that is how you justify her actions with another woman’s husband. You tell yourself that everyone is doing it?

        People criticize EC and LR because EC and LR are wrong.

        2) EC and LR do not have any rights. Did EC and LR care about the rights of BG, DS, and the kids when they cheated, lied, and then publicly humiliated them?

        3) Just because YOU have affairs with married men, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is doing the same.

      • cbme

        So what you are saying is that you think that EC and LR are entitled to do whatever they want because they have money, talent, and “looks”?

  • So LR person thinks that

    1) When a man dishonors his vows it means love.

    2) It’s okay to sleep with another person’s spouse if one thinks that the marriage is in the rocks.

    3) love=pda even though the married man is breaking his word everytime he does it.

    4) It’s a bad thing to be a stay at home mother.

    5) She has a right to comment on this matter because it’s her job.

  • So why would anyone defend EC and LR? Either cbme( aka get a clue, anon, kathy) is working for Leann and/or cbme (aka get a clue, anon, kathy) is having an affair with a married man.

    • cee (aka cbme)

      You work for LR, so we know that YOU care about what I think.
      You show me that you care about what I think when you take the time and energy to write posts like this, hijack my name, report me to JJ because you can not take what you dish out, and then write 10-30 posts about everyday

      1) If I was boring, then post 7:59 would not exist.

      2) If I was boring, you wouldn’t be using my words, thoughts, and ideas.

      3) If I was boring you wouldn’t spend all of your time and energy trying to prove to me that LR has fans by posting under 10-30 different names on each site or staging those hi cbme and hi michela posts. You care so much what I think that you tried to prove to me by having your “fans” post at the same time (ie-she used two windows and then submited the posts at the same time).

      BTW, didn’t you post the “boring” thing as KAYLYN? So thanks for once again outting yourself and proving that you are posting under all of these different names.

  • Now LR denies a report from NE that says that she is paying for EC divorce, but she does not deny the claim that BG made. In fact LR tried to deflect by doing charuty work.

  • So why would anyone defend EC and LR? Either cbme( aka get a clue, anon, kathy) is working for Leann and/or cbme (aka get a clue, anon, kathy) is having an affair with a married man.

    Does cbme even know the definition of IGNORE?

    Does cbme even know the definition of do not care?

    Because she says that she ignores me or doesn’t care what I think, yet she will go above and beyond her means to convince me that EC and LR are in love, that EC marriage was supposedly broken before LR got there and that makes it okay for LR ot jump into be bed with EC, and that EC and LR have fans. Those are not the actions of someone who doens’t cares or is even ignoring others.

  • How do we know that EC is using LR for money?

    EC Hallmark movie is airing on WEDNESDAY, so watch and see what the GRUESOME TWOSOME will do to get hype for EC show. Either they will release photos of them with his kids over the weekend or they will have some date night (probably a concert) Mon-Wed. We can be certain that their next pr stunt will be some hand-holding and pda make out session in the public or right in front of EC kids.

    • aboveboard=cbme

      Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!

      Why are you once again posting under yet another name?

      What fans? Everytime you post under a different name, you make it even more obvious that Leann doesn’t have any fans. Everyone is fully aware that YOU are LR pr person and that LR fanbase is so low that you have to pose as fans.

      While YOU may approve of LR actions, the pubblic does not. The public doesn’t not love EC and LR. You are fully aware of this, hence why you have to post under so many different names/site/thread. So how many “fans” are going to show up in this thread?

      • cee(aka cbme)

        Just like your posts never ever say what they really say, right?

        You post on EVERY site EVERYDAY, so we all know that you would not miss a day.

        You can change your name, but you can not change your habits. CBME=cee=aboveboard. Just like you were doing when you posted as merc on eonline, aboveboard is calling other posters old. Just like you did when you posted “g is for gwen” on right celebrity, aboveboard is doing the same thing.

        You can not seriously think that you are fooling people?

        Did I call it or what? I said that Leann doesn’t have any “fans” and look what happened? cbme comes out.

    • cbme=aboveboard.

      Thanks for outting yourself and proving that you are posting under different names. You pulled the “g for GWEN” when you were posting as CBME on right celebrity. Do you ever think before you post? If you thought about the pros and cons of posting under 10-30 different names/site/thread, then you wouldn’t have to pull the “It wasn’t me” card everytime someone calls you out for posting under different names.

      With each name you use, you make it even more obvious that Leann fanbase is low.

  • Lots o’fans for LeAnn.

    Gwen, you’re not young so take it easy with the negativity. It isn’t healthy for any of us to harbor such feelings. Faith that Brandi will find a nice future. Quit fretting!

    • Hi cbme(aka aboveboard)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Leann has lots of fans? Where are they? Oh that’s right, I’m not supposed to know that cbme=aboveboard.

      If Leann had fans, then you wouldn’t be reduced to posting under so many different names/site/thread. What’s the matter? Leann’s album is set to come out and you think hitting every board with 10-30 different names is going to make her sales skyrocket? So what will the record execs do to compensate for LR low album sales? Will they fudge the numbers or buy her albums to make it look like LR is a success?

      We know that LR isn’t young and that LR should take it easy with the negativity towards Brandi. What? Leann isn’t 40 years old, well you could have fooled me.

      We know that LR negativity towards BG isn’t healthy, hence why LR is 27 yo and looks like she is in her 40s.

      Brandi has a future, she doesn’t have to pay men to be her side the way that Leann has to pay Eddie to be by her side.

      When is Leann going to quit fretting? When her bank account is empty from paying off Eddie, his other mistresses, and the tabloids? Eddie doesn’t love Leann, yet Leann keeps shoving it down our throats.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      Didn’t you say that you had TWO aneuryms? So that would make you somewhere in your late 40s to late 50s, right? That means you are probably older than the rest of us combined?

      So then perhaps you should follow your own advice. You are not young and have had TWO aneuryms, so take it easy okay!!!!

      PS-thanks for outting yourself. You said the same thing on a different site when you posted as MERC.

      • Are you nuts? I know a 12 year old who died with an aneurym. There is no age limit on those things.

      • cee(aka cbme)

        Why are you posting under a different name? Because you are still trying to compensate for LR low fanbase.

        Yes we know that you and Leann are nuts, you keep posting under all of these different names as if no one knows that it’s you.

        You don’t know a 12 yo who died of an aneurysm, everyone knows that you sit on your computer all day long.

        If you had done your homework, you would know that brain aneurisms are very rare in children. BTW, you were not a child when you had your TWO aneurysms, so this excuse doesn’t even apply to you.

        Your anyeurism was mostly caused by High Blood Pressure or high cholestrol.

        BTW, you brought up the “old” issue, so now you want to whine because someone beat you at your own game.

    • Didn’t you say that you had TWO aneurysms? So that would make you somewhere in your late 40s to late 50s right?

      • I had both at the same time – Gwen, you tell me yours and I will tell you mine ! ! ! ! I have already said (ask your doctor) that you can have these, anywhere in your body, at any age. I am not old, Gwen if that is what you are trying to find out. I don’t believe you are supposed to ask personal questions like that on these sites – are you? That is a personal thing.

      • cbme(aka aboveboard)

        Wow you missed the point. So let me break it down for you. You have no business calling anyone old when we know that you are old since you had TWO aneuryms.

        You are not old? Just like you are an English major and Christian too, right?

        Uhm, you ask other posters personal questions all the time, so what is your point?

        BTW, the information isn’t personal when YOU volunteered it. You thanked yourself for posting a link and I asked why you were acting like it was the first time you saw the link when you had thanked “michela” in the other thread for posting it? You then tried to play it off by saying that you had memory problems because you had two aneuryms.

      • How funny.

        Look what happens when cbme(aka cee, abovebaord) gets a taste of her her own medicine. She makes excuse after excuse.

        Interesting enough notice how cee and cbme came out of the woodwork when I said that Leann doesn’t have any fans. You see cbme is just too dense for her own good.

    • hi cbme!(aka aboveboard)!!!!!!

      Why are you still posting under so many different names? Because LR still can’t make the public like her?

      So you consider sleeping with another woman’s husband love?

      Where did EC find love? In LR bank account.

      • I consider what LeAnn and Eddie do in their lives personal – and not your business. Love can be anywhere – who is to say? What amazes me about you is how you accuse complete strangers of things and you show no remorse for insulting them. You have absolutely no proof of anything you say, but you don’t seem to care. You and your cohort, Betty, are always saying what goes around comes around. What makes you think that doesn’t apply to you as well as others? What you are saying can very well come back to bite you in the butt. Judge not.

      • cbme( cee, aboveboard)

        1) LR and EC make what they do in their personal lives EVERYONE business. LR is feeding the details of her farce to various tabs and is now tweeting about her farce. EC is whining about how he can’t have privacy? If privacy was a problem for EC and LR, how did they manage to go THREE weeks without being seen and heard? If they want privacy, then don’t go to a charity event and make out with another man’s wife and don’t sit at window where all the paps can see them. As long as EC and LR keep putting their business out there, the public is going to comment. If you do not like what people say about your clients, then either don’t read it or tell your clients to keep their business to themselves.

        If what LR and EC do in their personal lives is not our business, then why are you posting on over 25 sites 24/7? Are you implying that you can comment on this matter? What gives you the right? Because you work for LR?

        BTW, thanks for proving that kathy=cbme.

        2) Wow, are you serious? You accuse complete strangers of things and show no remorse for insulting them, and you want to lecture someone else on accusations and lacking remorse? So what you are saying is that you can dish it out, but you can not take it? You don’t like it when other posters put you in a position to think. Woe is cbme/cee or whatever name she has entered into the name field, why can’t everyone understand her and Leann’s plight as the mistress/other woman?

        3) There you go again arguing that the photos don’t show what they show or that your posts don’t say what they say. Is that all you have? And you said that you were an English major.

        You said that you didn’t care what I think and then you turn around and make how many posts to me? So then what can we draw from this conclusion, that you care what I think. See how it works? I know it’s a difficult concept for you to understand, but eventually you will get it.

        4) No dear it has been you who has been saying what goes around comes around ; however, when this concept is applied to EC and LR, you make nothing but excuses.

        Didn’t you say that you don’t care what people think about EC and LR, so then that too was lie?

        5) So what you are saying is that you are mad at me and Betty because we won’t pat EC and LR on the back for throwing 4 innocent people under a bus?

        You have some misconceptions about how Karma works. The people who comment on EC and LR bad actions are not the ones who will be punished. If you don’t like the responses that people are giving to your clients, then have your clients change their behavior.

        6) How is what I am saying going to bite me in the butt? The photos speak for themselves. EC words speak for themselves. It is not my fault that EC and LR are stupid enough to keep doing silly stuff like make out in public after EC said that it’s not conducive playing anything out in public at all. Or how you criticized BG for talking to press and now LR is on twitter spilling all of her business.

        Why are you even lecturing someone, when you have said much worse things about other posters, BG, and DS? Do you think that LR money makes you immune to the consequences of your actions?

  • Leann’s album is coming out soon. So now we know why Leann didn’t want Brandi at her own son’s birthday party. It’s because Leann is going to use EC son to promote her album. What a lowlife. First LR pretends to be concerned about people with Psoriasis and tosay we find out that LR only likes EC kids because she wants to use them to promote her album. So is that what “doting stepmothers” do?

  • So how many different names is cbme going to use in this thread alone? So far I count six( cbme, kathy, anon, aboveboard, cee, get a clue).

    So let’s play a game. Let’s see how many “Fans” cbme will make show up when I say, “Leann doesn’t have any fans”.

  • LeAnn has millions of fans. Hope you don’t have to let it bother you forever. That would be a terrific waste of beautiful life.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      Why are you still posting under a different name? Because LR still doesn’t have any fans. So how many “fans” are going to show up all over the internet today?

      Really? So then why are you posting under all of these names if LR has millions of fans?

      We know that it will forever bother LR that the public doesn’t support her or even believe that EC is in love with her.

      So that is what happened to LR “beautiful life”, she wasted it on hating on the married man’s wife?

      EC gave an interview where he says that he doesn’t understand why his life isn’t private. Well let’s see, he has a public make out session with another man’s wife at a charity event and he can’t understand why things are not private. EC must not be the brightest bulb in the box.

      • cbme (aka cee)

        And yet you use my words, ideas, and thoughts.

        We know that YOU and Leann are not the brightest bulbs in the box. You keep posting under all of these different names thinking that no one knows that it’s you and Leann keeps trying to convince us that a man who has no qualms about breaking promises to his kids is in love with her because he engages in pda with her in public.

      • cbme (aka aboveboard, cee)

        Well you are the same poster who argues that her posts don’t say what they really say and think that it’s okay to sleep with another person’s spouse if one thinks that the marriage is “broken”.

  • Just how low is LR willing to sink. Leann is using Twitter to assert herself as THE OTHER WOMAN. So now LR is using Twitter as weapon against BG and to use EC kids to promote some concert she is having today.

    Now if things were so great with EC and LR would LR be reduced to using tweets about how she is cooking dinner for “her boys” (apprantly EC and his kids) and trying to make us think that EC loves her because she calls him her man and her sweetie. Th fact that she even has time to tweet to just shows you that EC is not spending as much time with LR like LR would have us believe.

    I just wish the media will call these two out on their antics. The public has caught on to EC and LR farce, but how long is it going to take the media? When LR doesn’t have enough money to pay them for fluff pieces?

    What is even more crazy is the fact that EC just gave an interview about how hard it is to get privacy. Well the number one way to get privacy is to make sure that your mistress isn’t telling the whole wide world all of your business on her twitter account. Is EC arrogant or just dumb?

  • I called it again. Since LR charity pr stunt failed, LR had EC do DAMAGE CONTROL in his latest interview.

    Well you know that a farce is a farce when you can easily predict what EC and LR are going to do next.

    • Aboveboard (AKA cbme)

      Hi cbme!!!!

      Why are you still posting under all of these different names?

      Thanks for outting yourself. You posted the same thing when you were going by the name of “swallows”.

      Now didn’t your “husband” or dump you? Just because you were dumped by a married man, opps I mean, your “husband” it doesn’t mean that that everyone else was.

      How typical, you just can’t understand why anyone would find sleeping with another person’s spouse wrong, do you? So why do you seek out married men?

      So is that why you sleep with married man, you are having a hard time getting over being dumped?

      So why then does Leann have a hard time getting over the fact that no one believes that EC is in love with her? Is that because she was dumped?

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      So then why did your “husband” leave you?

      And why did EC cheat on LR with SMJ?

      THE OTHER WOMAN syndrome: When cbme and LR try to justify their affair with a married man by dehumanizing the married man’s wife and saying that she deserved to be cheated.

      Why do these other women want to argue that everything that happens to them is the wife’s fault? Rielle Hunter blamed Elizabeth and you and Leann blame BG. Do you seriously think that blaming BG is going to save LR? Look around, the public doesn’t like affairs.

      So why do you hate MARRIED WOMEN? Because you have been playing the mistress for how long? So you are mad because in your long years a playing the mistress, you still can not convince the married man to leave his wife for you?

      • cbme(aka aboveboard)

        I know that you are trying to be witty and clever, but do you realize you just slapped yourself in the face?

        So you were cheated on, yet you have no sympathy for other women when it happens to them? Do you think that you deserved to be cheated on? I have seen you hate not only on BG, but on Rosetta Getty, Elin, and Jennifer Aniston.

        Your statement says alot about your self-esteem and self worth. Which is it is VERY LOW. So I was correct, you are projecting your insecurities about yourself onto BG and others because you can not stand to cope with them or yourself.

  • I’d run like heck, change my name and never look back. Poor Eddie can’t do that for the love of his children, LeAnn and his career.

    • cbme( aka aboveboard)

      Wow, you can’t possibly be this dense?

      RUN LIKE HECK: when cbme tries to make it look like she and Leann have the support of other posters by posting under several different names/site/thread?

      What do you mean? You did change your name. Everytime I say that Leann doesn’t have any fans or you get backed into a corner a “different fan” shows up to offer you and LR some support. I can always count on you being too dense for your own good. You really think that you are outwitting others, but in the end you just make even more obvious that Leann doesn’t have any fans. So what happened? When you saw that no one was supporting you, you thought that you would create that support for yourself?

      What love does EC have for his kids? Oh you mean when EC plays the devoted father to his kids only when his Hallmark movie airs?

      What career? Since when is FREELOADING a career.

      So what you are saying is that you are mad because I am making yo uwrok harder than what you intended?

      If you spent

  • There are some things I would not blame anybody for leaving and the situation of G being the ex could certainly account for one – maybe two. Somebody in this world is making it as hard as they can on LeAnn and Eddie and I believe, like Eddie said, most people are forgetting about it. Some of these people would be raving maniacs if LeAnn’s album is a hit. Oh, what a big laught that would be.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      Poor Leann, this is what she is reduced to? Paying her pr person to pose as fans. Do you really think that you are fooling people? Everyone is aware by now that YOU are behind all of these “fans”.

      1) So then by your very own logic, no one can blame your “husband” for cheating on, opps I mean “leaving” you, right? So because your “husband” cheated on you with his wife, you think that every man cheats and that every woman is cheated on? Well at least you just confirmed that you are SWALLOWS, and thus are posting under all of these different names.

      What I like the most about you, is that you can’t resist the urge to fix things. So your job is DAMAGE CONTROL. I say that LR doesn’t have any fans and you try to fix it by dehumanizing BG to justify EC affair with LR, posting under different names, and then argue that anyone who disagrees with affairs is either BG or was cheated on.

      BTW, didn’t you say that you were ignoring me and didn’t care what I think? So that was a lie. And these posts are you just trying to save face because I poked holes in your logic.

      2) Leann and Eddie are making it hard on themselves. Why do you seem to think that EVERYONE, except for EC and LR, are responsible for EC and LR actions. EC was stupid enough to cheat, lie about, and then play it out in the public.Leann was stupid enough to jump in bed with another woman’s husband and then enlist the help of US Weekly to help her expose the affair. EC and LR have no one to blame but themselves.

      3) EC also said that he wasn’t having an affair with LR, that it wasn’t conducive to play anything out in the public, and that it disturb him to see his kids faces in the tabloids. And as we have all witnessed, that was all a lie.

      If people were forgetting out it, you wouldn’t be here and on every site doing damage control.

      And after EC interview and LR stunt with twitter, do you really think that people are going to forget about EC and LR actions? EC just showed everyone that he is a jerk and LR just showed everyone that she is unstable.

      As long as EC and Mistress keep playing everything out in the public, no one will forget. And you are all to aware of this, hence why you post under all these different names because the backlash against your clients is so bad that they lack the fanbase.

      LR album is not going to be a hit. But her record executives are going to push it as one. When LR wrote all that stuff on TWITTER, she ruined her albums. Even you don’t think that LR album is going to be a hit, hence why you post under all these different names.

      We will all be laughing when it comes out that LR record execs fixed the numbers to make it look like LR album was a hit. LR doesn’t have the fanbase, just look at how many different names, you have used in just one day.

  • So what cbme(aka aboveaboard) is saying is that she can dish it out, but she can not take it.

    So notice that when I poke holes in CBMe/CEE/ABoveboard
    s “aneurysms” excuses, she responds with insults and name calling.

  • Leann has sunken so low. She is using her twitter page as a weapon against BG. What a fine humanitarian Leann is. In one breathe she says she likes to help others and in the other she is whining because she seems to think that she is entitled to BG sons.

    Based on how LR has conducted herself on TWITTER it is clear to see that LR uses charity to fuel whitewash her image.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!!Why are you still posting under all of these different names? Are things really that bad for LR?

      And you still think that no one knows that it’s you posting under all of these different names. Well no wonder LR reputation is still so bad.

      Thanks for outting yourself. You wrote the same thing on x17. So cbme=aboveboard.

      We know that Leann has a persecution complex, hence why LR is using her TWITTER page to stalk and harass BG because for some odd reason LR thinks that BG owes her something.

      So that is why LR opted to use TWITTER to stalk BG because People magazine and In Touch were not willing to publish all of those things bad nasty things that LR is writing on her TWITTER page agaisnt BG or as you have said, LR wasn’t able to get her entry in.

      So LR is mad as **** because no one believes that EC is in love with her? And for some odd reason she blames BG.

  • Mad as a wet hen, I should say.

    Don’t pay attention to it if it sends you over the edge. Simple solution.

    • aboveblard(aka cbme)

      We know that LR is as mad as a wet hen because no one belives that EC loves LR, just look at how she is using her TWITTER page as a weapon against BG.

      That is some good advice for LR. Since it sends LR over the edge that no one believes that EC loves her, then perhaps LR should stop trying to shove her farce down our throats EVERYWEEK.

      What would be the simple solution for you, seeing as how you are defending cheaters, sleeping with a married man, and posting under several different names/site/thread to make it look like you and Leann have support because LR fanbase is just too low? Maybe if you stopped sleeping with a married man, you won’t have to make so many excuses for your and LR bad behavior.

  • O-o-o w-e-e! Something really has you know who stirred up. Must have seen somebody smiling and she resents happiness – or saw somebody hugging their love and she has learned to spell groping.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      We know that you are stirred up. What is it? The fact that everyone knows that it’s you posting under all these different names to make it look like LR has fans? Or the fact that someone dared to poke holes in your logic or challenge the way that you seem to think that your world as the other woman operates.

      What it is that has LR so stirred up? That despite the fact that she posted all of those “EC and I are in love'” comments on her twitter page, that everyone still believes that EC is using LR for her money and fame?

      So you think sleeping with another woman’s husband translates into instant happiness? You are sleeping with another woman’s husband and as we have all seen, you are not very happy. Just look at how you have to make your and Leann’s “relationship” with the married man sound important by downplaying thw wife’s marriage or trying to justify your actions by depicting the married man’s wife as the villian.

      BTW, EC smiled with his wife and hugged her too, so what is your point? That when EC smiles and hugs the woman he is sleeping with, it means that he is cheating?

      If LR was as happy as you say she is, then she wouldn’t be so obsessed with BG that she is using her twitter page to stalk EC wife because LR thinks that she is entitled to EVERYTHING that BG has(this includes BG kids).

      Eddie hugged his wife too, so what is your point? That you have to take whatever you can get as a sign of love because you know that the married man and EC will never ever do the things that really matter, like taking care of you and LR the way they took care of their wives?

      So when all else fails, what do you do? You make fun of others grammer mistakes. Well let’s remind you, you and Leann are not above grammer mistakes.

  • The quiet corresponds with someone’s being away. How curious this is lining up.

    Gwen, or ?, things will work out. Not as we want sometimes but they could turn out even better for you.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Is that what the married man said to you when he told you that he wasn’t leaving his wife for you? Things must have not worked out for you, just look at how you keep trying to convince us love=sleeping with a married man. We know that the married man’s response to you wasn’t what you wanted, like how LR didn’t expect EC to deny theh affair when she went through all of the trouble to expose it. Do you seriously think that things are going to turn out for you and Leann? You are sleeping with a married man who doesn’t even find you worthy of promises.

      So what you are saying is that you think that EVERYONE spends as much time on the internet because that is what you do?

      Instead of always worrying about me and other posters, perhaps you should worry about LR. That twitter page makes Leann look very unstable. Perhaps you should be telling Leann that things wil lwork out if she just stopped telling so many lies and taunting BG.

  • CBME(aka aboveboard)

    So what you are saying is that Leann and Eddie still do not have the support of the public and that you have to post under all of these different names to compensate for their low level of fans?

  • CBME, why do you post under so many different names? Do you seriously think that no one knows that aboveboard is you? What is wrong, you couldn’t get other posters to agree with you, so you thought that you create the support for yourself by posting under yet a different name?

    Seriously, where are these “fans” when LR needs them the most? How come these “fans” are nowhere to be found when LR needs support?

  • gwen, it is you who pretend to be so many different people. Keep flooding away. I see it’s very effective.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      1)Flooding away? You said the same thing on x17 and JJ, so thanks for once again proving that CBME=ABOVEBOARD.

      The more you post as aboveboard, the better because while you can change your name, you can not change your habits. I know that you will never ever get it, and will continue to post as aboveboard because you seem to think that using different email accounts for these different names protects you.

      2)So here is the running score:

      I know that aboveboard=cbme because aboveboard did the “g is for gwen”, which is something that cbme did when she posted on RC.

      I know that aboveboard=merc/michela=cbme because aboveboard resorted to calling other posters old the same day/night MERC started calling other posters old on E.

      I know that aboveboard=merc/michela=cbme=lydia/swallows because aboveboard did the “you are criticizing EC and LR because you were dumped” card the same way lydia/swallows did when she posted on JJ.

      And now we have the flooding. The same thing you wrote when you posted as MERC/michela=CBME on JJ and x17.

      So thanks for once again outting yourself and making it that much obvious that LR fanbase is low.

      3)I must be doing something right because you keep taking all of your time and energy to prove to me that Leann has fans and are so worried about what I am saying that you post EVERYDAY.

      4) We know that posting under different names/site/thread hasn’t been effective for Leann. You have been doing this for how long now? Where were those “fans” when LR had to cancel those concerts because he ticket sales were just too low?

  • Aboveboard, looks like some folks are still wrong – you and I aren’t the same person. Are you surprised?

    • CBME( aka aboveboard)

      1) “Aboveboard”

      TRANSLATION: EC and LR still do not have the public’s support, so cbme is trying to compensate for this loss by staging conversations with herself.

      2) “looks like some folks are still wrong ”

      So that is why you are still using my words and ideas, take the time and energy to write over 30 posts to me EVERYDAY, and are so afraid of me that you have to post under different names to make it look like another poster agrees with you?

      We know that you are wrong, and you demonstrate this EVERYTIME you come back to this thread to tell me that I’m a horrible person because I don’t condone EC and LR disregard for other human beings.

      LR is beyond unstable. She is on twitter writing about things that don’t even concern her and all you can do is go from site to site saying that it’s all BG fault.

      3) “you and I aren’t the same person.”

      Just like your posts don’t say what they really say too? Just like you are a Christian? And have worked with children of divorce? Or is how you are ignoring me, despite the fact that you are using my words and making over 30 posts to me? Just like you how you didn’t make any of those posts “where is the lists, the lists, I want the lists” posts on x17 and then you turned around and made the “where is the lists, the lists, I want the lists” posts on JJ under the name of cbme?

      You lie so much and then you wonder why people don’t believe you when you say that you are not posting under different names.

      CBME=aboveboard. The more you post, the easier it is to compare. Aboveboard is writing the exact same things that YOU wrote on another board and under different names.

      Now are you implying that aboveboard is kaylyn or MERC/michela? But kaylyn wasn’t posting on RC when you made the “g is for gwen” comment, you and merc were. So then that leaves MERC/michela?

      I know that you are merc/michela because in this thread when you posted as cbme you said that WE had discussed “BG and EC cheated while EC was engaged to another woman”. The problem, I NEVER discussed that with CBME. I discussed that with MERC/michela. So then CBME=merc.

      4)We know that cbme=aboveboard because YOU never learn your lesson. You are going to keep making these comments where you project your insecurities onto other posters, name calling, and then blaming BG. All the while, you don’t get that you are connecting the dots between these “fans” and making it obvious that these “fans” are the work of one person. So keep on with the aboveboard posts, but don’t get mad because I point out how strange it is that aboveboard shares the same habits as CBME/merc.

      5)”Are you surprised?”

      So you think asking yourself questions will prove that you are not posting under different names?

      You have a habit of doing this. When another poster backs you into a corner and you can not come up with anything to defend yourself, out come the other “fans”. You did this on SS. First it was michela, then when you couldn’t handle me you brought out kathy and then finally cbme. You did the same on E. First it was just cbme, then merc and then kaylyn. We saw the same thing on JJ, first it was cbme and when you couldn’t handel me, then you drag out michela. You did the same thing on USW, first cbme and then a different name everytime I put you in check. You are not fooling anyone. So now LR will go down in history as someone who had to pay for “fans”. What do you think this will do to her album? People are going to question if LR record sales can be trusted, I mean look at how far LR is willing to go to make people think that she has fans. But you will never understand this and will forever continue to post under different names and scream, “Oh not me” despite the fact that we have seen youy lie about EVERYTHING.

  • ABOVEBOARD(aka cbme)

    So make yet another “aboveboard” comment so that I can once again point out where and under what name you made that comment.

    I can always count on one thing, you just don’t get it. You are going to respond with yet another post based on your bruised ego and then you are going to follow it up by highfiving yourself under a different name. Or possibly make yet another “different fan” show up.

    But it’s nice to see that you think that I am being ineffective. If you were not worried about what I was saying or thought that what I was saying didn’t have an impact, then you would just let these threads die.

  • Hey lady, there’s a solution for your misery. Get some good sex. It’ll help you! Good day!

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Well in your case “the good sex” theory can’t be true because if having “good sex” “helped” you with YOUR MISERY, then you wouldn’t be taking the time and energy to post on EVERY site 24/7. If it was such a good day, why are you on every site posting 24/7?

      BTW, everyone knows that people who are always bragging about sex are always the ones who are not getting any. So the married man you are having an affair with, isn’t even sleeping with you? He just takes your money.

      The “good sex” theory can’t be true for Leann because if LR was having “good sex”, she wouldn’t be using her twitter account to stalk BG and make BG miserable.

      So now anyone who challenges you, who doesn’t think that EC and LR actions are cute/hot/sexy, or who doesn’t condone affairs is not having “good sex”?

      So is that what you think determines a woman’s worth in her life? Her ability to lay on her back? No wonder you get so upset when people say that EC isn’t in love with LR and give valid points to prove why.

    • ABOVEBAORD(aka cbme)

      You are just too dense for your own good and in the end you just slap yourself the face.

      So where have we heard the “anyone who dislikes EC and LR does so because they are not getting any sex”?

      E when you posted as CBME
      JJ when you posted as michela.

      So thanks for being kind enough to keep showing us that LR doesn’t have any fans and has to employ the assistance of a pr person to make it look like she has fans.

      So make another statement so that I can once again point out on what site you said it and under what name you used.

      You are doing such a great job at proving my point. LEANN DOESN’T HAVE ANY FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So what you are saying is that you and Leann are miserable and that the fairytale that Leann pays these tabs to create isn’t real?

      So that is why Leann is stalking BG, it’s because Leann isn’t having “good sex” ? Is that because EC is out having chemistry with another woman or is the problem EC skills as evidenced by his dancing.

      Is that why you hate on stay at home mothers, BG, and DS? Because you are not having “good sex”?

  • Why would anybody let this thread die just to please her majesty? If you don’t answer then the one who tells the world how pitiful and knowing she is would say she slapped you down. Can’t have that. Oh, people, she is not ineffective – people get a good laught out of her. How can a clown be ineffective – but I have heard people say that underneath, a clown or clowns are the most depressed and saddest people there is.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      1) Wow, you missed the point. You are the one complaining about other posters posting in these threads. So the point is why are you complaining when you are going out of your way to post here EVERYDAY? So when you complain about other posters posting in these threads, you are just trying to save face because you can not come up with anything?

      So you really think that you are helping LR? All you have managed to prove is that LR is paying you to post under different names.That is not a good thing when LR album release is approaching.

      BTW, this is a pro-BG thread. So does what you said on JJ apply here? On JJ you said that “haters” should stop posting in LR thread beause it means that they are supporting LR by giving her threads hits. So then by your own logic that applies here, right? You are giving BG hits when you post in this thread, right? Or does that rule only apply when you are trying to make people stop posting about LR?

      2) And yet you continue to use my words and ideas despite the fact that you downplay my posts. So once again you are just trying to save face. So you are upset because other posters have the audacity to poke holes in your logic? And according to you, it’s all my fault because YOU can not come up with a valid argument that isn’t based on your bruised ego?

      I must be doing something right because you are using over 10-30 different names on EVERY site you post on.

      Pitiful is sleeping with a married man, stalking his wife using a twitter account, using the married man’s kids to promote an album and concert, having to use Rhiana’s name because LR is trying to clean up her image by associating herself with people she knows is liked by the public(ie-Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, etc…), and then trying to justify your and LR actions with a married man by dehumanizing his wife(ie-LR twitter page).

      The only time I have ever scolded you for not answering was when you use the “Answer me or else…” card . BTW, that was ANON who mentioned how you avoid questions on E. She was basically calling you out for the same reason I mentioned. You seem to think that other posters are obligated to answer you and when they IGNORE you or don’t answer your questions, you then stalk/harass those posters. When other posters turn the tables and use your own words against you, you then sing a different tune.

      3) We know that LR can’t have the public feeling more sympathy for BG than they do for her. That is where you come in. You are on DAMAGE CONTROL duty. So when LR doesn’t have the support of the public, it’s your job to create it by posting under different names.

      4) We know that everyone is getting a good laugh at LEANN and YOU. That is why you are hating on BG.

      5) Since Leann is still trying to convince people that EC loves her and you are still posting under different names to make it look like LR has fans, please tell us how a clown can be so ineffective?

      6) “but I have heard people say that underneath, a clown or clowns are the most depressed and saddest people there is.””

      Well you were the one who said that your “husband” calls you a clown and so that was when I told you about the saying about how clowns are the saddest people even though they smile.

      This brings me to my next point, so when LR talks about how she and EC are happy and in loveon her twitter page, then that means that she is just putting up a front, right? When LR talks about how great her album is, then that too just means that she is putting upa front. So whatever LR says, we sould take the opposite.

      When you write those “I had a Good day, wonderful day, sunshine day,or happy day” posts on E and JJ(as kaylyn), it just means that you are really sad and depressed, right?

      It looks like you just got slapped down. Perhaps if you think before you post, you wouldn’t have to resort downplaying my posts because you can’t come up with a valid statement.

      So what is next? More posts where you alternate between aboveboard and cbme? Or you make yet another “fan” show up because you have been smacked down? Or are you going to go and write even more anti-BG fanfic? Or perhaps you will make yet another hypocritical statement?

  • Why does “g” talk about slapping in the face and smacking people down? Sounds like a violent streak in the nature. That’s why I suggested they get some lovin’ or help.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      You gotta love LR pr person. She is just too dense for her own good. She really thinks that she is being witty and clever and it’s funny to see that she doesn’t even get that she is proving my point that Leann doesn’t have any fans.

      1) “Why does “g” talk about slapping in the face and smacking people down? Sounds like a violent streak in the nature.”

      Wow, you said the same thing on JJ when you posted as CBME. So once again thanks for demonstrating that cbme=aboveaboard.

      I know you think that you are being witty and clever, but in the end you are just slapping yourself in the face.

      So what you are telling me is that you don’t understand what the phrase means? And you said that you were an Engish major?

      2) “That’s why I suggested they get some lovin’ or help.”

      So anyone who doesn’t condone EC and LR isn’t getting any lovin? So like I said, you think a woman’s worth in life is determined by how often she lays on her back. So in your mind you are only important as long as you are laying on your back?

      So you said the same thing when you posted on E as cbme and on JJ when you posted as michela. So thanks for

      THE OTHER WOMAN syndrome: when cbme and LR have convinced themselves that the problem are those who don’t condone their actions. So cbme is posting under different names, trashing BG, advocating sleeping with a married man, and acting like EC and LR are the victims and she wants to argue that it’s other’s who need hlpe.

      3) So then by your logic LR isn’t getting any lovin, hence why she is stalking BG. Leann does need help, no one in their right mind is going to keep trying to make people think that a man who has no qualms about breaking promises to his kids is in love with her.

      4) By your very own logic that means that you are not getting any lovin, hence why you get offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    • Wow, you really are dense.

      So thanks for providing more comments that I can connect to cbme, merc, and michela.

      So what you have just proven is that CBME=aboveboard.

  • aboveboard, I think you called it just right when you suggested “help.” Can you imagine loving something that far off the beam? Gives me a chill just thinking about it.

    • cbme(aka aboveboard)

      Of course you think that aboveboard called it when she said “help”; afterall, you are ABOVEBOARD and think that anyone who doesn’t condone adultery/who challenges you is the problem.

      So is that what the married man said to you? He said that he couldn’t love you because you were “far off the beam”? So what did you do? did you stalk his wife?

      So when the married man told you that you were too far off the beam to love, it gave you chills?

      Why do you keep insisting on posting under all of these different names? The fact that you think that you are fooling people just shows just how far off the beam you are.

  • We know that Leann is far off the beam, hence why she is stalking BG on twitter and keeps trying to make people think that a man who doesn’t even think that his kids are worthy of his promises is in love with her.

  • Got your way but still bitter. Just come out and say what you really want. It’s so obvious what that is!

    • aboveabord(aka cbme)

      Thanks again for demonstrating that aboveboard=cbme. So just like cbme, everything that happens to you is always someone else’s fault and everything that happens to LR and EC is always BG fault.

      And just like cbme, you seem to think that BG owes LR and EC something. So you think that BG should not be seen or heard because she is constant reminder of EC and LR bad behavior. As long as BG and DS are out of sight, they are out of mind, and therefore EC and LR bad deeds are forgotten? That is not how it works. As long as EC and LR continue their “Look at me” tour while EC breaks promises to his kids, the public is going to call them out.

      The public doesn’t like EC and LR.

      EC and LR are responsible for their own actions. If EC and LR are stupid enought to keep shoving their farce down the public’s throats, then why have no one to blame but themselves. It is not BG, DS, EC kids, or those who comment who are at fault.

      We know that you and Leann are still bitter, everyone is calling you out for posting under these different names to make it look like LR has support, no one believes that EC loves LR, everytime EC shows up in public with LR people are telling the media to check the tc guide because all it means is that EC Hallmark movie is airing or that CSI is airing a new episode.

  • How many times do I have to tell you that I dont care who you think I am? Why would I try to fool you? Are you some big super power who is going to do me harm? No. Are you someone that I would try to impress in a million years? No Are you the angel Gabriel about to blow the trumpet? No Are you my great aunt Lucy who might remember me in her will? No (you aren’t are you? Good lord what a thought). So why in the world would I care what you think? Unless you are great aunt Lucy, I don’t care what you think. If you are, I might be a little nicer – but I doubt it.

    • cbme(aka abovebaoard)

      1) Obviously you do care who I think you are because you keep going out of your way to convince me that you are a fan and that Leann has fans.

      2) Why would you try to fool me? For the same reason you take the time and energy to write 30 posts telling me that you are ignoring me or arguing that your posts don’t say what they say. Because you lack common sense.

      3) Obviously you think that I am some superpower who is doing you harm everytime I call you out for posting under different names or poke holes in your logic, hence why you resort to name calling and hijacking my name when you have been backed into a corner.

      4) You are not trying to impress me? So then how come all of these “fans” show up EVERYTIME I say that LR does not have any fans? You see, there is a disconnect between what you say and what you do. So think about this the next time you change your name.

      5) What does Gabriel have to do with this? Nothing? Please do yourself a favor and READ the BIBLE. You quote from the Bible which you googled, yet you have no concept of what the words mean.

      It is not my fault that you lack common sense and keep posting under these different names. I told you several times before, if you do not want to get called out for posting under different names then stop. Don’t boo hoo AFTER you are caught.

      6) You are just too dense for your own good. So let me get this straight, you don’t care what I think, yet you take the time and energy to stage conversations with yourself to make me think that LR has fans and then you go out of your way to respond to my posts. And you don’t care what I think? This is why no one believes you when you say that you are not posting under different names. If you did not care what I think, you would not be posting in this thread. If you didn’t care what I think, you wouldn’t sit on JJ and make posts about me before I even show up on that thread(ie-leannfan on the new thread on JJ). You are supposed to be a English major, so “I don’t care what you think” is the best you can do?

      7)You care what I think because you work for Leann. LR pays you to read EVERY post I make.

      8) You nice? When have you ever been nice? When you stalk and harass other posters?

      9) How interesting. There use to be a poster on JJ who went by the name of lucy, and now all of a sudden you have an aunt whose name just so happens to be lucy? Wow, you can not possibly be this dense. I mean, do you even think before you post? Lucy posted on JJ before cbme started making regular appearances. Michela was posting at the time that lucy was posting, so what you have just proved is that michela=cbme. You seem to think that you are teaching me a lesson, but you just end up slapping yourself in the face.

  • When all else fails and LR pr person can not come up with a valid argument she will

    a) Argue that anyone who challenges her does so because they are not getting in “lovin” and therefore implying that women are only important as long as they are laying on their backs.

    b) Scream “I don’t care what you think” despite the fact that she keeps responding to my posts, going out of her way to prove to me that Leann has fans by making these fans talk to one another, or making posts about me before I even post in the thread.

    c) Scream that everything that happens to EC and LR is always BG fault.

  • g is not for gwen but the first initial of the last name. And you display the bitterness of a recently spurned woman

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      Oh you are back again, providing me with more posts that support that cbme=aboveboard. Thanks for being too dense for your own good.

      Cbme is always projecting her insecurities about herself and Leann onto others. So instead of admiting that she is bitter because she has been recently spurned, cbme will write a post and attribute these negative feelings to other posters.

      So what cbme, opps I mean aboveboard, means is that
      she and Leann display the bitterness of a recently spurned woman.

    • So when all else fails and you can not deal with the public’s dislike of EC and LR, you are going to blame BG? Wow, that must be working well for LR, right? Since you have been blaming BG has LR reputation gotten any better? No?

  • Looks as if another poster has already figured out why you use the letter g for id. If I were you, I would not bring up the words “dumb” and “pathetic.” If there is anyone in the world more dumb or pathetic than you are, I don’t know who it is. You have exhibited chasing to the highest degree. Lets throw in the word desperate as well.

    • cbme(aboveaboard)

      Wait, didn’t you say that you don’t care what I think? So you were just trying to save face then? Yeap, cbme=aboveboard, just look at how cbme keeps posting despite the fact that she has screamed in over 5 posts that she doesn’t care what I think.

      1) What other poster? YOU are ABOVEBOARD. Oh, so you think that using different email addresses will fool the moderators?

      2) So what you are saying is that since you can not cope with the public’s dislike of EC and LR, you are going to just attribute it to BG? And how well is that working for LR? Since you are still posting under different names and acting like no one knows that it’s you,

      3) If I were you, I would not bring up the words “dumb” and “pathetic.”

      Why because YOU don’t know what pathetic and dumb means? Why don’t you just google pathetic and dumb, just like you google al of those Bible verses?

      4) “If there is anyone in the world more dumb or pathetic than you are, I don’t know who it is.”

      You must not have looked at yourself in the mirror today, did you?

      So what you are saying is that you can not come up with a valid argument so you are going to downplay my posts despite the fact that you keep using my words, ideas, and thoughts.

      5) “You have exhibited chasing to the highest degree. ”

      So is that what the married man told you? He broke it off with you because he just couldn’t stand you chasing his wife, kids, and him?

      6) “Lets throw in the word desperate as well.”

      The married man called you desperate too? What did you do when he called you desperate? Blame his wife?

      No wonder you hate on BG, you can’t cope with being dumped by a married man.

  • Boo hoo, LR person can dish it out, but she can not take it.

    Now lets see how many more posts cbme will make as aboveboard because she thinks that using a different email address will protect her from being caught. Let’s see how many times “I don’t care what you think” cbme is going to make a “You are such a horrible person because you don’t like EC and LR” post.

  • miss ‘g’ …….you exhibit signs of an immature woman who never advanced beyond a high-school mentality of back-biting and cattiness. LeAnn looked mighty fine last night. Don’t let yourself be consumed by a competitive and vindictive waste of precious time and energy.


      Thanks for once again being a good sport and demonstrating that cbme=aboveboard. CBME has a habit of projecting her insecurties onto others. So your post is just another “CBME can’t cope with her insecurities so she is going to write a post and say what she can not say about herself to someone else” card.

      We know that YOU and LEANN “exhibit signs of an immature woman who never advanced beyond a high-school mentality of back-biting and cattiness”, as evidenced by the fact that you slept with married men, try to justify your actions by dehumanizing he married man’s wife and BG or downplay the marriage, never taking responsiblity for your actions. I suspect that Leann has Histrionic Personality Disoder, hence why she is always trying to convince people that herf farce with EC is more intimate than what it really is. All anyone has to see is LR twitter page and how hard LR is working to recreate every photo of EC and BG. Like how LR went to a club with EC and did the same exact pose that BG and EC did when they were there lasy year. Since you are always spliting, I suspect that you have BPD.

      You come to these sites and you expect people to bend over backwards for you and then when that doesn’t happen out come the “VICTIM” posts. If you can not take what you dish out, then step away from the computer. Just because People mag and JJ caters to LR, it does not mean that the rest of the public must do the same.

      And do you know what people are saying about how LR looked? They are saying that she is trying to morph herself into Reese W. Now why would she do that? Because LR reputation is so bad, someone must have told her that she could redeem herself by associating herself with celebs who have high favor with the public. So in addition to single white femaling BG, SMJ, now LR is SWF Resse W.

      Is that what happened to you and Leann? You and Leann were so “consumed by a competitive and vindictive waste of precious time and energy” that you have not grown out of your HPD and BPD and have to resort to sleeping with married men because you don’t feel important unless you are competing with another woman for her husband and her kids?

    • Boo hoo, LR person can dish it out, but she can not take it. So now anyone who doesn’t agree with her is BG? How well has that worked out for LR, you know blaming BG for everything that happens to her and EC?

      Now lets see how many more posts cbme will make as aboveboard because she thinks that using a different email address will protect her from being caught. Let’s see how many times “I don’t care what you think” cbme is going to make a “You are such a horrible person because you don’t like EC and LR” post.

      BTW, did you know that your client is on JJ posting as Right on? She is giving a sob story about how her “husbands” ex is being mean. Boo hoo. Poor LR, did she expect the life of a mistress to be a fairytale? Did she think that BG was going to just hand over her kids to her?

    • miss g? You wrote the same thing on JJ when you posted as michela and cbme. So all you have proven is that aboveaboard=cbme=michela. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

  • Being “consumed by a competitive and vindictive waste of precious time and energy” is WHEN cbme(aka aboveboard and all the different names that she uses) and Leann

    1) Argue that a person has the right to sleep with a married person if they think that the person’s marriage is “broken”.

    2) Try to justify your affair with a married man by dehumanizing the victims(ie-DS, BG).

    3) Get offended when people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    4) Open an unofficial twitter account with the intentions of

    5) Pa

  • Being “consumed by a competitive and vindictive waste of precious time and energy” is WHEN

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married person if you think that their marriage is borken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

  • The ultimate act of being “consumed by a competitive and vindictive waste of precious time and energy”:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    Did you hear what happened at the award show? EC was called a cheater by the people in the control room as he was presenting an award. Now was that BG too? No one likes EC and LR and as you can see it’s EC and LR fault, not BG.

    • You wrote the same thing on JJ when you posted as michela. So thanks for proving that michela=cbme=aboveboard.

  • aboveboard(aka cbme)

    I know that I hit a sore spot, hence why you are still posting under different names, LR is doing damage control, and is now using chairty because things didn’t work out in her favor at the awards show.

    Thanks for once again being such a good sport and showing us that aboveboard=cbme. You just don’t get it and you probably never will. So just like CBME, when you can not come up with a valid argument, you will try to argue that you had a victory. Where is your victory? You have managed to tell everyone that LR fanbase is so low that she has to pay a pr person to post under 10-30 different names/site/thread and that your only response seems to be posts where you whine about how people are being “unfair” to you. To top it all off, LR is posting on JJ as Right on and on other sites as Kathy.

    You hit a sore spot? Is that just like how your posts never say what they really say? Or how you are ignoring me despite the fact that

    What truth are you talking about? The world according to YOU and Leann, where you have to pay people to say nice things to you?

    Just like CBME, you downplay my posts despite the fact that you are using my words. Hit a sore spot? That is like when I tell you that I have struck a nerve, right? So what does it mean when CBME(aka aboveboard) downplays the posts of others and then uses their words and ideas? It means that CBME is trying to save face.

  • Did you hear the news? Leann is back to promoting Psoriasis. So you know what that means? To whitewash her image(ie-due to th ebacklash from the awards show and her twitter account) and make it okay for her to stage pda and handholding photo-ops with EC, LR is going to use charity. Isn’t charity supposed to be from the heart? If LR cared about the plight of others, then wouldn’t her charity start with Brandi, Dean, and EC kids? She opened a twitter account with the intention of stalking BG, so we know that LR doesn’t care about anyone but LR. If LR wants to save her reputation or career, she should start by showing some remorse and stop encouraging EC to break promises to his kids.

  • You gotta love LR pr person, she just doesn’t get it and probably never will. She pulls this back and forth with me on EVERY site. So for her to sit here and think that no one knows that she is aboveboard, just demonstrates how out of touch with reality she is.

    So what will LR pr person do next?

    a) CBME will show up to pat aboveaboard on the back?

    b) Change her name and make a different poster will show up to pat aboveboard on the back?

    c) Name calling?

    d) Write yet another VICTIM post, where she whines about how unfair people are being to her because they respond her posts.

    e)Write another post claiming that anyone who disagrees with her is Brandi.

    f) Go to JJ and stage more hi cbme and hi michela posts because I said:Leann does not have any fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Now sit back and watch as “CBME” comes out of the woodwork to “prove” that LR has fans.

  • g for…….you sound mean-spirited and green with envy. Heard it’s been with you for quite some time. Your life would be brighter if you could shake that monster of jealousy.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for once again demonstrating that CBME=aboveboard. Why do you keep posting under different names? Is LR fanbase that low?

      So did I call it or what? Since LR pr person can’t come up with anything valid, she has opted to do D: “Write yet another VICTIM post, where she whines about how unfair people are being to her because they respond her posts.”

      What is that? CBME is once again projecting HER insecurities onto other posters. So what you meant to say was that YOU and Leann are “mean-sprited and green with envy”. Well it shows, in how you just can’t be happy unless you are blaming Brandi and Dean for EC and LR bad behavior. It also shows in Leann, you know that LR is jealous because LR goes out of her way to recreate EVERY photo that BG and EC shared.

      2) “Heard it’s been with you for quite some time.”

      You didn’t hear anything. So what you are saying is that you are posting anti-BG fanfic under several different names because EC and LR still do not have the public’s support. So in order to make EC and LR look like decent people, you have to dehumanize the victims. How well is that working for Leann?

      3) “Your life would be brighter if you could shake that monster of jealousy.”

      So is that why your life is not so bright because you just can’t shake that monster of jealousy? You are jealous of the fact that you have to pay a man to be by your side and even then he still won’t love you or leave his wife?

      So what you are saying is that Leann opened that unofficial twitter account to stalk and taunt BG because Leann just could not shake the monster of jealousy? So even though LR is paying EC, EC still won’t love her or be faithful to her.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So let me get this straight, EC gets called out at the awards for being a cheater and then you go and take it out on BG by writing even more anti-BG fanfic? And then you wonder why things are not working out for EC and LR.

  • Being “mean-spirited and green with envy“ is WHEN

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married person if you think that their marriage is borken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

  • So remember how I said that LR is doing charity and all it means is that LR is trying to whitewash her image so that she can stage another photo-op with EC?

    Well once again, I called it.

    Apparantly LR took EC and his on a trip(ie-this via LR twitter page). So come Monday or Sunday night, the internet is probably going to be bombarded with photos of EC, LR and his kids being a “happy family” since those other photos didn’t quite get the reaction LR was hoping for.

    Yes a trip, so for all who were gushing over EC and LR being cute at the award show, it was just a front because LR offered EC a trip in exchange for showing up with her at the awards show, doing the same pose that he did with BG, and allowing LR to twitter about his kids). That is love? Paying a man in the form of trips and shopping sprees and free publicity for his show.

    The funniest off all, is that LR is giving out the details despite the fact that EC gave that interview in Parade about how he can’t get any privacy. EC and LR can not possibly be this stupid. Isn’t there one person to tell them to that there pr stunts are only making them the most disliked “couple” in HW? So let’s sit back and watch as EC and LR burn even more bridges. With all of this backlash, I won’t be surprised if LR album is postponed or LR tries to falsify the numbers so that it looks like her album is a success.

    On another note, I find is extremely offensive that LR would use charity is such a way. Why even bother to do charity,when she is just using it as a means to wreak havoc in another person’s life?

  • g (not for gwen) has her stock posts to which she adds a new line or two when some news comes out on her nemesis and competition.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      a(not for aboveaboard, but for AKA’s or ALIAS that cbme has to use because leann fanbase is not where it should be)

      We know that YOU and LEANN have YOUR “stock posts to which YOU and LEANN add a new line or two when some unflattering news comes out on EC and LR”, hence why we are able to come to the conclusion that YOU are behind all of these “fans” that show up out of the blue whenever LR isn’t getting the support you think that she deserves.

      Is that why you are always using my words and ideas because the best you can do is name calling and all of these “Woe is me because other posters dare to poke holes in my logic” posts?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      TRANSLATION: cbme still can not come up with a valid argument, so she is going to downplay my posts to make herself feel better because she feels that her posts are not as superior as other posters.

  • Have you ever considered going to school or getting a job? It would help yo feel better about yourself.

    • Not feeling good about oneself is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married person if you think that their marriage is borken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!

    1) “Have you ever considered going to school or getting a job?”

    We know that YOU don’t have a REAL job, hence why you are able to sit on the internet all day long and post every hour of the day.

    2) ” It would help yo feel better about yourself.”

    Is that what the married man you were having an affair with told you? So in other words he was telling you to find something more constructive than stalking and harassing his wife and kids.

    Well since you are here EVERY DAY and HOUR of the DAY, you didn’t take his advice did you?

    So let’s review some things that will make you feel better about yourself, so that you won’t have to keep writing posts where you project the negative feelings you have for yourself onto others.

    First stop trying to defend cheaters, we know that LR money is good, but look what it has done to you. Do you ever take a break? Why are you so afraid to stop posting? Hey, why do all of the “fans” seem to disappear when you do?

    Second, stop chasing after married men. You can not make the married man leave his wife by stalking her and her kids.

    Third, learn what love is so that you won’t have to write posts implying that a woman is only worthy as long as she is laying on her back. If you think that this is love, then you need some counseling.

    Fourth, stop blaming others because you don’t have the common sense or brain power to come up with something other than name calling or insults. You are supposed to be an English major, what happened to you? Maybe I should just come to terms with the fact that you can’t do nay better than your “VICTIM” posts.

    Fifth, you make yourself really stupid when you criticize others for posting on these sites when it is common knowledge that you post EVERYDAY and HOUR of the day.

    Sixth, stop being a coward and hiding behind all of these names.

  • So that is why Leann has so much time to post on JJ as Right on, PH as micah 3, and Kathy on other sites, and twitter about BG and BG kids, it’s because LR doesn’t have a REAL job or an education?

    And that is why LR opened an unofficial twitter account because LR just doesn’t feel good about herself. Well I told you LR has Histrionic Personality Disorder, what did you expect?

  • g(does not stand for gwen)

    Are you Miss Glanville? Is that why you are totally obsessed with Eddie still? And can’t allow the reality in that he could ever love another woman? And, if you are her, what will a new man in your life think if he knew how completely hung up on Eddie you remain?

    • a ( which stands for AKAs and alias because LR still does not have the support of the public and she has to compensate for it by paying a pr person to pose as fans)

      1) “Are you Miss Glanville? ”

      THE OTHER WOMAN syndrome: When cbme/michela and Leann feel so insecure that they began to see the married man’s wife EVERY where.

      2) “Is that why you are totally obsessed with Eddie still? ”

      Thanks for outting yourself. You pulled the “You are obsessed with EC” card on JJ when you posted as cbme and then on US Weekly when you posted as CBME.

      Are you seriously going to lecture someone on being obsessed when you post EVERY DAY of the week and EVERY HOUR?

      So since you you keep coming here day in and day out, by your own logic that makes you obsessed with Eddie, right?

      3) “And can’t allow the reality in that he could ever love another woman?”

      So is that why Leann is stalking BG on twitter, LR can’t not deal with the fact that at one point EC loved his wife, but will never ever love LR. Well that is, unless of course LR PAYS him the right amout of money.

      4) “And, if you are her, what will a new man in your life think if he knew how completely hung up on Eddie you remain?”

      Since LR is desperately trying to convince everyone that EC loves her because he kisses her in public, the only one hung up on EC is LEANN. And of course you. Why are you offended because people don’t like EC and LR? Is it because you are having an affair with a married man who only wants you because you buy him nice things?

    • Being hung up on Eddie is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married person if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    • aboveboard( which stands for AKAs and alias)

      Nobody knows the trouble the MISTRESS sees, nobody knows CBME and Leann’s trouble.

      For the rest of their life, the married man will compare cbme and Leann to his wife.

      For the rest of their life, cbme and Leann will always wonder if the married man is pining for his wife, even when he engages in pda with cbme or Leann.

      For the rest of their life, CBME and Leann will always have to find ways to dehumanize the married man’s wife just to cope with cbme and Leann’s low self-esteem.

      For the rest of their life, cbme and Leann will always blame BG and the married man’s wife because cbme and Leann are just too cowardly to face the consequences of their actions.

      For the rest of their life, cbme and Leann will hung up on the fact that Eddie and the married man will never ever be faithful to them.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Hi cbme!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      So you still have not followed the married man’s advice to you to get a REAL job or go to school?

      So what you are saying is that I am doing a GREAT job on LEANN’s psyche, so much so that she feels the need to post on these sites?

      How are you defining success? By the number of different names you and LEANN have to use per site per thread?

    • How do you know when the psyche of THE OTHER WOMAN is has been broken:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married if you think that their marriage is borken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      How exactly is LEANN or Right on succeeding since LR has to post under different names to make excuses for her actions with another woman’s husband?

      So is that how THE OTHER WOMAN copes with herself, she convinces herself that she has been victorious even though she has to stoop to low levels?

      The fact that you are still writing these boo hoo or woe is me posts, is proof enough.

      BTW, how low of LR to use Psoriasis to stage a pda photo-op with EC, especially since in doing so she has once again encouarged EC to break a promise to his kids.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Wait. Now where did I hear this line? That is right, you posted something simliar on JJ when you using the name micheala. But instead of right on, this time you used AKS (ie-some “fan” of EC and LR who just so happened to go to school with BG and only showed up AFTER someone called michela out for posting anti-BG fanfic on TMZ under the name of chiasme).

      So what we can conclude is that michela=aboveaboard.

      We know that michela is cbme(ie-cbme gets banned from a thread and oddly enough michela and all the “fans” disappear from that thead; only to reappear only after CBME is allowed to post in the thread again. CBME says that I discussed the issue of BG and EC cheating with her, but that wasn’t true, I discussed that issue with michela/merc), so we have aboveaboard=michela=cbme.

      I love that LR pr person is just too dense for her own good. She just keeps going and going, never ever fully understanding that she has just built a case against herself.

    • aboveaboard( a for alias and aka’s because LR fanbase is so low that cbme has to compensate for it by posting under several different names).

      Not in a wad? Now where did I hear that before? That is right you posted it on JJ as cbme and US weekly as CBME. So thanks once again for being a good sport and demonstrating that aboveboard=cbme and that LR has to plant a pr person on these sites to pose as fans because she just can’t get the support she thinks that she deserves.

  • Being in a wad is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

  • miss g

    Only one person could ever identify so as the injured party and that is you. What happened to your boyfriend? What would he think if he knew you were so hung up on another man still?

    • aboveaboard(aka CBME)

      1) “Only one person could ever identify so as the injured party and that is you.”

      Nobody knows the trouble cbme and leann sees, nobody knows their sorrow as THE OTHER WOMAN. For the rest of cbme and leann life, they will continue to try to push the notion that they are suffering more than the married man’s wife and that they were entitled to sleep with another woman’s husband.

      2) “What happened to your boyfriend? ”

      Why are you so worried about BG boyfriend? Is EC not workingout for LR and now LR wants to know if all men are as MONEY driven as EC?

      3) “What would he think if he knew you were so hung up on another man still?”

      Is that why leann can’t find a decent man? LR is too hung up on man who can’t even keep a promise to his kids?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So that is why this is a personal issue for you? You are hung up on a man who just isn’t that into you. And you think that blaming the married man’s wife is going to make him love you?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Wait, I heard that before. You posted the same thing on JJ as cbme and michela. So thanks for once again being a good sport and showing us that LR still does not have the support she thinks that she deserves.

      So is that why Leann opened that unofficial twitter account, LR couldn’t get over the birthday party thing?

      We know that LEANN needs to get help, she is still trying to make everyone think that EC loves her despite the fact that EC still hasn;t kept any promises to his kids.

    • Being unable to get over the birthday party is WHEN:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    • How do you know when Leann and CBME need help, when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

  • Being hung up on another man is WHEN:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

  • This is what I love about LR pr person(aka cbme/aboveboard), she is just too dense to even see that she is building a case against herself. So she will continue to post in thread, providing the evidence that connects her CBME.

    But what is even more interesing is that LR pr person really thinks that she is being clever and witty with these posts. Well she also argues that her posts never ever say what they really say. She is even calling other posters obsessed, despite the fact that she is following BG twitter page and even spends more time in a BG thread then she does in a LR and EC thread.

    So what we can gather, LR hires people who are not smarter than her because it makes LR look like a rocket scientist. So let’s see how many more posts cbme will produce where she projects her insecurities onto other posters and takes her hate for herself out on the married man’s wife.

  • poor miss g…..out of ammo so she babbles on from site to site but only about LeAnn.

    Where is that boyfriend?

    gwen is abc is sandy is anon is excuses is many many names but in the end is miss g

    Get a life gurl!

    • Being out of ammo would be when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    • Not having a life is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

      24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      1) We know that you are and Leann are using various different names as you post on these sites. Just because LR has to create her own fanbase by changing your names everytime you post, it doesn’t mean that EVERYONE else is doing the same.

      2) What is it with THE OTHER WOMAN? Why do these women sleep with other women’s husbands, and then have the nerve to blame the married man’s wife? Did you see Rielle Hunter’s interview? It sounds just like your posts and LR twitter page. So all you mistresses do think alike.

      3) LR album must be doing very badly because look at how hard LR and her pr person as working to make it look like all of the negative feedback that LR receives is from BG.

      4) “Get a life gurl!”

      Is that what the married told you? He got tired of you stalking his wife and kids and told you to do something more constructive? Why didn’t you take his advice?

      LR should also get a life too, since she has to sleep with married men and then pay them to kiss her in public.

      5) We know that you are running out of ammo, hence why LR is babbling on her twitter page about a man who doesn’t even love his own kids enough to keep a promise to them.

      6) Why are you worried about BG boyfriend? Are you upset because normal women don’t have to sleep with married men like you and Leann?

    • Get a life? Where did I hear that before? When you posted on E as cbme and JJ as michela and US Weekly as CBME? So thanks again for being such a good sport and demonstrating that aboveaboard=michela=cbme. Keep making these posts because in the end you are just helping to bring down LR album. Yeap, with each post you make as aboveaboard you just show us that LR pr person has been employed to pose as fans on these sites.

      True to form, when cbme can’t come up with anything valid, what does she do? She downplays my posts to save face. So even though she is taking the time and energy to respond to me and even going so far as to use my words and ideas in her posts as if she came up with the idea on her own, she wants to scream that my posts are “babble”. Well if they were “babble”, she wouldn’t be so offended by them, to the point where she keeps coming back to this thread or posting under 10-30 different names just to prove to me that LR has fans.

  • poor miss g…..out of ammo so she babbles on from site to site but only about LeAnn.

    Where is that boyfriend?

    gwen is abc is sandy is anon is excuses is many many names but in the end is miss g

    Get a life gurl

    • aboveabord(aka cbme)

      Are you copying and pasting? Where did I see this before? You do the same thing on E when you posted as MERC. And as we all know merc=michela and michela=cbme. So thanks again for being such a good sport and helping to make these connections.

      1) We know that you are and Leann are using various different names as you post on these sites. Just because LR has to create her own fanbase by changing your names everytime you post, it doesn’t mean that EVERYONE else is doing the same.

      2) What is it with THE OTHER WOMAN? Why do these women sleep with other women’s husbands, and then have the nerve to blame the married man’s wife? Did you see Rielle Hunter’s interview? It sounds just like your posts and LR twitter page. So all you mistresses do think alike.

      3) LR album must be doing very badly because look at how hard LR and her pr person as working to make it look like all of the negative feedback that LR receives is from BG.

      4) “Get a life gurl!”

      Is that what the married told you? He got tired of you stalking his wife and kids and told you to do something more constructive? Why didn’t you take his advice?

      LR should also get a life too, since she has to sleep with married men and then pay them to kiss her in public.

      5) We know that you are running out of ammo, hence why LR is babbling on her twitter page about a man who doesn’t even love his own kids enough to keep a promise to them.

      6) Why are you worried about BG boyfriend? Are you upset because normal women don’t have to sleep with married men like you and Leann?

    • Get a life? Where did I hear that before? When you posted on E as cbme and JJ as michela and US Weekly as CBME? So thanks again for being such a good sport and demonstrating that aboveaboard=michela=cbme. Keep making these posts because in the end you are just helping to bring down LR album. Yeap, with each post you make as aboveaboard you just show us that LR pr person has been employed to pose as fans on these sites.

      True to form, when cbme can’t come up with anything valid, what does she do? She downplays my posts to save face. So even though she is taking the time and energy to respond to me and even going so far as to use my words and ideas in her posts as if she came up with the idea on her own, she wants to scream that my posts are “babble”. Well if they were “babble”, she wouldn’t be so offended by them, to the point where she keeps coming back to this thread or posting under 10-30 different names just to prove to me that LR has fans.

    • abovraboard(aka cbme)

      Sandy is the name of another poster that YOU hijacked from JJ and E and used on US WEEKLY. I know that you remember this conversation because I called you out for using a different posters names to post on US Weekly, and you have this long speech about how your name is Sandy.

      So how interesting that aboveaboard makes a reference to Sandy. So that makes you michela or cbme. “Michela” hasn’t been posting on US WEEKLY, but “cbme” has. So aboveaboard=cbme. We know that cbme=michela because when CBME was banned from a thread on JJ from some odd reason, michela and all the “fans” also dissappeared from that thread. So aboveboard=cbme=michela=merc.

      This is why I like LR pr person, she just keeps feeding us more information to allow us to connect her to “cbme” and the many other names that she uses on these other sites.

  • LeAnn as loving human being came as an unpleasant surprise, didn’t it!!!!?????? Especially as the world can see for themselves.

    We love reading LeAnn’s tweets!

    I smell a Scorpio.

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      The unpleasant surprise for you and Leann is that no one believes that EC loves LR or that LR fanbase is as big as you have been trying to make it seem. You are so caught up in teaching me a lesson that you don’t even see that you are hurting LR and telling the world and her record execs that LR talent isn’t cutting it.

      What the world sees is that LR is a very insecure woman who is so vindictive that she hires a pr person to wage smear campaign against EC wife and then uses twitter as a means to stalk EC wife.

      Who is we? You and Leann? So what you are saying is that you and Leann are sitting around and reviewing EVERY post that does not support LR fairytale? Of course YOU love reading LR tweets, you are being PAID. The fact of the matter is that with each tweet, LR makes EC a liar. She tells the whole world that his actions/words can not be trusted and that despite the fact that he engages in pda with LR, he does not love LR.

      You smell a Scorpio, are you refering to the woman that EC is sleeping with while he is “with” LR? So it’s official, EC is most certainly cheating on LR.

      Loving human beings don’t sleep with married men and then open up official twitter accounts to stalk the man’s wife. Loving human beings don’t use chairty to fuel their affair with a married man.

      The world doesn’t think that affairs are cute or hot. LR tweets sounds just like Rielle Hunter interview.

  • Not having a life is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

  • Waht do Rielle Hunter and LR have in common?

    Check out LR twitter page and then Rielle’s Hunter interview. They sound similiar. The life of a mistress must be so hard, cbme, Leann, and Rielle all want us to believe that they are suffering more than the married man’s wife.

  • So to get EC to kiss her in public, LR had to bribe him with a trip.

    CSI is airing a new episode, and wouldn’t be surprised if the photos of EC and LR trip coincide with the airing of EC Hallmark movie.

    So EC is using LR for her money and free publicity.

  • Beautiful new photos of our happy couple are out. On there way to some exotic location.

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      Thanks for bringing up EC and LR photo-op. So what do we learn about EC and LR latest photo-op?

      1) EC is using LR for FREE PUBLCITY. His show airs on MONDAY and then they bombard the internet with photos of them going off on vacation. It won’t be too long when the photos of them making out on the beach in front of his kids follow.

      2) LR is tipping off the paps. LR and EC have managed to go to Aspen, Mexico, and many other places without once being spotted boarding or getting off a plane. So how odd that they show up at LAX, just days before EC show airs. Not to mention, EC and LR went THREE Weeks without being seen and the media/press did not make any effort to get any photos of them. So EC and LR are not in demand. If the paps are always after EC and LR, then how come EC isn’t spotted as much as LR?

      3) LR is obsessed with one upping EC wife. I see a pattern developing. If you want to know what EC and LR next pr stunt may be, then use the photos of EC and his wife as a guide. Yeap, since EC was spotted with his wife at LAX last year, LR wants the same thing. If LR has “won” EC, then how come she is always trying to compete with BG?

      4) Now why does the media/press, LR, and her pr person expect people to buy into the “EC and LR are happy and in love because they look happy and in love” mumbo jumbo, when EC can’t even keep a promise to his kids? Love is not going to make someone constantly break their word and promise to their kids. Greed, money, and selfishness does. We have no reason to believe that EC loves LR because he doesn’t even make an effort to pretend that his kids are worthy of his promises. Handholding photo-ops are not a sign of love. It’s sticking to the “It’s not conducive playing anything out in the public at all” or “it’s my philosophy to sheild my kids from the nature of tabloids” that is. How exactly is EC protecting his kids, when he does things that he knows will get his name and face in the tabs EVERY WEEK?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      I have seen this “EC and LR are …” stunt before.

      Thanks for outting yourself. So just like you do on E when you post as merc and on JJ when you post as michela, you go around trying to get hits/support for EC and LR by annoucing their latest pr stunt.

      So aboveaboard=merc=michela=cbme.

      Didn’t you say that people repeat the same thing over and over because they don’t believe what they are saying? So then by your own logic, when you repeat that EC and LR are a beautiful/happy/hot/cute couple over and over and over under several different names in just one thread alone, you really do not believe what you are saying, right?

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    Our? I take you it you are refering to YOU and Leann? If people liked EC and LR, then YOU would not be necessary. What would happen if you didn’t post for one day? All of the “fans” would disappear?

    Happy couples don’t need to be told that they are happy EVERYDAY or EVERYWEEK. Happy couples don’t have to pay x17 or JJ to constantly say that they are happy and in love.

    Don’t you mean there are photos of Leann once again trying to make us believe that EC loves her because he is holding her hand.

    Of course they are on their way to some exotic location, it was EC reward for kissing LR in public, going to the award show and then staging the same pose with LR that he did with his wife last year, and for allowing LR to twitter about his kids in her HPD diary, opps I mean twitter page.

    Hey isn’t CSI airing a NEW episode, well there you go. Thanks for once again drawing attention to the fact EC is using LR for free publicity.

    Hey, has EC kept any of the promises that he made to his kids? So you want us to believe that going on vacation is a better indication of love than EC actually keeping a promise to his kids? The things cbme and Leann have to tell themselves to cope with the reality of their affair with a married man who doesn’t even find his own kids worthy of promises.

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      OCD? Where did I here this before? You posted this on E when you were going by the name of kaylyn, you know the poster who popped up when “cbme” disappeared and who just like cbme called other posters curse words. So thanks for once again demonstrating that all of these “fans” is just the work of ONE pr person. So aboveboard=merc=michela=cbme=kaylyn. With a pr person like you, LR doesn’t need enemies. With every post you give us every reason to suspect that LEANN album isn’t going to do very well with the lack of fans she seems to have.

      More references to hamsters? Now where have I heard this before? You posted this as MERC and KAYLYN on E and when you hijacked my name on E. So thanks for showing us that aboveaboard is merc=michela=cbme=kaylyn.

      We know that LR reputation has cracked because you are just too dense to see that everytime you post, you just make it even more obvious that you are responsible for these “fans”.

      What exactly did they teach you in pr school?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So then what does that make you, since you keep coming back to this thread just to respond to me? An OCD hamster with a cracked reputation, right? So the next time you come to this thread to respond to me, just remember that you are the hamster. Or do you think that LR money makes you above the rules that you impose on others?

      If you want to talk about being OCD, let’s talk about how you wouldn’t even enjoy your vacation with “your husband” because you were too invested in this. This didn’t just happen once, it happened TWICE. And let’s not forget how you were so sick with the flu that you would rather post about EC and LR, then lay down and rest like any normal person would. How many days do you post? EVERYDAY? And every hour, as evidenced by the fact that you immediately respond to people’s post within a sec of them submitting it as if you were waiting and watching. So before you talk about OCD, you might want to fix the OCD that causes you to post 24/7. Have you ever taken a break? Seriously, sometimes I think that you are just repeating what some doctor told you about yourself. In other words, you are projecting the negative feelings about yourself onto others because you can’t face them.

      Really, I wish you would THINK before you post. I know that you are trying to be witty and clever, but in the end you just slap yourself in the face. With every post, you connect the dots between these so-called “fans”.

      What is your obsession with hamster’s by the way? Because LR looks like a hamster? Or is a hamster your comfort blanket?

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      So since you are not an OCD hamster with a cracked reputation that means that you and all those different names you post under(ie-merc, michela, mer, kaylyn, lucky leann, me not you, all “fans” on Us Weekly, etc…) will not make another post in this or any thread on EB, JJ, E, x17, US Weekly, FY, INO, SS, TMZ, and etc, right?

      BTW, please exercise some common sense. These means, don’t just change your name and start posting under a different one when aboveboard” disappears.

  • Being an OCD Hamster with a cracked reputation is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

  • 1) EC is using LR for FREE PUBLCITY. His show airs on MONDAY and then they bombard the internet with photos of them going off on vacation. It won’t be too long when the photos of them making out on the beach in front of his kids follow. Now to test my theory. CSI is airing a NEW episode next week. Which means we will likely see photos of EC and LR Fri-Monday. No photos of EC and LR have appeared thus far, which means LR is going to do a mid-week photo-op to prove to us that EC lisn’t using her for free publicity because he shows up with her the days after his show has aired.

    2) LR is tipping off the paps. LR and EC have managed to go to Aspen, Mexico, and many other places without once being spotted boarding or getting off a plane. So how odd that they show up at LAX, just days before EC show airs. Not to mention, EC and LR went THREE Weeks without being seen and the media/press did not make any effort to get any photos of them. So EC and LR are not in demand. If the paps are always after EC and LR, then how come EC isn’t spotted as much as LR?

    3) LR is obsessed with one upping EC wife. I see a pattern developing. If you want to know what EC and LR next pr stunt may be, then use the photos of EC and his wife as a guide. Yeap, since EC was spotted with his wife at LAX last year, LR wants the same thing. If LR has “won” EC, then how come she is always trying to compete with BG?

    4) Now why does the media/press, LR, and her pr person expect people to buy into the “EC and LR are happy and in love because they look happy and in love” mumbo jumbo, when EC can’t even keep a promise to his kids? Love is not going to make someone constantly break their word and promise to their kids. Greed, money, and selfishness does. We have no reason to believe that EC loves LR because he doesn’t even make an effort to pretend that his kids are worthy of his promises. Handholding photo-ops are not a sign of love. It’s sticking to the “It’s not conducive playing anything out in the public at all” or “it’s my philosophy to sheild my kids from the nature of tabloids” that is. How exactly is EC protecting his kids, when he does things that he knows will get his name and face in the tabs EVERY WEEK?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So what you are sayng is that you don’t have the brain power to come up with a valid arguement, so you are going to keep projecting your insecurities about yourself onto other posters?

      Is that what the married man called you? An OCD cracked up hamster?

      What? Did he susgest self-injurious behavior to deal with the fact that he won’t leave his wife for you?

  • aboveaboard (aka cbme)

    Wow, you really are dense. Are you copying and pasting? So by your own logic does that mean that you repeat the same thing over and over because you can’t come up with anything to say and you don’t really believe what you are saying?

    Since you just couldn’t resist the urge to make yet another post to me, then that makes YOU the OCD cracked up hamster.

    “Whhhhhuuuuupppppppp!!!!!”? Where did I hear this? when you posted as michela on JJ and when you posted as anon on x17, and when you posted under all of those different names on E. So thanks for once again providing us with even more evidence to support that aboveaboard=merc=michela=cbme.

  • Being a OCD cracked up hamster is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes other posters for copying and pasting.

  • OCD? Where did I here this before? You posted this on E when you were going by the name of kaylyn, you know the poster who popped up when “cbme” disappeared and who just like cbme called other posters curse words. So thanks for once again demonstrating that all of these “fans” is just the work of ONE pr person. So aboveboard=merc=michela=cbme=kaylyn. With a pr person like you, LR doesn’t need enemies. With every post you give us every reason to suspect that LEANN album isn’t going to do very well with the lack of fans she seems to have.

    More references to hamsters? Now where have I heard this before? You posted this as MERC and KAYLYN on E and when you hijacked my name on E. So thanks for showing us that aboveaboard is merc=michela=cbme=kaylyn.

    We know that LR reputation has cracked because you are just too dense to see that everytime you post, you just make it even more obvious that you are responsible for these “fans”.

    What exactly did they teach you in pr school?

    If you want to talk about being OCD, let’s talk about how you wouldn’t even enjoy your vacation with “your husband” because you were too invested in this. This didn’t just happen once, it happened TWICE. And let’s not forget how you were so sick with the flu that you would rather post about EC and LR, then lay down and rest like any normal person would. How many days do you post? EVERYDAY? And every hour, as evidenced by the fact that you immediately respond to people’s post within a sec of them submitting it as if you were waiting and watching. So before you talk about OCD, you might want to fix the OCD that causes you to post 24/7. Have you ever taken a break? Seriously, sometimes I think that you are just repeating what some doctor told you about yourself. In other words, you are projecting the negative feelings about yourself onto others because you can’t face them.

  • This is why cbme(aka aboveboard) is in a frenzy:

    1) EC is using LR for FREE PUBLCITY. His show airs on MONDAY and then they bombard the internet with photos of them going off on vacation. It won’t be too long when the photos of them making out on the beach in front of his kids follow. Now to test my theory. CSI is airing a NEW episode next week. Which means we will likely see photos of EC and LR Fri-Monday. No photos of EC and LR have appeared thus far, which means LR is going to do a mid-week photo-op to prove to us that EC lisn’t using her for free publicity because he shows up with her the days after his show has aired.

    2) LR is tipping off the paps. LR and EC have managed to go to Aspen, Mexico, and many other places without once being spotted boarding or getting off a plane. So how odd that they show up at LAX, just days before EC show airs. Not to mention, EC and LR went THREE Weeks without being seen and the media/press did not make any effort to get any photos of them. So EC and LR are not in demand. If the paps are always after EC and LR, then how come EC isn’t spotted as much as LR?

    3) LR is obsessed with one upping EC wife. I see a pattern developing. If you want to know what EC and LR next pr stunt may be, then use the photos of EC and his wife as a guide. Yeap, since EC was spotted with his wife at LAX last year, LR wants the same thing. If LR has “won” EC, then how come she is always trying to compete with BG?

    4) Now why does the media/press, LR, and her pr person expect people to buy into the “EC and LR are happy and in love because they look happy and in love” mumbo jumbo, when EC can’t even keep a promise to his kids? Love is not going to make someone constantly break their word and promise to their kids. Greed, money, and selfishness does. We have no reason to believe that EC loves LR because he doesn’t even make an effort to pretend that his kids are worthy of his promises. Handholding photo-ops are not a sign of love. It’s sticking to the “It’s not conducive playing anything out in the public at all” or “it’s my philosophy to sheild my kids from the nature of tabloids” that is. How exactly is EC protecting his kids, when he does things that he knows will get his name and face in the tabs EVERY WEEK?

  • This is why I like LR pr person(CBME, who is also posting as aboveaboard, lucky leann), she is just too dense for her own good.

    She keeps coming to this thread and many of other threads on other sites just to respond to my posts and she doesn’t understand that this act alone makes her the OCD rambler or OCD cracked up hamster.

    With a pr person like this, Leann doesn’t need any enemies. This is how we know that LR isn’t very bright. Well, I knew that LR wasn’t very bright when she tried to tell us that EC loves her despite the fact that EC has not once made an attempt to be a devoted father to his kids.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Calling any poster who challenges you “BG” is what you did on E when you were posting as merc and what you did on JJ when you were posting as michela. So thanks again for demonstrating that LR has planted you on these sites to pose as fans.

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    Are you still posting in this thread? And you had the nerve to call someone else obsessed and OCD. So then by your logic that makes you the OCD cracked up hamster, right?

    G for glanville? Where have I heard this? You posted this as michela on JJ. So thanks once again for being too dense to even see that with each post you connect the dots between all of these “fans”. So what you are saying is that aboveaboard=merc=michela=cbme.

    So since you have so much experience as THE OTHER WOMAN, tell me why you blame the married man’s wife for EVERYTHING that happens to you? You sleep with a married man and then face backlash and then you want to blame the married mans’ wife. Has blaming BG made anything better for EC and LR? You are still posting under several different names on E, JJ, and US Weekly, so that means no.

    The public doesn’t like EC and LR. If you want to know why, you should start with the issues that I have outlined:

    1) Why do EC “devoted lover” photo-ops with LR always occur when CSI or ECV Hallmark movie airs?

    2) How come EC talks the talk, but does not walk the walk?

    3) How come EC and LR went 3 weeks without and being seen, but keep acting like it is impossible for them to avoid or even escape the paps?

    4) How come LR photos with EC are strangely similar to the photos of EC and his wife?

    5) If LR “won” EC, then why is LR stalking and taunting EC wife on twitter? Or even going so far as to dress like EC wife and even going so far as to recreate BG poses?

    6) If LR fanbase is high, then how come cbme who claims to be a “fan” is posting under so many different names?

    7) If EC and LR are so content with one another how come they need be validated EVERY WEEK by JJ, x17, and People mag?

    8) How come EC hasn’t kept a promise to his kids?

    9) If LR is such a humanitarian, how come she still has not shown any remorse or consideration to BG, DS, and EC kids?

    10) Why does LR knowningly encourage EC to break those promises to his kids if she loves his kids so much?

    11) Why would EC allow LR to talk about their private life on twitter when he whined in that Parade interview about not having privacy?

    12) If EC doesn’t think that it’s conducive to play out anything in the public eye at all, how come we are always seeing him making out with another man’s wife?

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme, lucky leann on FY)

      I get it. People have been calling Leann out for posting as Right on and Pot on JJ, micah 3 on PH, and Kathy on many sites, so you are trying to take the heat off of LR by arguing that I am BG.

      Great idea!!! Will you also be using BG as a scapegoat nect year too, seeing as how using BG as an scapegoat has “worked wonders” for LR this year and last year?

      So who wants to bet that LR is going to use the floods as an excuse to stage a pda and kissing photo-op with EC? You know LR, she only wants to do “good” for others when she needs to fuel her farce with EC.

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    And then by your own logic the A in Aboveaboard stands for AKAs or ALIAS and ADULTRESS, right?

    Hey, are you still posting in this thread? With your comment about how other posters are obsessed or OCD cracked up hamsters, I would have thought that you would have had enough common sense to at least take your own advice.Oh wait, I guess that is the problem. I expect to much from you. So maybe I should lower the threshold so that I won’t be surprised by your baby tantrums.

    So what you are saying is that things are looking very bad for Leann in regards to her album and you are going to try to convince the record execs that it’s not the public who is dislikes LR, but EC wife? How well is that working for LR? Why is Everything that happens to LR always the married man’s wife fault?

    So I take it LR is planning a “EC loves me beause he holds my hand and kisses me” on Tues, Wed, or a Thur (ie-the days that follow the airing of his show)?

  • That’s right g/abc/excuses/gwen/heather/wendy/why?/lynda…….”a” stands for whatever you want it to.

    However, sorry to disappoint but you can call me any name under the sun and it doesn’t bother me but something is really bothering you and it doesn’t let up.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Are you still posting in this thread, after you made that big “OCD cracked up hamster” speech?

      Where have I seen this “GWEN is …” post before? You have been posting the same thing on US Weekly as you switch from name to name, on FY when you posted as lucky leann and me-not-you, and on E when you posted as MERC. So what you are saying is that aboveaboard=merc=michela=cbme=all of the “fans” on US Weekly. Thanks for being too dense for your own good that you expose that you are resposible for all of these “fans”

      Sorry to disappoint you? Isn’t that how I tell you, “Sorry to burst your bubble…”? So what is the point in downplaying my posts when you are just going to turn around and use my words and ideas in your posts.

      If you were not bothered by the fact that I am calling you out for posting under all these different names, then you wouldn’t have any bothered to come back to this thread.

      We know that something is really bothering you to the point that you won’t let up, hence why you came back to this thread THREE DAYS LATER. So what is bothering you, is it the fact that the public still doesn’t have any sympathy for you and LR plight as the other woman?

      BTW, do you know how stupid you look telling someone else that they can’t let up when YOU are so obsessed with this that you just can’t stop posting these posts that sound like something that the married man or your doctor told you.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      So what you are saying is that you so bothered by the fact that I won’t pat EC and LR on the back, that you go from site to site stalking other posters because you think that they are me?

      As evidenced by your own post, it is YOU who can’t let up.

      What is it that is preventing LR from letting up? Why is LR so obsessed with one upping BG that she is telling the whole world how she, EC, and his kids are sleeping in the same bed together?

      Or keeps staging pda photo-ops to make us think that handholding and kissing is more important than keeping promises that one makes to his kids.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Is that what the married man told you? That he has to break up with you because you just won’t let up with this obsession with his wife and kids?

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Thinking isn’t really your strong point is it?

      I have never denied being abc, excuses, g, or gwen, so what do you think that you are accomplishing? .

      So now you are stalking other posters because YOU think that they are me? That is even more evidence to susgest that YOU are the OCD cracked up hamster.

      I do not use these names in the same thread, unlike you who will post under 10-30 different names and then get mad when people point out how these “Fans” all seem to have the same history(ie-cheated on by first husband, raised two kids without any child support/spousal support, upset because BG and DS would dare ask for spousal support, and then met their second husband who was possibly a married man).

      You are just pulling these “Gwen is …” post, to deflect from the fact that you are posting under several different names/site/thread.

      You are just mad because I was right about you posting under different names and that I hit the nail on the head when I pointed out that

      a) michela and all those “fans” disappeared from a thread on JJ when YOU(cbme) was banned. We know that you were banned because YOU went to x17 and wrote post after post about it.

      b) You slipped up on E. I called Kathy and Right on leann, but on E you said that I called YOU(CBME) Leann. Now why would make a statement like that? Because you post under so many different names that you can not keep track of what is going on. And so you think that you take the heat off yourself by posting these “GWEN is…” posts. All you have managed to do is expose that YOU are responsible for all of those “fans” who showed up on US WEEKLY because for every valid point I make a “different fan” shows up posting the exact same thing you just said in post 7:52 AM.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      What I find most interesting about your posts?

      The absence of your posts from INO and EB for these few days. So once again why do these “fans” all disappear when CBME disappears? Cbme(as anon) is not posting on ino, so why would that make aboveboard on EB disappear? Because cbme=aboveboard.

      Just think, if cbme had taken the time to think before she posted, ten no one would be able to draw these connections between these “fans” and CBME.

      Anono n INO and aboveboard on EB all showed up when “cbme” makes her grand appearance on US Weekly. And then cbme wants to get mad because peoplec call her out for posting under so many different names. It is not muy fault that cbme is just too dense for her own good and doesn’t take the time to think before she posts.

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    Being unable to let up is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes other posters for copying and pasting.

  • CSI is airing a NEW episode on Monday, so what that means is

    a) EC will play the “devoted lover” to get free publicity for his show. So that means kissing and handholding vacation photo-ops or some fluff piece from People magazine.

    b) EC will allow LR to stage “doting step-mother” photo-ops with his kids or twitter about them for Mother’s Day, in exchange for a trip, shopping spree, or free publicity for CSI and Hallmark.

  • May 8, 2010 at 7:52 am

    That’s right g/abc/excuses/gwen/heather/wendy/why?/lynda…….”a” stands for whatever you want it to.

    However, sorry to disappoint but you can call me any name under the sun and it doesn’t bother me but something is really bothering you and it doesn’t let up. 3

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Where did I see this? When you posted on E as MERC and when you use to post as lydia and validate on JJ. Wow, with a pr person, uh “fan” like you now I see why LR fanbase is so low.

      What was that thing you said about copying and pasting? So then by your own logic, you are copying and pasting because you don’t have anything to say.

      So let’s see how many times cbme is going to post the “GWEN is…” post. Or will she follow this with name calling, a victim post, or “shame on you for juding EC and LR” post.

    • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

      Wow, you got up bright and early just to post to me?

      So what was the point in calling someone else OCD, when posting to me is the first thing on your mind in the morning?

  • aboveboard(aka cbme)

    So what you are saying is that you are an obsessed OCD hamster, right?

    Being unable to let up is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes other posters for copying and pasting.

  • aboveaboard(aka cbme)

    So what you are saying is that I was right when I said that you were responsile for all of those “fans” on US Weekly. Thanks for being so kind to show us that you are too dense for your own good. I can always count on you to tell us just how bad things are going for LR because she is too bent on one upping BG and trying to make us believe that EC loves her.

    Thinking isn’t really your strong point is it?

    I have never denied being abc, excuses, g, or gwen, so what do you think that you are accomplishing?

    So now you are stalking other posters because YOU think that they are me? That is even more evidence to susgest that YOU are the OCD cracked up hamster.

    I do not use these names in the same thread, unlike you who will post under 10-30 different names and then get mad when people point out how these “Fans” all seem to have the same history(ie-cheated on by first husband, raised two kids without any child support/spousal support, upset because BG and DS would dare ask for spousal support, and then met their second husband who was possibly a married man).

    You are just pulling these “Gwen is …” post, to deflect from the fact that you are posting under several different names/site/thread.

    You are just mad because I was right about you posting under different names and that I hit the nail on the head when I pointed out that

    a) michela and all those “fans” disappeared from a thread on JJ when YOU(cbme) was banned. We know that you were banned because YOU went to x17 and wrote post after post about it.

    b) You slipped up on E. I called Kathy and Right on leann, but on E you said that I called YOU(CBME) Leann. Now why would make a statement like that? Because you post under so many different names that you can not keep track of what is going on. And so you think that you take the heat off yourself by posting these “GWEN is…” posts. All you have managed to do is expose that YOU are responsible for all of those “fans” who showed up on US WEEKLY because for every valid point I make a “different fan” shows up posting the exact same thing you just said in post 7:52 AM.

  • Being unable to let up is when”

    LR tweets that she has family, friends, and wonderful new boyfriend who is more concerned about money and fame that he doesn’t evne bother to keep any of the promises that he made to his kids, and new joy.

    Well that can’t be true because if any of those people cared about LR they would tell her how stupid she looks tweeting after EC gave that “can’t get privacy” interview with Parade and encouraging EC as he breaks promise after promise to his kids.

    If LR had joy, then she would not be using twitter as a means to taunt EC wife by always talking about these kids as if they were hers.

    What a “wonderful boyfriend” EC is, LR has to pay him just to make him kiss her or even act like a “devoted lover”.

    CSI is airing on Monday, now would a “wonderdul boyfriend” use his CASHCOW to promote his show?

    It looks like getting pregnant is the only way that LR is going to get EC to marry her.

  • That’s right g/abc/excuses/gwen/heather/wendy/why?/lynda…….”a” stands for whatever you want it to.

    However, sorry to disappoint but you can call me any name under the sun and it doesn’t bother me but something is really bothering you and it doesn’t let up. 3

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      We know that YOU can not let up, hence why you keep taking the time and energy to return to these threads just to tell other posters that they can’t let go.

      So when you criticize others for copying and pasting, you are saving face?

      So what is up with these THREE DAY breaks, you think that this makes you less obsessed?

      If you were not bothered by the fact that call you out for posting under different names, then you wouldn’t have even bothered to return to this thread. I must have struck a nerve on US Weekly because you did exactly what I said you would do. So thanks for confirming that cbme=all the fans on US Weekly, lucky leann, anon on INO=michela=aboveboard.

      So what you are saying is that you are so obsesed with me that you are on other sites stalking othe posters because you think that they are me?

      Sorry to disappoint you? Isn’t that how I tell you, “I hate to burst your bubble”? So why do you downplay my posts despite the fact that you keep using my ideas and words?

    • So what you are saying is that you are an obsessed OCD hamster, right?

      Being unable to let up is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

      24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

      25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

      26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

      27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

      28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

      29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes other posters for copying and pasting.

    • aboveboard(aka cbme)

      Not being able to let up:

      When Leann has to make special appearances as “Kathy” .

  • It doesn’t matter what BG says about what she wants, or should I say that BG tries to make everything about what she wants or swhe goes running her mouth off to the tabloids. My gosh, she is a grown woman, can’t she settle her issues like one? Apparently not! If EC wanted to be with her, then he would be with her and not divorcing her. If she decides to remarry or date and it’s an occasion, is she going to have the boys mother and father be there like it is written in stone? To keep the peace, somewhere down the road they will all eventually be together when it has something to do with the boys and they will all have to grow up and act civil. They also can have occasions separately, that is really more common with divorced people then not. They are not the exception to what most divorced people do. BG needs to GROW up and get a life of her own and not be so worried about how much money EC is giving her and ALL the hurtful things she has said and done to him and also to LR. She is not the victim. They need to get along to make all of this work smoothly. Good Luck EC & LR Good Luck.

    • Kathy(aka LEANN)

      Nobody knows the trouble cbme and leann sees as the mistress, nobody knows cbme and leann’s sorrow.

    • Kathy(aka LEANN)

      Why do you seem to think that BG owes you something?

      Needing to grow up is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

      24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

      25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

      26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

      27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

      28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

      29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes other posters for copying and pasting.

    • Kathy(aka LEANN)

      There are support groups and even forums for women like you; you know, women who “accidently” trip, fall and, land right into another’s woman bed with her husband.

      So why isn’t BG a victim? Because your plight as THE OTHER WOMAN is more stressful?

      So in order to justify your actions with another woman’s husband, these are the lies you tell yourself?

      You tell yourself that BG deserves it because she is only after EC money? If BG was after EC money, she wouldn’t have lasted 8 years. BTW, what type of money does EC have? EC isn’t a Jonny Depp or Mat Damon, the producers are not knocking down his door.

      You tell yourself that BG deserves it because she won’t be happy for you and EC. So when EC goes and visits SMJ, are you happy for EC and SMJ?

      You tell yourself that you are better than the married man’s wife, despite the fact that your self esteem is so low that you think that as long as you are spending money on EC than he loves you.

      You tell yourself that BG should bite her tongue and take everything you throw her way, including those snide remarks you make about her kids on your twitter page.

      Then you tell yourself that you can make the married man love you by pretending to be interested in his kids, even going so far as to interfer in the parenting that goes on between EC and BG.

      You are the problem. Why do you seem to think that you are entitled to special treatment? If you do not like being treated as THE OTHER WOMAN, then stop sleeping with a married man.

  • I wrote something above that was alittle misunderstood. I meant to say that BG has said and done hurtful things to EC & LR and seems to be only worried about the money he gives her. She has forgotten about that I’m sure. She seems to run to the tabloids like she’s always the victim and she is not. They all need to just get along and move on, I’ve said it many times before. BG just wants to screw EC over financially it seems by things she has said. Again, Good Luck EC & LR Good Luck

    • KATHY(aka LEANN)

      1) What hurtful things has BG said and done to you and EC? That is right, woe is the plight of the other mister because in her mond she is suffering more than the woman whose husband she is sleeping with.

      Part of what BG said about the two of you is because you deserved it. EC is a cheater and liar and you are wrong for stalking and harassing this woman.

      So why do you seem to think that BG owes you something; afterall, you were sleeping with HER husband.

      2) BG is worried about the money. No dear, it’s YOU who is worried because EC only wants you for your money.

      3) No Leann, it’s YOU who runs to the tabloids, tip off the paps, and feed the details of your farce to various tabloids. You are just mad because as long as BG is around, it means that the public will never ever have any sympathy for you.

      4) Why do you seem to think that BG is not the victim? Because your plight as THE OTHER WOMAN means that you are suffering more than BG? You slept with this woman’s husband, she does not owe you a thing and then you twitter about this woman’s kids just to taunt her.

      5) No Leann, it’s YOU who needs to move on and learn to get along. Why are you using twitter to taunt and stalk BG? Why are you even twittering about kids who don’t belong to you? Why do you single white female EC wife? Why do you even bother to come to this threas and talk about how BG is the bad guy because she won’t sit back and take what you are dishing out? .

      How can BG move on when you are using twitter to stalk and harass her and even sending your pr person to various sites to spread lies about BG?

      6) No dear, it’s EC who wants to screw YOU over financially. That is what bothers isn’t it, the fact that you have to pay EC to be by your side.

      7) Why do you seem to think that luck is going to follow you and EC? Do you seriously think that you deserve to be rewarded for the way that you have treated BG, DS, and EC kids?

    • Kathy(aka Leann)

      What are you talking about? YOU and EC are not the victims. Who cares about your and EC feelings when you have done much more hateful and disrespectful things to BG and DS?

      What’s the matter, you want to release those photos of you and EC in Bora Bora and you think that you can only do that by depicting BG as the victim?

      Or are the record exec breathing down your neck because your album just isn’t as successful as you would have us believe?

  • Kathy(aka LEANN)

    1) “It doesn’t matter what BG says about what she wants, or should I say that BG tries to make everything about what she wants or swhe goes running her mouth off to the tabloids. ”

    Obviously, the public disagrees with you. If what BG says and wanted didn’t matter, you wouldn’t always be trying to depict BG as the villian.

    You go running to the tabloids EVERYWEEK, so why are you even mad when the shoe is on the other foot? Because BG gets sympathy from the public and she doesn’t even have to pay for it? You played this out in the public eye and now you want to whine because BG is beating you at your own game?

    2)”My gosh, she is a grown woman, can’t she settle her issues like one?”

    You are one to talk, I mean just look at how you settle your issues. EC cheats on you and rather than accept it, you pay off his mistress and threaten to sue any tab that would dare talk about it. When BG stood up to you concerning her son’s birthday party, what did you do? You opened a twitter account and stalked/harassed her. And what do you do when the public won’t accept your farce with EC? You pay these tabs to write fluff piece after fluff piece.

    If you were a real woman, you wouldn’t have jumped in bed with another woman’s husband.

    You wouldn’t be on these sites posting under these different names to make it look like others support you.

    3)” Apparently not! ”

    We know that you can’t settle your business like a grown and mature woman. That is why you frequent these sites as kathy, micah, right on, and pot.

    4)”If EC wanted to be with her, then he would be with her and not divorcing her.”

    Is that what you have to tell yourself, Leann. EC didn’t want to leave his wife, hence why you went to great lengths to expose the affair. What you didn’t anticipate was EC denying that he had something going on with you. Did that hurt your feelings?

    5)”If she decides to remarry or date and it’s an occasion, is she going to have the boys mother and father be there like it is written in stone?”

    Why are you worried about BG, Leann? Are you afraid that EC is still thinking about BG despite the fact that he is making out with you in public. That is what scares you isn’t it, the fact that you can’t trust EC to be faithful even when he is around his own wife.

    6)”To keep the peace, somewhere down the road they will all eventually be together when it has something to do with the boys and they will all have to grow up and act civil. ”

    Leann, the major problem is YOU. It is YOU who is not trying to keep the peace or even act civil. Everyone sees your twitter account for what it truly is, an attempt to taunt the married man’s wife.

    7)”They also can have occasions separately, that is really more common with divorced people then not.”

    Leann, that is not the issue. EC and BG made plans and you stuck your nose where it didn’t belong and now you are upset because BG put you in your place.

    What you have to learn to deal with is the fact that those kids do not stop being BG when they enter the home you bought for EC. Not all divorced people celebrate separately. You can keep saying this over and over and over, but it’s not going to make it true. That wasn’t even the case here and you know it, hence why you keep acting like you and EC are the victims.

    8)”They are not the exception to what most divorced people do.”

    So EC should break any plans involving his kids that he set up with his WIFE because that is the rule that ALL divorced people follow? You sound insecure, like you are afraid for EC to spend time around his wife and kids. Why? Because they have a bond that you will never ever be apart of? Does it hurt you seeing EC and his wife in the same room?

    9)”BG needs to GROW up and get a life of her own ”

    No Leann, it’s YOU who needs to grow up and get a life of your own so that you don’t use your money to dictate how EC parents his kids. BG has a life, she isn’t sleeping with another woman’s husband, tweeting about another woman’s kids, or trying to convince people that a man who would carelessly break promises to his kids is in love with her.

    10)”and not be so worried about how much money EC is giving her”

    The amount of money EC gives his wife is none of your business. What’s wrong, are you upset because EC doesn’t want to financially support you, but wants to you to financially support him?

    11)’ and ALL the hurtful things she has said and done to him and also to LR. ”

    Wow, you can not possibly be serious. Yoiu slept with this woman’s husband and you want to whine because she isn’t patting you and Ec on the back? What did you expect her to say, especially since you keep taunting her?

    Why do you keep acting like you and EC are the victims? You slept with this womans husband, so you deserved everything that she said about you and EC. Besides, what she said wasn’t a lie.

    Don’t expect BG to have sympathy for you and EC when you and EC have not shown BG, DS, or EC kids any compassion.

    12)”She is not the victim.”

    That is what bothers you isn’t it? The fact that the public has more sympathy for BG and DS, than they do for you and EC. It just hurts your feelings that the public isn’t willing to pat you on the back or even say nice things about you.

    13)”They need to get along to make all of this work smoothly. ”

    How can BG and EC get along and make things work smoothly, when YOU are always in the middle? Let it go, the kids are not yours and you were wrong.

    14)”Good Luck EC & LR Good Luck.”

    There will never be any good luck for you and EC. Well you know that, hence why you and your pr person are double teaming these threads. What’s wrong, is your album not doing very well?

  • aboveboard(aka cbme)

    Well, well, what do we have here.

    I called it didn’t I. I said that a smackdown was going to send you to FY posting as not an observer, INO as anon, and EB as aboveboard. So let me guess, if I go to FY and INO, I will see that you copied and pasted the same message over, right?

    Thanks for being so kind to demonstrate that YOU are responsible for all of these “fans”. So cbme=aboveboard=lucky leann=not an observer=anon on INO=all fans on US Weekly.

    Just as I expected, cbme is taking 3 day breaks. Since cbme keeps coming back to this thread, by her own logic that makes her an obsessed OCD cracked up hamster.

    What I didn’t expect was to see Leann, oops I mean Kathy. So are things really that bad for Leann that she has to accompany cbme on every site?

  • This is why cbme(aka aboveboard) and LEANN(aka KATHY) are in a frenzy:

    1) EC is using LR for FREE PUBLCITY. His show airs on MONDAY and then they bombard the internet with photos of them going off on vacation. It won’t be too long when the photos of them making out on the beach in front of his kids follow. Now to test my theory. CSI is airing a NEW episode next week. Which means we will likely see photos of EC and LR Fri-Monday. No photos of EC and LR have appeared thus far, which means LR is going to do a mid-week photo-op to prove to us that EC lisn’t using her for free publicity because he shows up with her the days after his show has aired.

    2) LR is tipping off the paps. LR and EC have managed to go to Aspen, Mexico, and many other places without once being spotted boarding or getting off a plane. So how odd that they show up at LAX, just days before EC show airs. Not to mention, EC and LR went THREE Weeks without being seen and the media/press did not make any effort to get any photos of them. So EC and LR are not in demand. If the paps are always after EC and LR, then how come EC isn’t spotted as much as LR?

    3) LR is obsessed with one upping EC wife. I see a pattern developing. If you want to know what EC and LR next pr stunt may be, then use the photos of EC and his wife as a guide. Yeap, since EC was spotted with his wife at LAX last year, LR wants the same thing. If LR has “won” EC, then how come she is always trying to compete with BG?

    4) Now why does the media/press, LR, and her pr person expect people to buy into the “EC and LR are happy and in love because they look happy and in love” mumbo jumbo, when EC can’t even keep a promise to his kids? Love is not going to make someone constantly break their word and promise to their kids. Greed, money, and selfishness does. We have no reason to believe that EC loves LR because he doesn’t even make an effort to pretend that his kids are worthy of his promises. Handholding photo-ops are not a sign of love. It’s sticking to the “It’s not conducive playing anything out in the public at all” or “it’s my philosophy to sheild my kids from the nature of tabloids” that is. How exactly is EC protecting his kids, when he does things that he knows will get his name and face in the tabs EVERY WEEK?

  • Did you hear the “good news”, LR the same woman is opens up a twitter account just to stalk EC wife, cried for the NV floods. We know what these means, don’t we. When LR gets in the “charity” mood, it just means that she is going to stage pda photo-ops with EC. How interesting that LR wants to help the floods, just in time for her divorce and wedding to EC.

    It’s a shame when celebs use charity for their own personal gain.

  • That’s right g/abc/excuses/gwen/heather/wendy/why?/lynda…….”a” stands for whatever you want it to.

    However, sorry to disappoint but you can call me any name under the sun and it doesn’t bother me but something is really bothering you and it doesn’t let up.

    No, gwen is not “an observer” nor is she “gwen.”

    • not an observer (aka aboveboard, cbme)

      Wow, why does “not an observer”(who is also known as lucky leann) look like “aboveboard” post? Because like I had been saying all along, not an observer=aboveboard. An aboveboard=michela=merc=cbme=validate=lydia.

      See how easy CBME jumped from aboveboard to not an observer. And this is how you know that she is responsible for these “fans”. Unfortunately because cbme isn’t very bright, she will continue to provide us with even more info to connect these “fans” to herself.

      We know that YOU are no a fan. You are LR pr person who gets paid to pose as fans and to stalk/harass other posters.

      We know that Kathy is not a “Fan”, it’s none other than LR rimes herself.

    • not an observer(aka aboveboard, cbme)

      We know that YOU are not a fan and that you use 10-30 different names/site/thread just to make us think that LR has fans.

      You work for Leann and apparantly your job must be DAMAGE CONTROL.

      The best thing about you is that you are just too dense for your own good. I can not believe that you are copying and pasting when you are on US Weekly and x17 telling others about how they say the same thing over and over.

      BTW, when I pointed this out to her on FY, guess what happened? Another “fan” showed up to take not an observer place on FY. So LR own pr person is her worst enemy. Well LR isn’t very bright herself, so I can how she would want to employ someone like cbme. It makes LR feel better about herself seeing that cbme and EC are the two people in the world she can say with confidence that she is smarter than.

    • not an observer(aka aboveboard, cbme)

      What a sad day for LR when CBME, the QUEEN of “How dare you copy and paste and you write the same thing over and over” is reduced to copying and pasting and writing the same thing over nad over. Does that make CBME and obsessed OCD cracked up hamster?

      Being unable to let up is when:

      1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that their marriage is broken.

      2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids.

      3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

      4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

      5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt has failed to make the public like them.

      6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

      7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters

      8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

      9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

      10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

      11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

      12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

      13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

      14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

      15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

      16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops with neither of their divorces are final.

      17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

      18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

      19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by posting anti-BG fanfic(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

      20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

      When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

      21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love.

      22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in wich she outs herself as being LR one person defense system.

      23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR.

      24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

      25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

      26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

      27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

      28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

      29) cbme copies and paste even though she

  • not an observer(aka aboveboard, cbme)

    We know that you can not let up, hence why you keep comingback to these threads.

    This is so funny, you whined about how other posters copy and paste and write the same things over and over and here you are doing he very thing that you condemned others.

    So how many times are you going to copy and paste despite the fact that you are on x17 and US Weekly giving lectures on how others post the same thing over and over. So why is it okay for you to post the same thing over and over, but you want to whine when others do it?

  • This is why cbme(aka aboveboard) and LEANN(aka KATHY) are in a frenzy:

    1) EC is using LR for FREE PUBLCITY. His show airs on MONDAY and then they bombard the internet with photos of them going off on vacation. It won’t be too long when the photos of them making out on the beach in front of his kids follow. Now to test my theory. CSI is airing a NEW episode next week. Which means we will likely see photos of EC and LR Fri-Monday. No photos of EC and LR have appeared thus far, which means LR is going to do a mid-week photo-op to prove to us that EC lisn’t using her for free publicity because he shows up with her the days after his show has aired.

    2) LR is tipping off the paps. LR and EC have managed to go to Aspen, Mexico, and many other places without once being spotted boarding or getting off a plane. So how odd that they show up at LAX, just days before EC show airs. Not to mention, EC and LR went THREE Weeks without being seen and the media/press did not make any effort to get any photos of them. So EC and LR are not in demand. If the paps are always after EC and LR, then how come EC isn’t spotted as much as LR?

    3) LR is obsessed with one upping EC wife. I see a pattern developing. If you want to know what EC and LR next pr stunt may be, then use the photos of EC and his wife as a guide. Yeap, since EC was spotted with his wife at LAX last year, LR wants the same thing. If LR has “won” EC, then how come she is always trying to compete with BG?

    4) Now why does the media/press, LR, and her pr person expect people to buy into the “EC and LR are happy and in love because they look happy and in love” mumbo jumbo, when EC can’t even keep a promise to his kids? Love is not going to make someone constantly break their word and promise to their kids. Greed, money, and selfishness does. We have no reason to believe that EC loves LR because he doesn’t even make an effort to pretend that his kids are worthy of his promises. Handholding photo-ops are not a sign of love. It’s sticking to the “It’s not conducive playing anything out in the public at all” or “it’s my philosophy to sheild my kids from the nature of tabloids” that is. How exactly is EC protecting his kids, when he does things that he knows will get his name and face in the tabs EVERY WEEK?

  • not an observer(aka aboveboard, cbme)

    So let me get this straight, you keep coming back to these threads and are even changing your names when the one you are using gets smacked down, and you want to lecture someone on not being able to let up.

    How long are you going to continue to post in these threads because the more we see of you on FY, x17, US Weekly, this site, JJ, and INO, the more apparant it becomes that YOU and Leann are the ones who can’t let it go and are obsessed.

    So show us just how well you can let it go and move on. Who am I kidding, you are going to come right back to this thread because you can’t afford not to. Your job depends on this so I guess we will see more copying and pasting even though you are on US Weekly writing post after post about how others copy and paste, name calling, and these attempts to stalk other posters because you think that they are me.

  • not an observer(aka aboveboard, cbme)

    So what you are saying is that I was right when I said that you were responsile for all of those “fans” on US Weekly. Thanks for being so kind to show us that you are too dense for your own good. I can always count on you to tell us just how bad things are going for LR because she is too bent on one upping BG and trying to make us believe that EC loves her.

    Thinking isn’t really your strong point is it?

    I have never denied being abc, excuses, g, or gwen, so what do you think that you are accomplishing?

    So now you are stalking other posters because YOU think that they are me? That is even more evidence to susgest that YOU are the OCD cracked up hamster.

    I do not use these names in the same thread, unlike you who will post under 10-30 different names and then get mad when people point out how these “Fans” all seem to have the same history(ie-cheated on by first husband, raised two kids without any child support/spousal support, upset because BG and DS would dare ask for spousal support, and then met their second husband who was possibly a married man).

    You are just pulling these “Gwen is …” post, to deflect from the fact that you are posting under several different names/site/thread.

    You are just mad because I was right about you posting under different names and that I hit the nail on the head when I pointed out that

    a) michela and all those “fans” disappeared from a thread on JJ when YOU(cbme) was banned. We know that you were banned because YOU went to x17 and wrote post after post about it.

    b) You slipped up on E. I called Kathy and Right on leann, but on E you said that I called YOU(CBME) Leann. Now why would make a statement like that? Because you post under so many different names that you can not keep track of what is going on. And so you think that you take the heat off yourself by posting these “GWEN is…” posts. All you have managed to do is expose that YOU are responsible for all of those “fans” who showed up on US WEEKLY because for every valid point I make a “different fan” shows up posting the exact same thing you just said in post 7:52 AM.

  • Leann is gearing up to release those photos of her and EC on vacation in Bora Bora.

    Remember how LR said that she was crying for NV? Well that was a LIE. She was tipping off the paps so once again they can get photos of her and EC on that “private island” (US Weekly has the photo,and guess what LR made sure that she wasn’t wearing a red bikini this time) and bragging about how much the trip cost her. What a great humanitarian. The people in NV lost their homes and here LR is spending over $37,000 just so that EC will kiss her in public, hold her hand, and allow her to tweet about his kids.

    What is so interesting? Leann PAID for the trip (in frequent flyer miles).

    So why does the media want to insist that EC and LR are this great couple because they hold hands? Without LR money EC would have left along time ago.

  • cbme (anon, pot, erin renee, not an observer, aboveboard)

    DAMAGE CONTROL: CBME’s Mission-convince us that Leann does not care what the public thinks and that EC and LR are having a great time.

    1) “I would just bet that LeAnn doesn’t even know that the jealous, narcissist that posted before me even exists. ”

    So that is why Leann is on her twitter page whining about how people are “trashing” her and being “hateful” to her ? Because she has no idea about the public’s backlash against her? Is that why LR runs and does charity? Because she has no idea that the public dislikes her?

    We know that YOU and Leann are jealous of Brandi and women in general, hence why you determine your worth by how often you lay on your backs with a married man.

    We know that you and Leann are narcissist, why else would you continue to post under all of these different names acting like no one knows that it’s you and Leann keep thinking that she can force us to believe that EC isn’t using her for her money?

    2) “I know she doesn’t read the trash that is posted on different sites ”

    You know this how? Because you work for Leann?

    Leann is reading EVERYTHING that is being posted on these sites and we have her tweeter page as proof. Why would she even be on her site trying to convince us that her album is good, EC loves her, and that she has fans? Because she is following what is being written. The major indication that she is following? After we point out how EC only shows up with her in public on Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon so that his show gets hype, we are bombared with photos on Tue, Wed, and Thur.

    3) “but it really makes no difference that she doesn’t know who her fans are since we aren’t on here to get attention for ourselves as some would ”

    It makes no difference because YOU are not a fan. You are Leann’s pr person posing as fans because Leann’s fanbase is low.

    If LR doesn’t know anything about her “fans”, what was that message she left on her tweeter page?

    4) ” be jealous hearts are.”

    We know that YOU and Leann have jealous hearts, why else would you jump into bed with another woman’s husband and then blame the married man’s wife when your selfishness backfires?

    5) “Rave on about all the faults you think she has – it doesn’t bother her one bit I am sure.”

    Really? Leann is on her tweeter boo hooing, so it does bother her that the public isn’t fawning over her farce with EC.

    Besides, Leann is a classic HPD, so we know that she is very, very sensitive to criticism.

    If Leann wasn’t bothered by the public’s lack of support for her, YOU would not be necessary. YOU would not be on JJ and FY posting under all of these different names.

    So how many different names did you use on FY because Leann is not bothered by what the public is saying about her?

    6) “She and Eddie seem to be having a great time together ”

    Really? Because if EC and LR were having a great time together, Leann would not have to pay JJ and x17 to validate her farce each week. If LR is having a great time with EC, she would not keep interupting her time with him to tweet. That does not make sense at all, you are going to stop in the middle of having fun just to tell “fans” that you are sitting on a couch with EC or celebrating with him? Either EC is a bore or Leann and EC are not having as great a time as you keep trying to portray. The major indication that EC and LR are not having a good time is the fact that LR is focused on taunting BG with her own kids via her twitter page. Happy people do not feel the need to stalk, taunt, or even dress like the married man’s wife.

    And how interesting that these “great times” always seem to fall on Fri, Sat, sun, and Monday, just in time for CSI.

    7) “if you want to throw dirt at everything that happens, go to it.”

    People throw dirt at EC and LR because they are wrong. This man whines about not having privacy and then he allows his mistress to talk about what they are doing in bed?

    EC made several promises to his kids and has broken every one of them and then LR wants to keep making us believe that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her?

    LR says that she cried for NV, but she was just using the floods to draw attention to her trip to Bora Bora with EC.

    EC and LR created these mess, so stop blaming BG, DS, EC kids, or the public. If you don’t like what the public is saying, then either make your clients do the right thing or don’t read it.

    It is going to get worse with each photo-op that they make, tweet that LR does, and detail that LR leaks to the tabs.

    You are just mad because LR and EC are still in the same boat they were in last year. They have no support and that panics you and Leann because her album is coming up and she wants to have that June Wedding.

    So keep making all of these SAVING FACE posts because they show us just how bad things really are for Leann.

    8) “The only person’s hands getting dirty are yours.”

    We know that you, EC, and LR hands are getting dirty and that no matter what you do, you just can’t get them clean. You have blamed BG and DS. You have stalked other posters, sent them viruses, hijacked their names. And still you have no results.

    All you have managed to do is let everyone know that LR is one of those celebs who plants a pr person on these sites.

    And you make all of these off the wall comments when the evidence (LEANN’s TWEETER PAGE) contradicts everything you just said. And then you want to whine because people say that you are posting under different names.

    9) So what shall we expect next? Will another poster show up because you got smacked down? Or are you going to go to JJ and FY and add yet another “fan” to the usual suspects?

    10) What makes this so bad is that you keep acting like Leann is the victim, despite the fact that she is the one who is doing hateful and mean things to BG, DS, and EC kids. How hateful it was for Leann to tweet that she was in bed with EC kids. That was only meant to hurt EC wife and the public caught on to it. How hateful was it to use NV to alert the public that she was on vacation with EC? Who does that? Who uses charity to fuel their own agenda?

  • Having a jealous heart or dirty hands is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that HIS marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids and eating out of their bowls when she a history of EBV(mono) and constant flu infections.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters, sends then viruses, or goes to other threads to recruit the fans of other celebs to fight her battle.

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops when neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by depicting BG and DS as the villians(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love and pays x17 to say that they are in love and glowing.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in which she outs herself as being LR one person defense system. So when she issues and ultimatum and I ask her or what, as in you are going to make another “fan” show up on this site or on JJ, and she does it because she thinks that she is teaching me a lesson.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR or reading LR twitter.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes others for copying and pasting.

    30) Leann keeps tweeting even though EC said that he wants privacy.

    31) Leann can’t see that EC does not want to be around her unless he can’t hype for his show for it. So he eats cookies in bed so that she can kick him out and then he sleeps 11 hrs because slosing his eyes are the only way he can get away from LR. That is the cost of LR money.

    32) CBME tells us that LR doesn’t care what others think about her or LR she is on her twitter page addressing everything we say write.

  • What a sad day for Leann, she is upset because people are sitting on their computers “trashing” her. Where was this concern when she opened that twitter page to stalk EC wife? Or how she continued to tweet about BG kids just to get back at BG because she called LR out for trying to ban her from her own son’s birthday party? Where was LR concern when she used the media to help her expose her affair with EC? Where was LR concern when she allowed her “fans” to write anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic and trash stay at home mothers or anyone who receives spousal support? Where was her concern when she leaked all of those details of her farce to the tabs? Yeah, Leann, the public will have respect for you when you learn to have respect for the people she taunts.

    Instead of staging these daily photo-ops and tweeting about her adventures with EC, perhaps LR should learn to show more compassion to EC kids. Doesn’t EC have some promises to his kids that he needs to keep?

  • Being unable to see the future is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that HIS marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids and eating out of their bowls when she a history of EBV(mono) and constant flu infections.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters, sends then viruses, or goes to other threads to recruit the fans of other celebs to fight her battle.

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops when neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by depicting BG and DS as the villians(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love and pays x17 to say that they are in love and glowing.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in which she outs herself as being LR one person defense system. So when she issues and ultimatum and I ask her or what, as in you are going to make another “fan” show up on this site or on JJ, and she does it because she thinks that she is teaching me a lesson.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR or reading LR twitter.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes others for copying and pasting.

    30) Leann keeps tweeting even though EC said that he wants privacy.

    31) Leann can’t see that EC does not want to be around her unless he can’t hype for his show for it. So he eats cookies in bed so that she can kick him out and then he sleeps 11 hrs because slosing his eyes are the only way he can get away from LR. That is the cost of LR money.

    32) CBME tells us that LR doesn’t care what others think about her or LR she is on her twitter page addressing everything we say write.

  • micah 3(aka CBME)

    1)….I swear you must be Brandi.”

    What is that, the record execs are not convinced that Leann will be able to sale her album because the backlash is high, so you are going to take the heat off of Leann by arguing that all of the backlash is caused by BG.

    2)” I see the same posts, under different AKAs, all over the gossip sites. ”

    We know that you use different AKAs.

    Thanks, you just confirmed that the public does not like LR, since you are seeing the same things repeated on EVERY site you visit.

    3)”Sounds like you can’t get over what happened over a year ago.”

    No dear, it’s you and Leann who can’t get over the fact that no one believes that EC loves her.

    4)”Eddie must be a great guy to want to hold on so tight.”

    So is that why Leann is paying EC in the form of trips and shopping sprees because she is trying to hold onto a man who can’t even keep a promise to his own kids?

    5)” But you should refrain from using charity announcement threads for your personal agenda.”

    No dear, YOU and Leann should refrain from using charity to promote her agenda. Leann used the flood to draw attention to her vacation with EC, and that was wrong.

  • CBME

    What’s wrong? Are you mad because you got busted for posting under yet another different name?

    I was right. You got smacked down on US Weekly and then you ran here to boo hoo.

    1) “The monkey wound his tale around the flag pole, round the flag pole, oh, yes he did ……… ”

    Leann? Or are you talking about how EC will do anything for Leann money, even allow LR to tip off the paps so that she could be seen with them just so that he gets another trip or a shopping spree?

    2) “My song makes about as much sense as you do in your posts. ”

    Yeah, yeah we know, we know, you can’t come up with anything valid so you are going to downplay my posts despite the fact that you use my words and ideas and take the time and energy to respond to them.

    If my posts didn’t make any sense, you wouldn’t be here in this thread on JJ doing so much DAMAGE CONTROL.

    So what you are saying is that you can’t feel good about yourself, so you have to bring others down to make it appear that you are better?

    The major flaw in your logic is the time and energy you take to write all those posts to me and the paragraphs you are making to me as POT. Please think before you post because you sound like a sore loser. You don’t know how to play the game so you delude yourself into thinking that the problem is everyone but you. Like you said on FYas KATHY, spend sometime doing something with your life. The bitterness you carry around as the other woman is eating you alive and has clouded your judgement that you make off the wall comments like this one. My posts make no sense, yet you keep coming back to READ them and respond to them. And you like my posts so well I have even seen you tell other posters what I said to you. Like how you used splitting on US Weekly just because I pointed out how you may hae BPD because you do a lot of splitting, only you didn’t know the meaning so you used it wrong.

    So if my posts don’t make any sense then we won’t see you posting on this site again, right?


    We know that you should try to say something different once in a while, that way you won’t have to boo hoo about how wer are “singling you out” because we recognize that all of these “different fans” all share the same habits as you. You know like how all those “fans” who showed up on JJ were all using a HYPHEN. Now waht are the odds that SEVEN “different” people are going to show up using a HYPHEN?

    4) “I know, I will get somebody to bring up a different subject so you can copy that for a while.”

    Wow, CBME represents PR gone wrong.

    So let’s see, CBME sits here and whines about how others are copying. Well let’s see, in the other thread on this site, how many times did she copy and paste and even use my words and ideas? So you see CBME, you are not even in a position to whine about anyone copying when we see you copying on what? Minute by minute. But then again, CBME is of the belief that she does not have to abide by the rules that she imposes on others. So she will tell others to get a life, despite the fact that she is posting 24/7.

    She was so preoccupied posting as POT, that she couldn’t even make her rounds to FY, EB, and US Weekly last night.

  • Winding a tale around a flag pole?

    a) When LR pays x17 and JJ to write fluff?

    b) When EC breaks those promises that he made to his kids?

    c) When People mag tries to convince us that EC and LR actions are cute, hot, or sexy?

    d) When JJ and x17 rejoice over Leann photo-op with EC kids and don’t comment over the big fuss EC made when his wife was spotted with his kids on a beach. What was it that EC said, that BG was not being child-focused and using the kids to draw attention to herself? So then by his own logic, where is EC to criticize LR for not being child focused and using the kids to promote herself?

  • Eddie wound his TALE(see interview from Rachel Ray and custody petition) around the flag pole, round the flag pole

  • The monkey winding his TALE around the flag pole is when:

    1) EC allows Leann to tip off the paps and be photographed with his kids despite the fact that he stated in his custody peitition that it disturbs him seeing his kids faces in the tabloids and that he thinks that a 6 yo and 2yo should not be subjected to the paps or public exposure.

    2) When LR pays EC just so that she can stage photo-ops with his kids to convince us that EC must really love her if he allowed her to go out with his kids alone.

  • Spending the rest of someone’s life posting on these sites is when:

    1) CBME/aboveboard argues that it’s okay to sleep with a married man if you think that HIS marriage is broken.

    2) Leann opens an unofficial twitter account with the intention of stalking and taunting BG. LR goes on twitter and talks about how she is sleeping in the same bed as EC kids and eating out of their bowls when she a history of EBV(mono) and constant flu infections.

    3) Leann posts on JJ under the name of Right on to boo hoo about how she is the victim because BG is supposedly poisoning her kids agaisnt LR and EC.

    4) Cbme/aboveboard gets offended because people have more sympathy for BG and DS.

    5) cbme/aboveboard writes anti-BG and anti-DS fanfic when EC and LR latest pr stunt failed to make the public like them.

    6) cbme/aboveboard posts under 10-30 different names/site/thread to make it look like LR has support.

    7)cbme/aboveboard stalks and harass other posters, sends then viruses, or goes to other threads to recruit the fans of other celebs to fight her battle.

    8) cbme/aboveboard tries to use God and the Bible to protect EC and LR from the public’s backlash.

    9) cbme/aboveboard projects her insecurities about herself onto other posters.

    10) Leann tries to recreate every moment that EC shared with BG, from having her movie aired so that it coincided with the day and time that EC proposed to BG to showing up at a club in Las Vegas and having EC do the same pose that he did with his wife when he was there with her last year.

    11) Leann acts like BG kids are hers and even goes so far as to call them her boys, her family, and discuss them on her twitter page.

    12) Leann pays the media to not expose EC affairs because she wants everyone to believe that EC is a new and improved man now that he is with her.

    13) Leann stands by EC side and gloats as he breaks promises to his kids.

    14) cbme/aboveabord makes excuses for LR behavior. So it’s okay for LR to tell everything about her life, but it’s not okay for BG to call out EC and LR when they are being inconsiderate.

    15) Leann uses EC kids to promote her album and concerts and even encourages EC to use his kids to promote his Hallmark movie.

    16) Leann tries to make us think that EC is in love with her by staging pda photo-ops when neither of their divorces are final.

    17) Leann goes on her twitter page and rants because BG wanted to attend her own son’s birthday party.

    18) Leann pays a pr person to wage a smear campaign against BG.

    19) CBME/aboveboard try to make EC and LR look like decent people by depicting BG and DS as the villians(ie-she knows BG because she went to highshcool with BG and she says that BG was mean, etc…)

    20) The ultimate act of being “mean-spirited and green with envy“:

    When cbme/aboveboard tries to convince people that only BG dislikes EC and LR actions and that anyone who isn’t happy for EC and LR is his wife.

    21) Leann is so distraught over the fact that the public won’t believe that EC loves her, that she stages WEEKLY and even DAILY photo-ops where she engages in pda and handholding with EC because in her mind sex or groping=love and pays x17 to say that they are in love and glowing.

    22) When cbme is so dense that she continues to make posts in which she outs herself as being LR one person defense system. So when she issues and ultimatum and I ask her or what, as in you are going to make another “fan” show up on this site or on JJ, and she does it because she thinks that she is teaching me a lesson.

    23) CBME follows the twitter page of BG and even posts in a BG thread and then will criticize other posters for posting in a thread about EC and LR or reading LR twitter.

    24) CBME/aboveboard spends all day and every day of the week on the internet, and is so dedicated to her job that she won’t even enjoy her own vacation.

    25) cbme/aboveboard refers to herself and the many names she uses as we.

    26) cbme/aboveboard is so determined to prove that EC and LR are in demand that she exposes that she is responsible for all of these “fans”.

    27) cbme is so obsessed with teaching others a lesson that she exposes that she is posting under all of these different names and that she is the obsessed OCD hamster.

    28) LR keeps trying to convince people that EC loves her because he holds her hand and kisses her in public.

    29) cbme copies and paste even though she criticizes others for copying and pasting.

    30) Leann keeps tweeting even though EC said that he wants privacy.

    31) Leann can’t see that EC does not want to be around her unless he can’t hype for his show for it. So he eats cookies in bed so that she can kick him out and then he sleeps 11 hrs because slosing his eyes are the only way he can get away from LR. That is the cost of LR money.

    32) CBME tells us that LR doesn’t care what others think about her or LR she is on her twitter page addressing everything we say write.

  • Ahha! These two goofballs have to be Leann and this guy’s ex…who the fuck else could possibly care even half that much? Funny stuff.

  • Well obviously YOU DO, seeing as how you took the time and energy to post about TWO goofballs.

    Why do posters like you act so above it all?