Today's Evil Beet Gossip

India to Lindsay Lohan: GTFO

Lindsay Lohan filmed a BBC documentary about child trafficking in India last year. The documentary earned her the ire of activists who claimed she trivialized the efforts of those working to rescue enslaved children by allegedly insinuating that she had been personally involved in the rescue of 40 children. “One Indian lobbyist claimed that Lohan portrayed the operations in a superficial light by suggesting that they could be carried out by a passing celebrity.”

While her alleged insinuations might be making people angry, it’s a paperwork oversight that might get her in real trouble. While filming the documentary, she failed to apply for the proper work visa, and Indian officials have plans to put her on an immigration blacklist which would effectively bar her from entering the country.

One country down, 195 left to go.

I can’t help but feel bad for her about this. It was most likely the job of someone on the production crew to make sure everyone had the proper visas, and she really had nothing to do with the mix up. It’s just one more example of how this girl is the King Midas of Shit – everything she touches turns to fecal matter then blows up in her face.

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