Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“Anybody who has a relative or child in substance abuse has some idea of what this feels like. This is one of those worst-case scenarios. It will ultimately be a painful lesson and very expensive as far as time is concerned. I don’t wish it on anybody, but then, you know, look, everybody’s got difficult things in life.”

– Michael Douglas talking to People Magazine about his son Cameron’s battle with drugs.

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  • I really feel bad for Michael Douglas, there is no way it’s any of this is his fault but there is no way a parent wouldn’t feel like they failed their child if something like this happened. It’s a no win situation. What a mess his son made of his life.

  • I’ve turned into a wellspring of empathy as of late. I feel bad for both of them.

    I’m sure Cameron had a shitty and un-loved childhood. In fact, I’ll wager most of did at some point– I know I did. But, you can’t continue to blame your mistakes, failures, and general fuck-upedness on your parents. At some point you have to take a really hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask if YOU are going to change your life. At some point you have to take responsibility for the choices that YOU have made. It is hard to do when you are wallowing in self pity. Hopefully he can find his way.

    I think Michael is truly sorry for his shortcomings as a parent. Parents are growing up with their children as well. I think Michael reached that place where it is painful for him to look at the seeds of despair, loathing, and self hatred that he planted in Cameron. There is nothing you can do to replace a miserable childhood. It can’t be done. All you can do is accept your responsibility and truly mean and feel your apologies. My parents and I came to terms long ago and I have forgiven their misdeeds. My dad dropped to his knees crying and sobbing while begging my forgiveness– I forgave him not because I had to or even wanted to at the time, but because I CHOSE to. We all have choices.

    • I definitely thought it was a creepy kiss too, but you know, whatever. I’m sure there is nothing creepy between them.

  • WOW!!! I thought that was Viggo Mortensen kissing some new young luvah…

    Oh cut the crap–and call Cameron Douglas a wah-mbulance. I’d say 80% of us grow up with shitty parents or at the least some sort of disfunctional upbringing and we don’t turn into drug using losers with no sort of direction and career. This “kid” (isn’t he well into his 30’s?) could have made the turn anytime he wanted. He just was a spoiled turd that stayed a spoiled turd. Too bad he didn’t do the world a solid and o’d and help clean up the planet.