Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Forget Why You’re Not at Work Today

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Remember that we’re living in a country where we’re still striving for equality. This holiday isn’t just to remember the work of a great man and the positivity of his message, but to remember that we still haven’t completely realized his dream.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Really? It appears more often than not that it’s an opportunity to get shitfaced instead of honoring MLK. And, of course, another day off with pay.

      • Yeah, but you’re obviously not the fucking business owner that has to pay your fucking salary while you don’t even give MLK a thought. And of course, if you’re a government employee, then all of us taxpayers pay your day off, along with all the government entitlements that they’re giving out to the undeserving who just sit on their asses and wait for another handout. MLK day is nothing but a forced holiday just like the streets named after him in each city. If you didn’t do it, you were in deep shit.

  • Thank you, Dr. King, for the paid day off of work today. Oh, and kudos for all of the great things that you strived for and helped accomplish.

  • The school I teach at is in session today. We had some to-do’s in honor of MLK our free hour, but we are not getting any holidays here.

  • Ummmm…who is NOT at work today? Everyone i know has to work today,the only people that are off are kids from school because they get every holiday off. Soooooo, who’s been off? This is news to me.

    • p.s.

      does there have to be someone that is black that works in your company to be off today? if that is the case, then i know why i am not.

  • I am at work today and my guess is that the people that aren’t actually at work are not thinking about the reason why. Sad but true.