Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Even Tiger Woods Doesn’t Want This Kind of Publicity

Mel “The Faux-Theologian-Polygamist” Gibson is backing his man Tiger, through and through.

Gibson states that he feels sorry for the philandering phool Tiger and states that wife Elin isn’t free from blame, either and that she should just quit whining  …’Cause Elin hasn’t shut up about the incident since it happened, right?

Why does Mel feel even that he’s got an important hand in what’s going on in the mess known as Tiger’s marriage? Oh ho, it’s because he claims that he took a hatchet to his own marriage and anyone who does that should “own it.”  That … makes terrible sense, Mel.  Or maybe it’s terribly senseless.

Aside from the fact that he does have a valid point — we shouldn’t be focusing so much on a fallen athlete’s personal career when there are real tragedies going on in the world (namely, Gibson’s contagious craziness), but I still wouldn’t want this assclown in my corner no matter who I slept with.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love the way Mel looks in this photo. Kind of a Salvador Dali look, which works for a guy that’s half off his rocker. He’d be a great bartender in a saloon.

  • Mr. Gibson is correct in stating there are REAL tragedies going on in this world and I appreciate the fact that he openly accepts responsibility for his own actions. Tiger and Elin will survive this but people who are being slaughtered in other countries will NOT!

  • Man… He looks like he’s making a skin-suit! That’s one fuuuuucked stach! Btw, mind if I call you “Sugartits” Sarah?

  • There is no quote or link in this article, so it’s impossible to know the context of his comments. While it may not be his place to make any comments at all about Tiger’s situation, you slant them unfairly here. I don’t think Mel mentioned Elin at all.

  • Um…wow. I get the feeling he’s willing to give me the key to immortality if I will trade in my soul.

    It sounds as if ol’ Mel is using this whole Tiger putting his peen into everything as a way of justifying his own behavior.

  • He looks like a vampire. And with all this twilight/vampire hype shit going around, I feel I need to stress that I mean that in the least hot way possible.

  • Although I think Tiger and his wife are both trash, I don’t see where Mel mentioned her in the interview. The part about whining referred to Tiger, not his wife:

    “Nobody is without sin,” he says. “You have to try to make amends if you can. You have to shut up and move on and not whine about it. And you have to deal with it like a man … You’ve just got to accept your own culpability.”

  • Ya know, for being a gossip site, a lot of you (not all, of course) are a bunch of dicks. Quit taking this so seriously. Lighten up! If you don’t like the site, why do you feel so compelled to comment and litter the site with your self-righteous attitudes?

    Everyone else is cool.

    • I’m a big fan of this site generally. However, this post was poorly written. One shouldn’t effectively make things up by taking peoples’ comments out of context. There’s no quote or link to a source here, just an inaccurate summary of his comments. Yes, it’s a gossip site, but I’d like the gossip to be somewhat reliable/backed up.