Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Suri Cruise is Better at Walking in Heels Than Me

Suri Cruise

Toddler and fashion plate Suri Cruise was skipping around NYC yesterday in a pair of heels like Carrie Goddamn Bradshaw, which is only more evidence that this little girl is secretly a 20-something woman. The clothes, the heels, the way she works a camera. I’m telling you, Suri Cruise has more game than most of the women I know. That heel may only be an inch, but I don’t think I rocked anything like that until I was at least fourteen, and even then I wobbled my way up on stage to accept my diploma at my eighth grade graduation. She even looks like she’s got her Naomi Campbell walk down in that photo above.

Readers, I present to you a challenge: find me a photo in which Suri Cruise looks closer to a toddler than a fierce fashionista and I will give you a gold star and a thumbs up.

55 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Is it weird that all I can think about when I look at these pictures is that this little girl has no stockings on? When are her parents going to learn that NYC is colder than LA!?

  • How about that one where she was picking her nose on the running track?

    I’m worried about the effect of these shoes on her feet. You can see her ankles turning so her arches will pronate and her toes are getting a bit squashed in. Young feet have soft bones and aren’t ready for high heels except for the occasional bit of dress-up.

    • It’s not just her feet I’d be concerned about. Heels can screw up the mechanics of leg and back muscles of grown women who wear them way too much.

      For the love of pete people, don’t let your young children wear high heels, unless you want to pay to correct the issues it causes down the road.

    • Good job Grace! Now why don’t you spend your time and energy to good use by tracking down the billions of dollars the government is stealing from us instead of searching for an image of a nasty kid with her finger up her nose.

      • Anonymous, sweetpea, what has it got to do with you how I spend my time? You’re on a gossip blog too. If you think it takes a lot of time and energy to type a couple of words into the search box and pick out the right post, no wonder your government manages to steal dollars from you. For the record, they’re not my government. Good job assuming everyone online is American!

      • I bet you’re some fucking Frenchie living off the government tit. And I don’t have to use the search box. I can smell a shitty post from a mile away!

      • Fail.

        If it means so little to you, why take the time to reply? I’m not bothered by the opinions of internet trolls.

  • I don’t know what’s with this kid’s parents – I know, DUH – but that girl is just always dressed so innappropriately. In one sense or another. If she’s not wearing a mini-sundress in the snow, she’s wearing frigging heels. I think Katie Holmes is not only a downtrodden fem-bot, she also must be borderline retarded to let her daughter go around like this.

  • Uhh, she’s so fierce. If they made that outfit for adults, I’d totally buy it and wear it and skip down the street in it.

  • Holy shit people. Suri is out and about on the street for an hour or so and you act like she is forced to wear heels 24-7. It will not hurt the kid. Haven’t you ass fucks ever seen the obese, banjo playing bitches at a
    Tennessee Mc Donalds in the winter with their filthy, bare foot three year old in nothing but a diaper? Who will suffer more? Even if she does develop foot problems her parents have enough money to correct it.

  • Obviously, Suri is a girly girl. If she is like nearly every other pre-schooler in the world, she wants to pick out her own clothes. I’m quite sure her parents see to her health.

  • I feel so sorry for this little girl, she wants to dress like adults because that is all she gets to interact with. She identifies with adult things because of a lack of interaction with other kids. I understand that Katie enrolled her in some sort of pre school at a Catholic School much to Tom’s dismay as CO$ doesn’t want the children exposed to any non believers, so he wants her home schooled so she’ll have very little outside interaction. It’s very sad.

    • that is so much BS when i was a little girl all i want was to wear my moms heels,her clothes and wear make up this sh*t is totally normal ugh!!!!!

      • But did your mom buy you your own heels, make up and dresses so you could dress like an adult every day?

      • on the heels yes, make up not so much, and now I dont even wear heels, you people need to get over this at least she is not being beat up and living with a alcoholic mom or an abusive dad like so many kids in this world, they are just heels thats all.

  • Yes, this is OBVIOUSLY abuse.

    oh, it’s not? Then STFU about this kid. Seriously. I think it’s wrong to include a CHILD on the tabloids. Don’t you think it will fuck with her later? Her parents can’t shield everything from her forever. Oh, I forgot, you people have no souls or compassion for others.

  • Playing dress up is one thing but walking around with heels regularly when your bones are still developing is going to cause a lifetime a foot problems. I doubt any pediatrician would think is a good idea. It’s medically bad for her and harmful. By the way the child dresses her self with no coats or tights when it’s cold outside would lead most people to think she’s allowed to do as she pleases.

  • I think this is totally inappropriate for a child !! I mean ok we understand Katie is fashionable and love signature clothes and all but a 3 year old shouldn’t suffer from wearing those ! Let her enjoy being 4 or whatever age she is !! Heels ? seriously ? I mean it’s not the 1st time we see her wearing those… and it is NOT a good thing for kids to wear heels.. stop making excuses ! We all used to wanna wear mummy’s heels but just for 2 mins ! ha’s her child afterall..we’ll be sorry for her when she turns out to be the next Paris Hilton..

  • My kid used to stuff her toes into her cabbage patch doll’s shoes and strut around the house for hours. It was the equivalent of wearing super high heels. I had to hide the shoes. Then she would take my heels from my closet and wear them instead. She’s 16 now, can wear spiky heels all day long on concrete floors and she still doesn’t listen to me. Some kids are more controllable than others.
    Has anyone seen a pic of Suri with another child?

  • Yeah, maybe she shouldn’t be wearing heels, but they’re not the three or four-inch ones we adult women are always wearing, and I seriously doubt she wears the for eight hours at a time like I do at work. So I don’t think we need to worry about Suri.

    I love her dress and her coat though, and she turned out to be one of the cutest celebrity children I’ve ever seen.

  • I’m more concerned with the fact that this kid can’t walk down the street without the paparazzi taking dozens of photos of her. Now THAT’s what’s going to screw this kid up more than wearing heels. That and the Scientology nonsense. I just can’t imagine what my childhood would have been like if I was followed everywhere I went and treated as though I truly was a princess, more important than the other children.

  • Suri Cruise is the spawn of the devil and has a 666 birthmark on her scalp. She must be stopped before she kills her mother by pushing her over a railing.

  • Has this child *ever* worn play clothes? You know the kind I’m talking about….the kind that they can get chocolate ice cream and crayola paint all over and you just toss it in the wash and it’s as good as new. Suri always seems to be wearing these overly dressy silk frocks that I would be terrified to put my 4 year old in ’cause they’d be trashed by the end of the day.

  • oh come on guys, she’s adorable! fair enough the heels area bit much but she’s such a cute kid! at least she’s wearing a coat for once! lol :)