Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Let’s Talk About Sex … Tapes

Carrie Prejean — yep, she’s still around — was on Sean Hannity’s show last night to talk about her solo sex tape.  I know the folks at the Miss California pageant are happy that tape exists (a tape of Carrie masturbating for her boyfriend at the time), because about 20 seconds after they showed it to Prejean she dropped her lawsuit.  Ah … the power of a masturbation tape … truly, the power of one.

Anyway, it’s clear that Sean Hannity totally backs up Prejean.  He wrote the forward for her book “Still Standing” and clearly does all he can to take the heat off of her during last night’s interview.

In the meantime, it looks like Jennifer Lopez could be talking about her sex tape soon.  The singer is suing her ex-husband (I know, I know.  Which one?)  Ojani Noa, also known as “The First in the Trilogy” for $10M for violating a 2004 confidentiality agreement that they both signed.  It seems that Noa is in possession of their honeymoon sex tape and is shopping around for a buyer.  The tape — it already has a title of How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The J.Lo and Ojani Noa Story — shows a fight between J.Lo and her mother as well as J.Lo getting spanked.  Kinky girl!  Who knew?  Nobody, until now.

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think Carrie Prejean thinks she is far more important than she actually is. She just needs to go away now.

    • My God loves beautiful women that are comfortable masturbating on tape and then share that tape with the world so all can see the divine design of their lady parts. You guys laugh all you like, but I’ll worship at that altar any day!!!! My God is happy he designed Carrie PreJean and would like to take this time to apologize for Whoppi Goldberg.

  • Well.. I bet she’s ashamed of claiming to be a big Christian, and then having to admit that she’s a big hypocrite instead… Either way she’s making money, and she’s famous, and we’re talking about her, so obviously she’s doing a good job somehow. What an idiot though.

    About J-lo i don’t understand why is is surprising that she’s got a sex tape… I mean, isn’t it enough to see her videos to figure it out? What is surprising is that they’re talking it’s only one sex tape, NOW that’s surprising.

    Fucking idiots, i will never understand why the to do these kind of things.

  • Still Standing’s sure to be a best seller. To be followed by its sequel On My Back Again.
    Which ex-husband for for J. Lo? The not nice one. I never would have imagined that the title of a J. Lo sex tape could lull me to sleep.
    They need a more creative sex-tape name. Does ex-hubby Ojani Noa think he’s going to launch a solo career by putting his name in the title?
    Wait, J. Lo’s mom is in her sex tape ??? (I’ll assume not for the sex part or as the person who administers [uh, or receives] the spanking)

  • Sleaze seeks it’s own level. Hannity and Prejean were made for each other, and you can bet all the anchors watched the masturbator in action, probably with interns sitting on their laps.

  • the irony of her saying she has learned a lot about people and what they will do to make some money!?!

    Good one Carrie.
    I wish she would go away so i did not have to look at those huge chiclet teeth.