Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michael Lohan Subpoenaed in TLC vs. Gosselin Law Suit


That’s the problem with famewhores: They will team up with you to try and gain relevance and stab you in the back once it benefits them. Trust me, I deal with it all the time. There’s paparazzi parked outside my house right now. I mean, can’t a girl just walk her dog or get a damn latte without being inundated by flashbulbs and TLC and everyone wanting to know if I’m dating James Franco again? God! Fame is so crazy and fickle!

ANYWAY! TLC’s lawsuit against Jon Gosselin and they’re pulling out all the stops. The other day Jon’s trashy girlfriend Haily Glassman got her subpoena and today Michael Lohan got his. Oh, this is going to be more delicious than a number six value meal from Wendy’s. I can already feel it in my bones!

Michael’s input is important because two knuckle heads had been scheming together on some plans for endorsements, book deals. Michael said that he knew something was fishy with Jon, because he’d vacillate on his ability to get involved with such projects due to his TLC contract.

Lohan also quickly copped to the fact that Jon had taken cash money (aka not documented) for several appearances and gigs that were also in breach of his contract. Sounds like these two were really close, huh?

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • What’s the old saying, lay down with dogs, get up with fleas? Although dogs have more loyalty than MiLo.

    • Yep, here we go: He that sleeps with Dogs, must rise with Fleas. If you keep Company with base and unworthy Fellows, you will get some Ill by them. [1721 J. Kelly Scottish Proverbs 129]

  • I thought the ole saying was, “Lay down with these 2 douche bags, wake up with a case of the herpes.” But then again, what the hell do I know.

  • Jon killed the golden goose and cooked it at microwave speed – from general public sympathy to lawsuit and divorce in less than a year!

    Sounds like both Jon and Kate better take care how much cash they take in for autographs (Kate), “love offerings” (Kate) and appearances (Jon). I think that the IRS might get interested one of these days.

    And what about the endless freebees that they’ve been trolling for from the minute that it sunk in that they were having more kids than they could afford? Trips, toys, clothes, etc. etc. Don’t you have to declare the value of all that stuff?

    I’m surprised that they never applied for welfare, given Kate’s attitude that “society” owes them free stuff and help since “society” made it possible for her to make a poor reproductive decision.

    Yes, the kids are adorable, but that doesn’t change the fact that IUF is an expensive, high-tech and high risk way to have kids and the decision to pursue that course was Kate’s.

  • I’m surprised that they never applied for welfare, given Kate’s attitude that “society” owes them free stuff and help since “society” made it possible for her to make a poor reproductive decision.

    They most certainly did get state aide for the kids, and medical bills paid – because the babies were premies the state of PA paid for 24 hour nannies just like Octotard is doing in CA to the tune of a million a year. When the big checks rolled in did the Gosslin’s pay one dime back of their 75k a week paycheck, no they did not. With no money coming in you can rest assure she’s going to be right back on WIC and medical for the kids which the taxpayers will get to foot. Nobody really thinks that Jon can make over 12$ an hour, right? So he’ll never be able to contribute any money to 8 kids upkeep.