Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Megan Fox’s Bad Stuff Still Looks Better Than Your Best Stuff

Megan Fox's Rolling Stone Outtakes

Rolling Stone cover girl Megan Fox took part in a smoking hot photo shoot for the magazine, and of course, only the very best shots were used. Now several of the outtakes from the shoot have been released and trust me when I say that if this is this chick’s “bad work”, then it really doesn’t matter that she’s borderline retarded. Megan Fox cooking bacon in her undies, seductively chewing on her finger, hanging out all spread-legged and laughing wickedly… Does any of that appeal to you? Check out the gallery below…

32 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love to hate her. She is so damn sexy. And everytime she opens her mouth, I wonder what her IQ is…

  • That child does not have an ounce of fat on her…or a ‘bad’ side..unbelievable. it’s as if Rita Hayworth, Elizabeth Taylor (young), and Lana Turner magically passed their genes on to her.

    Damn her!

  • What the hell is that tattoo on her wrist? It looks like the friggin’ Dark Mark from Harry Potter! Yes, I’m a nerd. And no, I am definitely not a teenager either.

  • “Now several of the outtakes from the shoot have been released and trust me when I say that if this is this chick’s “bad work”, then it really doesn’t matter that she’s borderline retarded.”
    AAHhhhHHHHHhhhhh! So true!

  • How can someone so physically perfect be so vacuous?? Oh, wait… imagine the alternative: what if she looked like this AND she was talented, articulate, had a degree in astrophysics and was a genuinely nice person to hang out with… I don’t think I could take that! ;oP

  • she’s only as pretty as she is because of her nose job….seriously….just google megan fox at the confessions of a teenage drama queen premiere and you can see for yourself how much of a plain jane she really is.

  • I agree with just about everyone…her face and body are awesome..its just really sad how insanely stupid she is. I’ve seen her on talk shows and she plays this role wherein she thinks shes not hot. Its mind numbing! She and everyone on the planet knows as a fact that she is beautiful and for her to try to feign modesty is cringe worthy at best.

    And her tatoo is unexplainable. How TIRED is the whole Marylin thing. Get over it young Hollywood…find a another muse to tatoo all over retarded parts of your body (lindsay).

    Fuck it…get the entire cast of Night Court tatoed on your lower back if you want to a badass!

    Oh and I love how she doesnt like to be compared to Angelina Jolie?????????? If someone compared me to turn that happen to resemble Jolie Id be stoked!

    • You put it perfectly. The faces she is making in this photo shoot and the way she positions her body imply that she knows exactly how hot she is and exactly how to work it. There are some people who I think genuinely have no idea how good looking they are. Megan Fox is not one of those people.

  • all i kept thinking was how uncomfortable her downstairs lady bits must have in some of those costumes riding so high and tight:)

  • I am finding her less and less physically attractive. She has a certain near-sighted beauty. Looks good at a distance but the closer you get, you notice the problems.

    I first noticed it in her closeups in the 2nd Transformers movie: she had so much makeup on her face that it looked like a birthday cake. Now whenever I see her, the first thing I notice is the heavy makeup.

    Heavy makeup on a beautiful looking woman is NEVER a good sign. I’ve dated some beautiful women and one thing they had in common was that none of them were heavy makeup users. They only used makeup to accentuate their beauty, not to cover their flaws. I have a feeling Megan Fox doesn’t look too good in the morning.

    Heavy makeup, plastic surgeries and the toes for thumbs do not add up to unique beauty.

  • Saying she doesn’t have sex appeal or isn’t gorgeous would be denying the obvious. Still, her good looks seem like the manufactured type that tends to hit the wall in ten or less years, especially with the obvious plastic surgery. There are plenty of other models out there who had the whole ‘black hair, light eyes’ going on before Megan Fox was in Transformers.

  • i think she is pretty but in that boring barbie doll way…not in a very unique timeless way. I think the plastic surgery makes her seem just that, plastic pretty.

  • the great stalking photographers
    the great stalking photo
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  • I can’t stand when people manipulate what I write and illegally invade my privacy!!

    Thanks for changing what I wrote!

    I wrote:

    How about some Canadian Bacon. Would you like to “pan out” some time? I’ll add some more detail tonight too- if you were to provide me with warm turkey dinner, would you like me add some stuffing to the nice moist cavity? How about a roll in bed with honey {for those of you who do not know, a roll is a bun in British terms}, and I am sure everyone knows what honey is! How sweet! I’m not being perverted here, I’m simply illustrating my love for food!
    It’s like when Luke learns the truth of his father: “You see Luke, there are many things in life that you must learn- from a different perspective, your father died and turned to the dark side…; therefore he was truly dead”! From a different perspective, I’m simply talking about food!!




  • My God, they’re still twittering the mushed fallacies of Star Wars in denial of and whilst illustrating their own need for group hate and the sexualisation of food as a ‘dark side’. It’s like I can’t stop learning the truth of society at large and its grim possibilties, a real shock.