Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Suri Finds A Sleeve

Suri Cruise

I know you’ve all been concerned, so I wanted to keep you updated on Boston’s weather.  It’s warmed up over the past few days, we even have a rose in full bloom out in the yard.  With the rising temperatures, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have decided to start putting little Suri in tights and long sleeves.  Expect wool sweater coats and cashmere leggings next June!

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I just wish SOMEONE would help poor little Suri with her hair since Katie can’t seem to understand that it is a nuisance for the child. She (Suri) is constantly snapped either having to tilt her head to one side in order to see clearly out of one eye – since the other eye is usually covered by her hair – or having to manually move that hair out of her way! With all the cute little barrettes/bows/ribbons available PLEASE tell Katie to get one & use it. . . just one! Thanx

  • I am so glad that this bothers someone else. I have been freaking hard for a year or more over this kids lack of appropriate clothing. In every picture, the parents are bundled up in scarves, coats and boots, and the poor kid is in a sleeveless dress and flats with no tights or socks. It wigs me right the hell out. Is it a Scientology thing? Tough love? Freeze your kids to death to make them stronger? At best the parents carry around a blanket to wrap the kid in, but it’s not even close to enough. I don’t get it and it drives me batshit.

    • Honestly, she might just be one of those kids that’s always swelteringly hot. My little niece must run a body temperature of 110 degrees, the child is always complaining that’s she’s too hot regardless of weather. Perfectly healthy, no fever, just warm. I, on the other hand, am always freaking freezing. Sweaters until the weather hits 75. Everone’s different. I wouldn’t worry about her health, she’s obviously loved and cared for.

  • I just wish they would cut her hair into that cute bob with the bangs. She looked so cute and put together then!! I loved it! Now, when she in the prime of running around and playing, short hair and bangs would be perfect because it wouldn’t get in her face and pictures like this wouldn’t happen.

    • Okay, we all know you’re married. And you’re perky. And you have two sweet names. Now, lose the photo, would you? This is EvilBeet for christs sake, not I’m gaggin’ here. Thanks!

      • Wow, anonymous instead of a name..imagine that. You go DeeLynn. you’re adorable and your picture is darling. Comment on the story or go lurk elsewhere, losers.

      • Oh Gosh, it appears yet another fattie has an opinion about my opinons. Go suck Alan’s dick, Mother Teresa.

      • Umm- I am getting married in 25 days – I believe it is my right as a soon to be bride to bask in the joy of gettng married, which includes putting my bridal picture as my email account photo!

      • I hope your as vibrant the following year when sitting in a chair at the respondents table in divorce court.

      • aren’t you a jerk-face. she is adorable. and her fresh personality is sweet. She has a sweet tone to her posts.

        you must be jealous.

        go deelynn!

      • Yeah, I’m jealous. I’ve always wanted to be a blushing bride, especially one that posts my bridal photo on EvilBeet 6 months ahead of my wedding. I’m actually joining the circus in 26 days, so I know everyone is anxious to see my clown face photo that I’ll be using by tonight.

      • you sound like you belong in a circus asshole. And, maybe you are special or just plain stupid, but when someone puts a pic on their email, they can have the option to have that same pic displayed on everything attached to that email. Not just EvilBeet. So if she posted on another website, and put her email in the spot that says “email” her pic will pop up.

        DeeLynn – you are awesome. and beautiful. go you!! At least you put ur name and not just anonymous!

      • Oh and I’m suppose to believe that your name is actually “britBrit”?

        A name like that is still “anonymous”

        Brittany from Britain? Suck my dickDick!

  • Well, I was having a pretty good time reading all the comments that began with Suris hair – that is until “Anonymous” had to spoil it by getting all vulgar & disgusting. I mean can’t we just enjoy posting & reading our opinions without the XXX verbal visual? Why is that necessary for some people? One has to wonder…mmmm By the way CONGRATS DeeLynn!!!!!